Those Persians you met, where were they living, Iran or North America? As said earlier, most of the good IRanians have left the country, that is why you know so many of them.
They are Iranians living in Tehran. I have met them online. I actually don't know any Iranians in USA. I have met some Persians in USA and they are some of the most liberal people I ever met. Every woman dresses the exact opposite of how she could in Iran. Really, I am not sure how aware people here are about the average Tehrani Iranian. A lot of Iranians I meet like Jews and hate Palestinains.. They consider Palestinians to be friends with their oppressive leader. The reason they supported Mousavi was he was promoting some kind of reform or freedom, contrary to his old ways. I am not naive, I know MOusavi is full of crap and probably do many Iranians, but they figure challenging the Mullahs is a step in the right direction. I have not met one or two pro-Israel Iranians, I have met scores of them. I am sure there are some mullah suppporters and they have a loud voice, but I have a hard time believing the consensus that all urban, modern Iranians hate Jews. As I said, I have met many Iranian Jews and they never left the impression that they hada miserable life in Iran. It was mostly the islamic religious wingnuts and their corrupt islamic government.
I could be wrong, but at least the Iranians I met sure have fooled me. I even met one Iranian who said he wishes Israel would bomb Iran and push the Mullahs out of power.
I cannot lie and say I don't find persian women attractive.. As one poster said.. Lets kill off their fanatics and take their women. Their women have some manners, modesty and actually bathe themselves, unlike arab neanderthals. 
Well, I can tell you from talking to Iranians in North America, as well as recent Iranian Olim, that they described the situation otherwise. From what the Olim told me, while there was rarely violence towards them, the Judaism they are allowed to practice is one devoid of any respect for Israel. Any Jew would know how painful this is, to have to learn a watered-down form of Judaism. A Judaism in which Eretz Yisrael is absent is barely Judaism at all.
And this is where the problem lies. Any Iranian would tell you that they have no problem with Jews, only Zionists, so as long as Israel is out of the picture, they are fine with Jews. Just like Arabs, Iranians do not believe that Jews ever lived in the Middle East, and don't believe that any piece of land in the Middle East should be given to "Europeans Jews". (Another convolution of the average Iranians opinions towards Jews. The average Iranian does not even agree that Ashkenazis are Jewish.
LAstly, I can tell you of my experiences in Iran, which I visited in my old life many years ago, along with Pakistan, and Central Asia. When I was in Iran, I obviously did not say I was Jewish (At this point in my life, for all intensive purposes, I WASN'T Jewish). When I talked to the people in Pakistan and Iran (I was travelling with a Paki Muslim, which made them more truthful as well), for the most part, their opinions, although nuanced differently, were genuinely anti-semitic.
First off, Iranians and Pakis treat the Talmud like they treat bathin. They know nothing about it, but they still hate it with all their might. The rhetoric with which they spoke of Jews even made the Paki Muslim I was with very uncomfortable(him being a North American Muslim).
THe worst thing of all was perhaps the so-called "elite" that is spoken so highly of.
If anything, the "elites" of IRan hate JEws even more, not less, than the average person. The elites believe that Jews run the whole world, and are for the most part treacherous wherever they live. Any problem in Iranian government is credited to "Zionist spies", and Jews are seen as a malignant problem. When I asked them why they wouldn't just let the Jews go to Israel if they're such a problem, many people had the gall to state that Iranian Jews would never go to Israel because they hate the "Zionist Entity" (Never once did Pakis or Iranians refer to it by the right name) even more than the average Iranians.
This was many years ago, but I am sure nothing has changed, and more likely, things have gotten worse.
Then again, maybe those on the internet are more willing to speak out, while those who are willing to talk loudly are those that support the government the most. Sort of how leftist Israelis will never shut up when talking about politics, and assume that you agree with them and their so-called "mainstream ideas".