Author Topic: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?  (Read 4257 times)

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The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« on: January 03, 2007, 11:56:00 PM »


An Anti-Islamic party who want to close the borders, save for educational visas from Pro-US countries.  They openly support the Minutemen.

They do not mention Israel on their platform or FAQ, but they say that not only Christians, but Jews (Along with Hindus, Sikhs, etc) have also been "victimized and targeted by Islam." (

Could they be the party we are looking for?


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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2007, 12:14:13 AM »
Curious there is not one name listed on the website. Who are the people in charge? Is this a masquerade for some other group, like Lyndon LaRouche?

Offline Zionist Revolutionary

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2007, 12:26:37 AM »
Curious there is not one name listed on the website. Who are the people in charge?

I do not follow you.

Do you mean the name of a candidate?  Because I see the names Ron Gattner and Mark Bosely who write commentary on the news.

They also have this on their FAQ page:

How can I become a Loyalist candidate?

* We will be announcing a loyalist convention before June, 2007, where we will formally pick the potential candidates for both local and federal preliminary elections. Please email us at: [email protected] and we will send you the qualifications and possibly set up an interview.


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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2007, 12:38:53 AM »
Well there is a message board and the admin has a name, or nic. What I meant is, if they are a Party, who are the people in charge?
I didn't find names of any officials, and I don't mean commentators.
That said, I liked what I read there.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2007, 12:20:13 PM »
I sent a e-mail to the Loyalist Party asking them a few questions heres there response

Hi, our leadership is in flux.  Our co-founder who was not only our chairperson, but a potential running candidate has gotten fold feet, and has decided to just be a silent partner.  I have become the interim chairperson, until we find new leadership.  My name is Brian Nordval (I use the pseudonym Franco Germain for web purposes), and I am an entrepeneur from Los Angeles. But you won't be seeing me on any ticket anytime.  I am also a key funder of this party.  Our initial goals of radio adviertising, and signature gathering will be mostly on my shoulders, at least for the first year. 

2. What is the Loyalist position regarding Israel?

This is tricky.  We obviously support their right to defend themselves, as well as their right to engage Iran, as it sems the rest of the west has gone silent on this issue.  However, we want to stress that we are not openly trying to make a statement about zionism by supporting them.  We are simply supporting any country fighting off Muslim aggression, including parts of Europe, Africa and South Asia, that are currently being vicitimized by the global Jihad.

3. Would the Loyalist party stand for expulsion or at least encouraged emigration of Muslims from America?

Also tricky.  In our heart of hearts, we would like to expel all that follow this dangerous philosophy.  However, this would be next to imposible given our freedom of expression laws.  However, we would like to start by pushing an amendmend that would ban teaching, promoting, or gorifying blatant anti-american Islamicism.  This could be used as a stepping stone to at least treat Islam as a danger to our security, rather than just an expression of faith.  For any of this to happend, America would have to be really pissed off.  Realistically, I don't see the Loyalists getting elected in the first place, unless something very severe happends in our borders, something along the same lines of 9/11, but much worse.

If you want to discuss things further, let me know.  I have spoken with potential loyalists over the phone before, so let me know.

Brian N. (F.germain)

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2007, 01:57:38 PM »
Sounds pretty good compared to most patys running,but he still is a little P.C. moslems must go to mekka
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Offline fjack

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2007, 04:03:30 PM »
He seems to be a little PC for me. This is what I would like to see in a new party:

The immediate move to take away anchor baby citizenship rights

No food stamps, SSI, medicare, medicaid and the rest of the goodies that go to turd world illegal invaders.

Immigration law reforms that will cut off all immigration from non white, muslim countries

The rounding up and expulsion of ALL illegals, including family members that hide them or given them assistance.

The explusion of all 'reverends' that aid these illegals and their breaking of our laws.

The explusion of all people that hire illegals. This will also apply to all the family members who indirectly profited from the gains of their businesses.

