Your a fool and like most white people, your knowledge is limited only to what the people who you respect have told you. Whites have been dependent on black people and brown people since the dawn of time. Whites were dependent on the land and natural resources of the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Europe don't have nothing in terms natural riches from the soil. European economic advance and expansion was entirely reliant on the taking of other people's land by force, trickery or coercion. That, white boy is dependence.
Then these same Europeans relied on slave labour to build a new nation and to create wealth for whites; wealth that was instrumental to financing your American Revolution, as well as allowing the textile and tobacco industries to emerge as international powerhouses. From 1790 to 1860 alone, whites and the overall economy reaped the benefits of as much as $40 billion in unpaid black labour. That, WHITE boy, is dependence.
Though many white people enjoy pointing out that Africans often sold other Africans into slavery (This is another debate for another day) but this too indicates just how dependent whites have been on black people : Having to pay and bribe Africans to catch their own and deliver them to you so as to fatten the profits of European elites. They couldn't even do that by themselves.
Then whites were dependent on Native peoples to teach them farming skills, as your complete ineptitude in this realm left the earliest white colonists starving to death and turning to cannibalism when the winters came in order to survive. They were dependent on Mexicans to teach you how to extract gold from riverbeds and quartz--critical to the growth of the national economy in the mid to late 1800's, that, white boy, is dependence.
Whites were dependent on Asian labour to build the railroads that made transcontinental travel and commerce possible. 90% of the labour used to build the Central Pacific Railroad in the 1860's were Chinese, imported for the purpose, and exploited. The plantation owners were dependent on blacks, for more than field labour. Whites relied on black women to suckle and care for your children. They relied on blacks to build the levees that kept rivers like the Mississippi from our doorstep. They relied on black girls to fan your sleeping white ladies so as to ensure their comfort. They relied on blacks to do everything from cooking, to cleaning, to making their beds, to polishing their shoes, to chopping the wood to heating their homes, to nursing them back to health when they fell ill.
Your prided yourselves on being men and women of leisure, while we black and brown folks did all work. That, white boy, is dependence. During your civil war, the armies of the Confederacy relied on blacks to cook for the troops and to make the implements of war they would use in battle; and likewise, the Union relied on black soldiers--around 200,000 of them--to ultimately win the war. That too, white boy, is dependence.
And white dependence on people of colour continues to this day. Each year, African Americans spend over $500 billion with white-owned companies: money that goes mostly into the pockets of the white owners, white employees, white stockholders, and white communities in which they live. And yet they say black people need them ? Now let's just cut the crap. Who would be hurt more : Black americans ? If all welfare programs were shut down tomorrow, or white folks ? If blacks decided they were through transferring half-a-trillion dollars each year to white people and were going to keep their money in their own communities ?