I was looking out of my flat window once, and the young blonde Englishgirl who lives opposite, was rushing out to put out her trash before the afternoon trash collection service came. And she is shapely, and has a prominent bosom; she wore a white top and her legs were bare. She bounced, quite literally, as she was running; and she had a red face from her exertions. She was a typical English rose.
And lo! - Satan descended, and wrought mayhem before my sight, and I bore witness to the abominations which make desolate: a young negro, wearing a cap, a black and ugly creature, came striding past, and he could barely keep his eyes off the young blonde: and as he passed her while she was opening up the BLACK rubbish bin, he had an expression on his face, of sheer annoyment that he could not ravish her right there and then: and it came to pass, as she was rushing back to her flat, another young negro, viz, another young demon, with fuzzy hair, came out, and as he dumped his trash outside the gate (he was too much of a lazy schvartza to go and put it in the rubbish bin), he could not keep his eyes off her beautiful bouncing breasts, and his tongue was almost hanging out.
Baruch Hashem, the young English rose made it back inside her flat without being ravished and penetrated by a [censored]: but I looked, and I saw, and I was astonied: the fear of the L rd was upon me, and I had to take two paracetamol with a glass of water and lie down. I see nothing but sexy white women hanging around the streets of my city, and I can only imagine how many of them have taken a black man inside them, and sold their souls to the devil for thirty pieces of silver.
These black men get it ALL and I get nothing ... that is their definition of fairness. The negro race is an abomination. The Anglo-Saxon is using the black man as muscle against us. The white woman is driving us insane and stealing our money with the help of her Sacred Negro. We are being punished for having dark hair and non-Anglo cultural norms.
I beseech Thee, O L-rd, deliver me from this pain.