Nurenberg type trails for all congress members whose records show that they are enemies of white people

Let Israel do what she must to save herself from the muslim hordes, and I mean anything

A value added tax on everything you buy, except food, clothes, medicine and medical care. The IRS code is too far gone to be fixed. It must be done away with and start over.

A tariff on ALL imports.

If a company off shore jobs that will be taxed at 99 percent of the profits generated by such.

Change the three strikes your out rule to mean, if you commit three crimes YOU ARE OUT OF THIS COUNTRY FOR GOOD.

Free college for students that major in technology, science and medicine

End affrimative action immediately

A Manhattan project to make alternative fuel.

Ellimate martin lucifer king day and unseal the records that we are not allowed to see.

The end of black mythology month.

I think this would be a good start. It may seem like a pipe dream, but one can hope.

Offline Zionist Revolutionary

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2007, 04:27:05 PM »
He seems to be a little PC for me.

Yeah, I got that impression too.

Offline briann

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2007, 04:58:59 PM »
Hi, I followed this link from our party stat counter.

As of now, nearly all of our members agree with the extremist views that are stated in this thread.  However, we have to tone down our platform a bit the long term marketing of our party; if we want to make a real run for the white house.  But beleive me, your sentiment runs deep in our party.

It would be a shame to not have as many extreme Islam haters as possible for our base. This is how we will keep our strength.

The moderates in our country will wake up soon, and get unbeleiveably pissed off at Islam; its only a matter of time.  At that point, they will support us for a serious bid to clean house.


The Loyalist Party

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2007, 05:36:44 PM »
I think Briann has a point, but I also think the Loyalist party should concentrate on local party building before they try for the White House. The reason, in my opinion, that there are only two parties is all the alternatives always try to get the White House instead of building strength so they become a mainstream party.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"


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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2007, 09:51:28 AM »
". . . nearly all of our members agree with the extremist[sic] views that are stated in this thread."

Sensible views, Brian, sensible! :D

Welcome to the JTF Forum.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2007, 10:17:37 AM by yephora »

Offline MarZutra

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2007, 11:17:24 AM »
Hi, I followed this link from our party stat counter.
As of now, nearly all of our members agree with the extremist views that are stated in this thread.  However, we have to tone down our platform a bit the long term marketing of our party; if we want to make a real run for the white house.  But beleive me, your sentiment runs deep in our party.
It would be a shame to not have as many extreme Islam haters as possible for our base. This is how we will keep our strength.
The moderates in our country will wake up soon, and get unbeleiveably pissed off at Islam; its only a matter of time.  At that point, they will support us for a serious bid to clean house.
The Loyalist Party
Welcome Brian to JTF.  I'm sure you will find that, although ignorant and intolerable Leftists whom visit this site mistakenly refer to us as "racists" and the like neglect to research the actual deffinition of the terms before applying them...most certainly...out of context and benightedly.

If you have time to listen to any of Rabbi Kahane's debates, interview and the like you will see that he gained his credability as an "extremist" solely to his entertaining reality with factually correct information and not communistic "politically correct" disinformation.  Had he not been brought down and eventually murdered by those same forces that undermined and brought down America's "Mr. Conservative" and very righteous man Barry Goldwater, Kahane would have held, at minimal, the second largest powerblock in the Israeli Knesset.

The reason I say this is that I feel a REAL, unconnected, "Right Wing" conservative preaching openly about moral decline, borders, language and even cultural decay due to the social engineering/skinnerian conditioning via the media and the collapsing educational institutions WILL be elected especially at the Governor level.  Moreover, at that level, I feel, G-d willing, a Governor can be ellected based solely on the relationship of Federal Government illegal expansion over your Repubic Constitutionally mandated rights.  This has been very blatant since the days of Wilson packing the Supreme Court with Leftist to bring a Conservative Capitialist economy into a Federal Socialist Welfare State comparable to Canada. 

