I agree that if it was a muslim school, there would be no questions. All I know is, that here in Germany, namely Berlin, some parents send their children to Jewish scshools (also Christians) because they still have certain moral values and they are not packed with muslims who tyranize them!
I remember a case of a muslim hospital in Frankfurt. A German had a heart attack and collapsed near the muslim hospital. When nearby people ran to the hospital to call the doctors, they stated that they wouldn't take care of a Christian because he was impure. The man almost died and processed the hospital. The judge decided in favor of the hospital nad said "you cannot expect from a religious hospital that it breaks it's religious rules in order to save your life!" Helllloooooo? If a Jewish hospital did the same thing or a Christian hospital refused to treat muslims, what would be?!
When I was last in hospital they even offered halal menus! So I would really like to know why muslims don't need to respect other people's belief (or as they see it disbelief) if the other way round Christians have to respect even their halal meals where some filthy hoja cries "allahu akbar" above the food!