Author Topic: Why Ron Paul Supporters & Leftists in America+Europe Support Iran & IslamoNazis  (Read 4082 times)

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Why Ron Paul Supporters & Leftists in America & Europe Support Iran & IslamoFascist Terrorists

JTF Chairman Chaim Ben Pesach explains why so many Ron Paul supporters are vicious neo-Nazis & Jew-hating conspiracy nutjobs...

How they always go out of their way to appease Islamofascist terrorist enemies of America - such as Iran - by claiming they are not a threat...

Chaim Ben Pesach also discusses why the Left in America & Europe always support the Bosnian & Albanian Islamofascist terrorists

G-d bless Chaim.

Online Confederate Kahanist

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I think saying that Saddam was good for Israel is not all that controversial except among Bushes idiotic country club followers. 
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline joshua

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This made my day. 

Offline 4International

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G-d bless you Confederate Kahanist & JoshuaSlater!!

Toda Raba!!

 :) :)

Offline Spectator

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Fantastic video, 4International!

Chaim clearly exposed the Jew-hating freak Ron Paul.

I have a question. Why did the American neo-Nazis rejoice when 9/11 happen? Twin Towers were a symbol of America's greatness and those who claim to care about America's interests most, celebrating its downfall? Are they mad?
Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man, in whom there is no help (Psalms 146:3)

Offline Serbian_Radical_Party

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I am glad that Chaim Ben Pessach confirms my statement that the overthrown of Saddam was a bad move. I am not pro Saddam because he was also a dictator and a madman. I must admit that I feel sorry that US eliminated Saddam and its regime.
Saddam was a Muslim leader, but he did not support Jihad against Serbia like some high ranking Iranians.

To be honest Saddam was specific he was Muslim, but he supported Serbia!
Now US will install a new Muslim government in Iraq which will be anti-Serb, just like US.
Why must US always replace moderated Muslims with others?

Online Confederate Kahanist

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I am glad that Chaim Ben Pessach confirms my statement that the overthrown of Saddam was a bad move. I am not pro Saddam because he was also a dictator and a madman. I must admit that I feel sorry that US eliminated Saddam and its regime.
Saddam was a Muslim leader, but he did not support Jihad against Serbia like some high ranking Iranians.

To be honest Saddam was specific he was Muslim, but he supported Serbia!
Now US will install a new Muslim government in Iraq which will be anti-Serb, just like US.
Why must US always replace moderated Muslims with others?

It just makes me nauseous thinking about what will arise in Iraq now. 
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline AsheDina

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  • PSALMS 129:5 "ZION" THE Cornerstone.
These people that are Ron Paul people are absolutely friggin IMPOSSIBLE.  I hate them, they are MEAN and domineering.
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Offline 4International

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Fantastic video, 4International!

Chaim clearly exposed the Jew-hating freak Ron Paul.

I have a question. Why did the American neo-Nazis rejoice when 9/11 happen? Twin Towers were a symbol of America's greatness and those who claim to care about America's interests most, celebrating its downfall? Are they mad?

Toda Raba brother Spectator!!!

G-d Bless you for your support!!

 :) :)

Offline 4International

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These people that are Ron Paul people are absolutely friggin IMPOSSIBLE.  I hate them, they are MEAN and domineering.

Quite so dear Paulette and apart from being vicious Jew-haters and loony-tune conspiracy nutjobs, they are chickensh*t yellow-bellied spineless cowards too!!

Give my warmest regards and say hi to David!!

 :) :)

Offline Nita Singh

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I agree 100% on Saddam Hussain cos he is a sunni and Iran is shiite and now the shiites are going to be massive and take over muslims in iraq and its gonna be crazy

But what Ron Paul says about the Federal Reserve being a privately run fraudulent corporation is I believe correct - he isnt the only one who says this - this is the main thing that has given him popularity

