Author Topic: Should Movie Stars, Singers and Sports players be allowed to earn as much.......  (Read 708 times)

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Offline Irish Zionist

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As Doctors, Teachers, Scientists, Firefighters etc.
I mean first things first, they earn much much more than everyone else and don't deserve it.
For example: The Doctor spends years of hard work becoming a doctor, he is well educated and is saving peoples lives. Movie Star probably does a few auditions quits school, gets an early start in life and can have really long holidays and just make money doing nothing. Is it just me or is this the biggest injustice of the 21st century. It should be the other way around.
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Offline Manch

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Yes, as much as market will carry. Government has no place regulating people's incomes
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I agree with Manch. That's just how the market works.

Offline Secularbeliever

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Irish, if you think it is that easy try it sometime.  Most people hoping to become actors end up waiting tables or driving cabs for years .  It is a very tough life unless you are one of the very few who make it.

More importantly who would you suggest place these limits on their salaries?  If you believe at all in free markets you should assume the market determines issues like that.
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Offline syyuge

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Such things are basically controlled by demand and supply. Manipulations may be secondary factors.
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Offline Yonah

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Athletes and entertainers earn what they're worth. For every one of these millionaires, there are a thousand losers desperately looking for "their big break".

The corporations who control the entertainment industry aren't losing money paying these million dollar salaries. People people losing money are the idiots who shell out $100 for a ticket to see a game, see a movie because a particular actor is in it, or buy tabloid magazines.
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Offline briann

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It seems unfair, but I hate the idea of a government saying that we can't pay someone whatever we need/chose to pay them.

Liberals use this tactic to say... its not fair that CEO's can make millions.  They make that money... because the stockholders know how crucial it is to lure quality leadership.  As Obama starts telling banks and other companies what they can pay, the banks are having harder times luring good bankers/leaders, and we are witnessing a small drain brain in that sector. This kind of meddling always backfires. 

Offline Geert Akbar

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If I were to agree with you, I would have to agree with Karl Marx. That is just how it is. They actually made working-class wages (sometimes less), but when actors/actresses, athletes, and musicians saw their studios, promoters and franchises pulling in mass amounts of money from the fruits of their labor: they would go on strikes. In America, NFL players used to work about 1-3 during the offseason just to pay bills and feed their families, but that stopped when the players went on strike in 1982 and a league minimum was established (see So, if I were the star quarterback that was selling-out my home field every Sunday; hell, I would want my franchise to give me a piece of that pie when they are charging $8 for a beer, $80 for a jersey with my last name on the back, and billions from television rights. I say to people, "If your not talented and/or educated, you are probably a useless schmuck."
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