I just had to speak my mind because I saw where his press secretary was saying "WE ARE OPEN TO OTHER IDEAS" about this Healthcare reform.
So, I sent in my ideas..... 
Well, just read, this is just off the cuff, so to speak, not really well planned, but I was feeling a bit peeved that they would so flippantly be saying NOW "we want to hear your ideas for something better".......
Well, just read the letter...it will show up there soon, I think, unless it gets censored ....
I urge any of you to speak up now, while congress is taking a break, before they vote.
You can also acess every single television, newspaper and radio station in the USA there over at the media links on the left.
Dear Mr. President:
Here are my ideas concerning Health care:
I know ONE thing that would really HELP our economy TREMENDOUSLY in ALL areas. That is if you would SEND ALL THE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS HOME!!!
I've known alot of people who's parent's came here as immigrants LEGALLY! They had things to do in order to stay, they obeyed the laws, THEY PAID THEIR TAXES, etc. If you send the illegals HOME, it will take the DRAIN off of our Social Services, Health care, ETC, ETC, ETC and ETC....not to mention the crime rate.. and AMERICANS will have more jobs (do you realize millions of Americans are UNEMPLOYED RIGHT NOW?)
Rumor has it you plan on granting AMNESTY to all of these people who CAME HERE ILLEGALLY! WHY? Why can you not just SECURE OUR BORDERS, and SEND THEM BACK? We are tired of them taking our jobs, our social services, and everything else. Don't get me wrong, I've had many Latino friends over the years. Most of them came here legally.
Also, I am hearing rumors you plan on letting them get SOCIAL SECURITY TOO...this is WRONG WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!! For ONE thing, they are here ILLEGALLY, for another they are NOT PAYING TAXES and are NOT contributing to SOCIAL SECURITY. There are millions of AMERICANS who were BORN HERE, have WORKED HERE and who will DIE HERE who should get PRIORITY. Even the American's who NEED Social Security are having a hard time getting it WHEN THEY NEED IT, many of them DIE before they ever do.
We all know the Social Security System is bleeding a slow and painful death, but WHY PUT THE FINAL NAIL IN THE COFFIN by granting SOCIAL SECURITY TO ILLEGALS?
I personally feel, that you should be addressing ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION amongst other issues before attempting to take over our health care system. The health care is the last on a long list of things needing fixing...
Oh, and one more thing: NO MORE BAILOUTS TO LARGE CORPORATIONS! We didn't want you doing this, you decided this yourself. That was all YOUR idea, not ours. =o(
We didn't want our tax dollars going to bailouts, EITHER! Did you ask any of us about this? NO, YOU DID NOT!
In case you have not noticed, people are not happy campers right now.
Let us see the government effectively manage and run all the agencies which it has power over already, BEFORE even THINKING ABOUT taking over HEALTH CARE TOO!
It makes sense to me and guess what? WE THE PEOPLE ALL WANT GOVERNMENT TO STAY OUT OF HEALTH CARE. We DON'T WANT YOUR HEALTH CARE PASSED, WE DON'T LIKE IT...you said you are open to other options....I gave you my 2 cents.
In case you have not noticed, WE DON'T WANT YOUR HEALTH CARE....no, not at all.
My letter here will no doubt, fall on deaf ears, but at least I did the right thing and I spoke up.
Let me reiterate for you:
1, We don't want your healthcare plan.
2. No more government bailouts with our money.
3. Do something about illegal immigration (no granting amnesty, either).
4. Clean up the fraud, waste and abuse in the already government ran agencies before attempting to take over anything else.
5. Listen to the American people, the taxpayers, the ones who VOTE.!!!!
6. We don't want your healthcare plan.
7. We don't want your healthcare plan.
Have a nice day.