Aaron Russo RIP (beautiful soul) agrees the Federal Reserve should be audited and monitored and actually got rid of - why do they print money and charge government interest on it? why doesnt the govt print its own money?  also where is it in the law books where it says we should pay income tax?   nowhere.... (see Freedom to Fascism on google vid by Aaron Russo) Aaron is jewish - not an anti semite... - and dont beat me up for saying this - how come all the ppl who run this contraversial Fed are all Ashkenazi Jewish?  Im just curious...  Ben Bernanke is the chairman - i'm just asking the question so pls dont get aggressive on me for saying this - and the Bank of England - same scenario - they print England's money - the head is Mervyn King - another Ashkenazi Jewish - it could be that they're into that type of work and are just better at it and thats why - but that is why some ppl are blaming Jewish for economy collapse - absolutely wrongly - but thats one of the reasons - as well as the Rothschilds - who are the Vaticans bankers... traitors - if you watch Aaron Russo's film "Freedom to Fascism" he is interviewing the head of the tax office - i think the man's name is Cohen or something - Aaron corners him verbally so well that the man threatened him in Yiddish its on the film...Why was Aaron beaten up and harrassed by police in his nightclub cos he went against this nazi fascist system?  He is a proud Jew - just looking for the truth - and I agree with him

If Ron Paul is against Israel thats just wrong cos thats a no brainer...but I agree with him on auditing the Fed...or we're all going to be living in the gutter unless people like him tell the truth on the Federal Reserve and its fractional reserve banking system which is abusing the fact that after the decimal point we can add a zero before any number to infinity - so the debt increases infinitely - some ppl are i believe conspiring to enslave us all financially and some of us arent like that we just want to live and chill - so why should these bankers get away with it?  Thats the main reason people support Ron Paul...

To be honest i dont even believe the Jews are in charge of Jerusalem at the moment - I think the Vatican are - why is the mountain a quarter Jewish, a quarter muslim, a quarter christian and a quarter armenian christian?- and all the Israelis are dying looking after this holy place for everyone else too... Why isnt Israel allowed to just take the West Bank and Gaza Strip and finally have peace and tell the world where to go if they object? Why was Israel split in a number 8 shape with Gaza and West Bank constantly hitting it so they can never live in peace... Why were muslims allowed a third of the best part of India in the name of their satanic Islam when Pakisatan was created and the Jews cant even have their oldest religious spot without a mosque on it?  If you research the Babri mosque was built directly on top of the hindus holiest and oldest temple and a few years ago the hindus ripped the mosque off and put their temple back and now the indian government are bowing to islamic pressure to hold an investigation - slaves!  they shouldnt even open a conversation about it

If Israel isnt under someone else why the hell havent they just knocked that mosque off their temple spot?  Its a no brainer - if they were proper Jewish they would knock that bloody mosque off right now and hit one on mecca too for good measure to show the muslims they mean business

I know you think conspiracy theories are cliche - but Barry Chamish does talk some sense (apart from that ufo stuff) - the Vatican/Pope/ British establishment / Council of Foreign Relations / UN etc who i believe are the culprits have a lot to answer for - I believe truly that they financed the holocaust and the same nazis are in power now and we are approaching their NWO - hitlers second book was called New World Order.  Why did that Iranian Israeli Moshe Katsav give Vatican more of Jerusalem? - I cant see any Christians dying while theyre looking after their holy land - only now they have gone to M/East - Israelis have lost one member of each family fighting an enemy which has been put literally in their houses

Report: Israel to hand control of Jerusalem holy site to Vatican 

I study symbols - why are there 2 massive symbols of the fasci - symbol of fascism - in the House of Congress?  That cant be "coincidence" I believe the same people who financed Hitler are in power now - they put that fasci there - have a look at it here:

There is also contraversy as to who wrote Mein Kampf - apparently some believe another individual a Jesuit priest called Father Steple or something was involved - it wouldnt surprise me - the Jesuits and the Vatican have been crusading for Jerusalem for centuries - do you believe they had no interest in hitler? .. that idiot hitler couldnt even talk properly let alone write all that ... how the hell did hitler finance that army - best dressed, best fed, automobiles everything..... after a depression ...look at alll 2nd world war films and look at how they are dressed... it doesnt add up

This conspiracy theorist word to me seems out dated - so do you really believe the collapse of the banking system was not orchestrated? do you really think its cos of a few mortgages given to blacks with no jobs it could bring uk europe and usa down like this - im no economist but i can see when something stinks ... they did this in Germany and they're doing it here now - fascism rises after economic collapse - so they engineer the collapse... - i dont believe it - if you believe someone is a conspiracy theorist then you must be a "coincidence theorist"

I'm not disagreeing with Chaim - I agree with him about the schvartsas too (dont want to say the word) ... he's right - and I never noticed it properly until he pointed it out - but there is something to what a lot of people are saying and as Chaim has said himself: a conspiracy is simply 2 people conspiring together to get a certain result - there are millions of conspiracies - we're not nuts - we're getting smart thats all