Chaim has said in a past Ask JTF show that he believed Mel Gibson made that movie just to cause more anti-semitism. Look what has gone on with Mel since he made that film. He got pulled over for drunk driving, and went on a rant against Jews and how we're supposedly responsible for all the problems in this world. He also insulted one of the female police officers by calling her sugar t--s. Not suprising, being that his father Hutton Gibson is a Holocaust denier. In vino veritas.
When Mel was asked by interviewer Diane Sawyer about who really killed Jesus, he said "we all did." But his anti-semitic rant totally belies that.
And more recently, he cheated on his wife, and mother of his seven children with some Russian bimbo that he knocked up. His long suffering wife finally gave him the boot.
So like I wrote earlier, us JTF Jews are no fans of Mel, and we have no interest in his movie.
Anyway, I'll thank everyone to keep this all cordial. While we're not happy with what the Church has done in the past, or the anti-semitic actions of those calling themselves Christians, we do love our wonderful Christian members.