Author Topic: Question from muslem to muslem scholar can you eat an infidel  (Read 615 times)

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'Is it permitted to eat the flesh of American soldiers?'
Jihadist says slaughtering needs to be according to Shariah
Posted: June 25, 2009
9:20 pm Eastern

© 2009 WorldNetDaily

The Al-Falluja jihadist forum has featured a new discussion – on the slaughter and eating of U.S. soldiers, according to officials with the Middle East Media Research Institute.

On the organization's Jihad Threat and Terrorism page, a subscription service of the nonprofit that monitors, interprets and reports on media developments in the Middle East, a report said the discussion was prompted by a new book from Abu Muhammad Al-Maqdisi, one of the most influential jihadist sheiks alive.

The MEMRI report said a forum participant who identifies himself as "Al-Maqdisi's Student," wrote on June 13: "Is it permitted to eat the flesh of American soldiers? A quote from the illustrious Sheik Al-Maqdisi, may Allah preserve him."

He recounted an exchange involving early Muslim commander Khalid b. Al-Walid and a Byzantine commander at the battle of Yarmuk, which is thought to have happened in A..D. 636 .

"The Byzantine commander said to Khalid that the Muslims had only gone out from the land due to hunger, and offered to buy them off. Khalid responded, 'It was not hunger that drove us out of our land, as you say; we are a people who drink blood, and we know that there is no blood more delicious than Byzantine blood. That is why we came,'" the report said.

(Story continues below)


The forum participant, the "Student," then follows up with the comment:

"The mujahideen should inform their belligerent [infidel] and apostate enemies of this exceptional law so that they can bring it up and study it at their conferences on human rights, counterterrorism, and so on! Then they in turn can proclaim that our soldiers lick their lips [at the thought of] eating the flesh of their hamburger- and Pepsi-eating soldiers!"

As with many forums, some of the responses were on varied topics, but on the issue of cannibalism, "Abu Hajir Al-Muqrin" wrote: "If we are forced to eat Americans, let's make them into a gunpowder-flavored kabsa with some hors d'oeuvres made of apostates."

Another comment, "But the slaughtering needs to be according to the Shariah," from "Muhammad Al-Baghdadi."

He added images to his post, stills from the video done by Islamic radicals who decapitated Nick Berg and wrote, "Perhaps this is the best way."

The "Student" then returned to the threat, posting:

    "A true story: a group of mujahideen from one of the brigades was in the mountains during the jihad against the Russians. One of them was sent off on a mission; he went and came back, but he couldn't find any of the brothers. He saw a roasted calf leg that the brothers in the brigade left for him for dinner, and he ate of it until he was full. When he went back to the main camp, the brothers saw him and offered him dinner! He said: praise Allah, I already ate! They said: Where did you find dinner? He said: You left me roasted calf leg! They said: No, no, that wasn't calf, that was the leg of a Russian infidel! He answered: No matter, it's all Islamic slaughter!"

WND reported earlier when MEMRI documented a segment on the Hamas terrorist organization's official television network proclaiming the Jews' "favorite cocktail" was Muslim blood mixed withi soda water.

Allow me to add they are like black savages in Africa
« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 08:13:56 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03