It is my opinion, and solely my opinion, that at the local State level a real Conservative can be elected and use the mass documentation of Federal expansionist violations and the massive, illegal "National" debt, to petition, via factual correctness, within the State Congress to vote for exiting the Union.  I feel with a strong Conservative Christian as Governor can meet with the Governor of Utah or any other to bring the Christian Bible/G-d fearing right into a coalition and separation.  The key is to do it without Federal concent or knowledge.  Arrange a meeting and petition and schedule a date and hold a presentation and vote if possible.

The only way I see to save America is through deeds that are actually your rights given by G-d, and the founding fathers, clearly stated within your Constitution.  As the Federal Government userpts powers illegally, declines your country into bankruptcy on every social/religious and economical platform....separation is the only viable way, legally, to break up this Hedonistic Oligarchical dictatorship in Washington and London.

The last thing I wish to see is America become another France, Holland, Demark, Britian or even Canada...

Be very well and G-d bless..

"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2007, 12:43:05 PM »
Hello all, thanks for all the kind words.

I am positive, that at some point, we can make a coalition of pissed of Americans that will give us the popularity that we'll need.

Are there any patriots here from NY or from LA?  We have activities coming up in both these cities.

I would love to have Loyalist Local Representatives;  and I am sure that we will have some shortly.  However, even if in the short to mid term we never have any active elected officials; the main goal is just to have recognition. Anything approaching 1% for a national election would be ideal, and would help us with recognition. Enough that a candidate might have the exposure nearing Ralph Nader’s Reform Party (I know he was on the greeg ticket too).

It could never compete in the near term with the financial and institutional power of the two parties; HOWEVER, I do think that there can be some VERY interesting long term ramifications to our party being recognized by the American public in the upcoming decades.

I can see 2 scenarios:

1) There will be a relatively slow crawl towards Islamic extremism, and moderate increases in Islamic terrorism and rioting in the upcoming decades; such as in Europe. This will give the Loyalists and our policies significant boosts in popularity, but will also give the two parties enough time to adjust their platforms to include our now-popular agenda. And as in Holland with the Livable Netherlands party, after the beliefs have been absorbed by the traditional parties, we might go back into obscurity, but we would still be influencial.

2) There will be a sudden and spectacular Jihad attack, akin to September 11th, and enough to cause wide-spread hate of Islam.  This may include a dirty bomb or a nuclear attack. If this occurs, the Loyalist's popularity would surge, and the two parties would not have the years needed to lead the population to believe that they are suddenly supporting a true anti-Islamic, anti-immigration platform. Just as significant, they will firmly remember the GOP’s tenure, and it’s side-stepping on issues of border security. If the Loyalists can powerfully market ourselves, we can take the white house, along with a few congressional seats.

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2007, 02:32:11 PM »
Welcome Briann, I do believe that the muzzies will launch another attack, it is only a matter of time. By all the odds, they will sneak in from south of the border. As far as the national guard securing the borders, think again. The guard just tangled with some bandidos yesterday and the guard retreated! What must be done, is weed the army and the guard of affrimative action people, mexican loyalists and muzzies. We must also give the army and the guard the right to 'shoot on site' without prejudice. This would take an act of congress, but unfortunetly we all know whose side they are on.

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2007, 02:54:33 PM »
You are right FJack.

Securing the border needs to involve a complete overhaul of our security.  Somthing replacing or superceding the PC paralyzed culture of our National Guard.

