Author Topic: Your federal income tax bill is about to go up a whopping 61%  (Read 3156 times)

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Your federal income tax bill is about to go up a whopping 61%.

    And no, we're not talking about taxes on "the rich." We're talking about YOUR TAXES -- if you're the bread-winner in a middle-income family of four that earns $60,000.00 a year.

But that's not all:

    Are you elderly and living on a fixed income? You and your spouse are about to see your tax bill go up 156%.

    Are you a single woman, trying to make ends meet? You could be one of the 83 million American women who could see your taxes go up by an average of $2,068.

    And if you're married, you could be one of the 48 million married couples who will pay an average of $2,899 more under the liberal tax increase.

Yes, this is a nightmare scenario. But unfortunately it is very real!

We're talking about the record setting $400,000,000,000.00 tax increase -- the largest tax increase in American history -- that Nancy Pelosi and her liberal colleagues in Congress just proposed last week.

We're talking about a tax increase that was being planned behind closed doors by Pelosi's lieutenants in Congress while they were scheming to cut-off funds to our troops and while Pelosi was finalizing her travel plans to terrorist supporting Syria.

But there's more:

According to former-Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, who recently discussed the above figures, this new Pelosi tax increase will:

    Raise the 10% Tax Bracket to 15%: More than five million families and individuals who previously owed no taxes will become subject to taxation.

    Eliminate Marriage Penalty Relief for over 23 million Americans.

    And cut the Child Tax Credit in Half for over 31 million Americans.

Can anything be done to stop Pelosi and her gang of liberal tax and spenders?

    The answer is an unqualified, "YES."

Congressman Bob Goodlatte and Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey have joined with members of the House Republican Study Committee (RSC) and are pushing the American Taxpayer Bill of Rights; a legislative agenda that will ensure that you and I are able to keep more of our hard-earned money.

    We can STOP the tax-and-spend liberals in Congress... but only if you make your voice heard RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW!

    But Before We Talk About The Taxpayers Bill Of Rights...

    Let's talk some more about this $400 BILLION TAX INCREASE.

    Newt Gingrich is not the only one sounding the alarm. The great folks at Americans for Tax Reform have broken it down state by state.

    Refer to the chart below to determine how much more your will owe the tax man annually if Pelosi and the liberals get their way:

    State Avg. Tax Increase State Avg. Tax Increase
    Alabama 2,556.23 Montana 2,625.01 Alaska 2,896.43 Nebraska 2,802.24 Arizona 2,701.86 Nevada 2,924.30 Arkansas 2,462.10 New Hampshire 3,201.71 California 3,331.09 New Jersey 3,779.98 Colorado 3,092.99 New Mexico 2,344.73Connecticut 4,311.23New York 3,657.71Delaware 3,014.66North Carolina 2,671.96Florida 3,039.71North Dakota 2,613.80Georgia 2,743.01Ohio 2,716.07Hawaii 2,716.40Oklahoma 2,560.80Idaho 2,597.83Oregon 2,751.90Illinois 3,282.92Pennsylvania 3,029.96Indiana 2,729.60Rhode Island 3,004.90Iowa 2,777.67South Carolina 2,482.66Kansas 2,862.64South Dakota 2,596.24Kentucky 2,563.35Tennessee 2,611.18Louisiana 2,642.34Texas 2,755.01Maine 2,701.13Utah 2,650.81Maryland 3,238.41Vermont 2,862.64Massachusetts3,652.23Virginia 3,119.97Michigan 3,007.85Washington 3,065.01Minnesota 3,087.56West Virginia 2,428.62Mississippi 2,260.99Wisconsin 2,964.50Missouri 2,824.92Wyoming 3,188.84
    Americans for Tax Reform,

    Press Release, March 27, 2007

    But it won't be enough simply to stop the Pelosi-led tax and spend scheme.

        We must be BOLD.

        We must push an agenda of permanent tax relief for the average American.

        We must pass the provisions of the American Taxpayer Bill of Rights into law.

        What Can The Average Person Do To Stop The Largest Tax Increase In American History?

        You might ask, what can grassroots Americans like you and your fellow CFIF activists do to stop this madness?

            The answer is simple.

        The liberals in Congress know that average, hardworking Americans hate taxes.

        That's why they campaigned on a platform of "fiscal responsibility" in 2006 -- or to put it in Pelosi's own words during an appearance on CNBC's Kudlow & Company last October: "...fiscal responsibility is a key component of our agenda."

        And that's why they're relying on SECRECY.

            According to Gingrich, liberals are attempting to stifle debate on these tax increases by "making sure that amendments to the budget bill to reverse these tax increases will never get a vote on the floor of the House."

