Dear Chaim,
Why is it, after 6 years of reading Aruts Sheva, (supposedly a right wing media source), I have never seen an article explaining how much Israel's internal Arab population, costs her, in terms of dollars? Cost of all Arab welfare: (food, medicine, water, electricity, etc), cost of Jewish land already given to Arabs, cost to private businesses for security against Arab terrorists, cost of security to government (check points), cost to tourism industry, cost of injuries to victims of terror attacks, and the cost and loss of Jewish life, which of course you can't put a value on. I know there are many other significant costs which could be added to this list.
It seems Aruts Sheva is frightened to publish an article revealing this internal Arab dollar cost to Israel . Otherwise, by now- someone would have written the article. Why are they afraid to publish the numbers?

The Israelis would quickly see and understand, the annual 3 billion dollar loan she receives from the United States, is just a fraction of the cost of housing Israel's internal and EVERLASTING PARASITE, the Arab.
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