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2007, 10:22:59 AM »
Hello all. This should be the party you are looking for. I am in NYC and involved with getting this party of the ground in New York state. We do have an actual candidate for office here, a young man by the name of Vito Vaccarro. He will be running for either an assembly or a city council seat, we are exploring the pros and cons of both positions, but he will be running. He spoke on March 31 at the UAC rally against islamofacism(yes, I just call it islam) at Ground Zero and I just wish I had it on tape so everyone would know there is absolutely no PC here. He was responding to a previous speaker, a so called moderate muslim(I also know no such thing exists) who was spewing a bunch of taqiyya crap. Vito laid our verses from the quran and hadiths and situations around the world and the history of the barbarism of islam. He was actually being heckled by the muzzie now in the crowd and was even called, "The real Terrorist" by the muzzie. When he was being informed that his time was up many in the crowd were yelling to let him speak more. He is also a good friend of JTF, he is an American Christian, but I heard him speaking Hebrew to a girl there from Israel. We are small but everything has to start somewhere. Anyone in NY who is interested in getting involved please contact me. We need people for all aspects, from something as simple as mundane campaign and publicity work to actually running for office, any office. I am not sure if i am allowed to give out contact info(phone #, etc.) here, so for now anyone interested can e-mail me, if permissable I will post the local contact #. I am also currently looking into state and city laws concerning referendums. Unfortunately the state does not have them but NYC does. I am looking to make an attempt to get a referendum for the city council to hold hearings on the quran to prove that islam needs to be declassified as a religion and classified as the cult of death that it is. We know that this will probably never pass, we know it will probably never even qualify to get on the ballot and even if it did some ACLU type lawyers would file suits to remove it but the publicity generated might encourage other locations throughout the nation where there are actual chances of it passing to attempt it. As for me, I fully believe we need an official "muslim exclusion act". One of the main reasons I joined this party is this,"We are open to all faiths except for islam". Other mostly good organizations that are fighting islam make the mistake of inviting so called moderate muslims to join them to denounce violence in the name of islam, huge mistake. Briann is right, in politics you have to sugar coat things just a little bit, until enough people get on board. This does not mean straying from your principles or being PC in any way. We already have some anti islam and anti illegal immigration groups on board. We are also very pro second amendment. As for the Israel question. Our loyalty is to America. Fighting islam is in my opinion and I believe the parties opinion is our number one priority in protecting America. Israel is obviously one of our if not our strongest ally in the war against islam. I have been doing research into the election laws in NY and constitutional and charter laws to come up with political plans of action. We believe that the current legislators from both parties are not the answer, we can lobby them to judgment day and nothing will come of it. We need to put people in office we know are on our side before they even get in. This is what I see as the main ultimate goal of the party. It will be a long fight but so will the battle with islam. Anyone in NY interested, again, we need help in any way you can help, public relations, speakers, candidates, contributions, campaign workers, legal help, constitutional experts, writers, etc. As for political correctness, to me those are the second two most disgusting words in existence, right behind allahu ahkbar. Briann out in California only got this thing of the ground around December so don't expect the White House in a couple of months, but yes, locally we are looking everywhere and anywhere in the US. We have four months going against over 100 years so please join us and help build or that next 100 years might be something to scary to even contemplate.
In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man. Brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #16 on: April 07, 2007, 01:13:33 PM »
We do have an actual candidate for office here, a young man by the name of Vito Vaccarro. He will be running for either an assembly or a city council seat, we are exploring the pros and cons of both positions, but he will be running. He spoke on March 31 at the UAC rally against islamofacism(yes, I just call it islam) at Ground Zero and I just wish I had it on tape so everyone would know there is absolutely no PC here. He was responding to a previous speaker, a so called moderate muslim(I also know no such thing exists) who was spewing a bunch of taqiyya crap. Vito laid our verses from the quran and hadiths and situations around the world and the history of the barbarism of islam. He was actually being heckled by the muzzie now in the crowd and was even called, "The real Terrorist" by the muzzie. When he was being informed that his time was up many in the crowd were yelling to let him speak more.

This is the same Vito that posts on our forum and asks Chaim questions.  In fact, he even posted about his speech at that rally in the most recent Ask JTF thread:

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Re: The Loyalist Party: Could This be the Party We Are Looking For?
« Reply #17 on: April 07, 2007, 03:46:26 PM »
Lisa, yes, that would be the same Vito.
In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man. Brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.