        And of course, they're calling it something it is NOT -- a budget balancing measure instead of what it really is... the largest tax increase in American history.

        Pelosi and her liberal cohorts in Congress are actually claiming that the $400 BILLION in additional tax burdens they want to impose on American families is not a tax increase.

        Huh? That's right. They are saying that because it allows existing tax cuts to expire, that it is technically not a tax increase.

        I don't know about you, but if I am forced to hand over an additional $2,641.00 of my hard-earned money every year to the IRS, what else can you call it but a massive tax increase?

        Here's what Focus on the Family wrote:

            "Brian Riedl, senior budget analyst for the Heritage Foundation, said liberals are working hard to convince Americans they're not really raising taxes."

            "'The fact is... tax rates will increase and the government will begin collecting hundreds of billions of dollars... A scheduled tax increase is still a tax increase.'

            "The average tax hike per household would be more than $2,641 annually. In addition, the child tax credit would be reduced from $1,000 per child to $500, and the marriage penalty would be brought back into the tax code.

            "According to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, if the president's tax relief is not made permanent, a family of four earning $50,000 would see taxes go up 132 percent. A single parent with two children earning $30,000 would see taxes raised 67 percent.

            "And the billions lifted from America's families would all be spent by bureaucrats, Riedl said.

            "'That's money that could otherwise go for groceries, child expenses, school expenses, the mortgage and bills,' he said."

        But to add insult to injury, Members of the Democratic Leadership are not beyond telling some real whoppers!

        According to the San Francisco Chronicle, when confronted with truth about the largest tax increase in American history, Democrat Steny Hoyer had the audacity to claim that Republicans were lying:

            "Hoyer said they were engaged in a lie, although he couldn't bring himself to say that. 'There's a three-letter word for that that I won't use,' he said of the Republican claims."

        And Democrat Lloyd Doggett of Texas told the Chronicle:

            "The Republicans live in a world of make-believe. But instead of imaginary friends, they have imaginary demons -- imaginary tax increases."

        But there's nothing "make-believe" about $400 billion in taxes.

        We can stop this massive tax increase but we need your help.

        When we jam the fax machines of these congressional leaders, they will know that the truth is out and they will back down.

            But we must act now! Taxpayers Bill of Rights

            For more information:
Isaiah 62:1 -  For Zion's sake I am not silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I do not rest, Till her righteousness go out as brightness, And her salvation, as a torch that burns.

Offline cosmokramer

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Re: Your federal income tax bill is about to go up a whopping 61%
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2007, 08:09:25 PM »
Sixty one percent!? WTF is going on here. Thanks again Woodrow Wilson.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Your federal income tax bill is about to go up a whopping 61%
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2007, 09:36:47 PM »
"According to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, if the president's tax relief is not made permanent, a family of four earning $50,000 would see taxes go up 132 percent. A single parent with two children earning $30,000 would see taxes raised 67 percent.

            "And the billions lifted from America's families would all be spent by bureaucrats, Riedl said.

            "'That's money that could otherwise go for groceries, child expenses, school expenses, the mortgage and bills,' he said."

Exactly.  Higher taxes mean less money for families and more for the government to waste. 

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Your federal income tax bill is about to go up a whopping 61%
« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2007, 09:37:16 PM »
Sixty one percent!? WTF is going on here. Thanks again Woodrow Wilson.

What did Woodrow Wilson do?

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Re: Your federal income tax bill is about to go up a whopping 61%
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2007, 09:51:34 PM »
Remember people, anyone who actually works for a living is considered by the Left to be "rich" and "greedy", and therefore worthy of being taxed all to Hell.  When the Left pisses and moans about "tax cuts for the rich", they're really talking about you, and when they talk about the middle class, they really refer to welfare leeches, illegal aliens, and other wards of the state.

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Offline cjd

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Re: Your federal income tax bill is about to go up a whopping 61%
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2007, 10:10:03 PM »
Remember people, anyone who actually works for a living is considered by the Left to be "rich" and "greedy", and therefore worthy of being taxed all to Hell.  When the Left pisses and moans about "tax cuts for the rich", they're really talking about you, and when they talk about the middle class, they really refer to welfare leeches, illegal aliens, and other wards of the state.
This is very true. When all is said and done the working poor always gets the brunt of any tax increase. Under some  conditions they may get a break however most of us are not that lucky.
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Offline cosmokramer

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Re: Your federal income tax bill is about to go up a whopping 61%
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2007, 07:22:24 PM »
Under Wilson the Federal reserve and income tax was created. Before that anybody making 600 dollars a year had to pay a tax.