Author Topic: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009  (Read 12946 times)

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #25 on: August 20, 2009, 03:48:15 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

I was recently reading an article off your wikipedia page, "Prison for Ex-J.D.L. Chief in Bombing" by Leonard Buder,
published Tuesday, October 27, 1987 in the New York Times. In it, it says:

" 'I have no justification for what I did,'' Mr. Vancier said before his sentence was imposed. He said he realized that his actions had not helped his cause. And he asked for a new chance to build a constructive life... The judge told the defendants that what they had done was ''terribly wrong'' and ''utterly lawless.'' And he said Mr. Vancier had made similar assertions, about seeing the error of his illegal actions, on other occasions when being sentenced for similar crimes."

Did you really say, "I have no justification for what I did" and that you saw the error of your illegal actions? Saving persecuted Jews in Russia seems like a fine justification.


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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #26 on: August 21, 2009, 12:57:14 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

I'm interested in your opinion on the role of Vice Presidential nominees in U.S. elections.     This question relates to the ongoing JTF discussion about Sarah Palin,    Mike Huckabee,   Mitt Romney,  and other potential 2012 Candidates.      My viewpoint is that Sarah Palin had to express the positions of John McCain on key issues during the campaign.       But now that she's no longer tied down to McCain and his politically correct ways,     Sarah Palin is coming out with strong statements against Barack Hussein Obama's policies that the likes of McCain very likely never would have made.      With her statements against the evil ObamaCare bill standing out.       

Basically,  my question to you is what role ( s )  should V.P. nominees play during the Fall Presidential Campaign?

Thanks as always,   eb22.
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


Offline PaulIngram

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #27 on: August 21, 2009, 03:01:52 PM »
Dear Chaim

Let me start by saying that I am not a Jew, but I enjoy listening to your YouTube and 'Ask J.T.F.' shows.

I was listening to your show last week, in which you talked about how the Jewish culture has survived longer than other cultures.

I think it's only fair to point out that a large amount of the Jewish culture comes from other cultures.
For example:
Ideas such as Baptism, afterlife, final judgment, resurrection, Commandments, the ark of the covenant, circumcision, saviors, the great flood, Easter, Christmas and Passover, are all attributes of the Egyptian religion.
Isn't it more accurate to say that Judaism is a continuation of other belief systems?

Keep up the good work.


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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #28 on: August 22, 2009, 09:28:13 PM »

Dear Chaim,

Would it be possible for you to sue Peace Now for libel/slander for their recent video they made attacking you falsely?   I saw the video and recognized that the headshot they photoshopped into the police car window came from your interview with Americans for a Safe Israel in 2001  (link here: )  Same clothing, same hat, same lighting.   They did a real poor job with their lies.   
Any way we can destroy this traitorous group, even if it means taking their money in a court of law, is a big blessing to the Jewish people.  They are funded by various European governments.    Speaking of which, as a related question, is there anyway that there is some regime out there who would be willing to donate money to JTF?    Maybe India, or european country with a hidden agenda?    Thanks.

Offline imaknick

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #29 on: August 22, 2009, 09:49:12 PM »
Would you support Michele Bachmann for president?  And why do you think Scotland released the libyan terrorist who was involved in the murder of 200+ on the Pan Am flight?

Offline ItalianZionist

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #30 on: August 22, 2009, 10:32:57 PM »
  A bunch of loud, low class schwarzes moved in on my block, to my horror. If this happened to you and the noise was unbearable, what would you do..

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #31 on: August 23, 2009, 09:29:41 AM »
Dear Chaim,

I recently received a comment on my blog in response to the Henry Louis Gates video I put up. 

This commenter wrote that Gates has criticized black anti-semitism.  Here's a link to an article he wrote that was published by the Simon Wiesenthal Center:

This commenter also wrote that Gates praised Alan Dershowitz's book "The Case For Israel."
“’The Case for Israel’ is indispensable reading for those of us who are deeply disturbed by the rise of anti-Semitism in American society, even on college campuses.” -Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Chairman, Department of African and African-American Studies at Harvard

So my question to you is what would you say to other Jews who say "Stop criticizing Gates since he's a friend of the Jews?"

Thanks as always,

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #32 on: August 23, 2009, 09:44:20 AM »

   As you're probably aware, Huckabee has a television program that potentially is seen by millions of people.

     About a month ago, he had a segment on an episode where a couple Democrats and Obama supporters, asked him questions on a couple issues.  One was about "cap-and-trade" and the other was about Israel.

     When they mentioned Israel, they stated to paraphrase: "Since the US is a friend of Israel, shouldn't the US be obligated to demand that Israel end all of its settlements?"  

        The tone of that question was rude.  Huckabee's response was fine for the most part.  He mentioned that Israel shouldn't have to give away any territory.  He stated how Israel is a small country and that there are so many Muslim countries so there's no reason why they should need any territory from Israel.  

         Recently, Huckabee took a trip to Israel.  On the recent episode of his show, he mentioned a little about it and showed a little about some interviews he conducted. 

          If you have about 15 minutes, you should check out that part of the episode.  It will be shown twice on Sunday night, so if you're able to find about 15 minutes, you should check it out to see what you agree/disagree with what he said and what what the people who he interviewed said.

           The part about Israel starts about halfway into the episode, approximatley 30 minutes into the show.  So you could skip the first half hour of the show if you wouldn't want to see the other topics that he discussed.  

            The episode will be televised on FoxNews Sunday night, probably at least twice.

           The national media is basically indistinguishable from Robert Gibbs and the Obama admin's press department.

           Both the national media and the Obama admin accuses anyone who disagrees with their nationalized health-care proposal, as spreading misleading and false information.

            It's the media, the Obama admin and the members of congress who support Pelosi and Reid.

            The plan would cover illegal aliens.  The La Raza, LULAC and other illegal alien lobby groups support it.

             The plan also supports abortion.  For it to not cover abortion, there would need to be a provision in the bill that specifically states that abortion wouldn't be covered.

             Furthermore, the plan does include rationing.  An amendment was added in the Senate bill that would prohibit rationing.  Some democrats got the provision eliminated.

            So Palin is correct.  When she was referring to "death panels", she probably was making an analogy about rationing.

             The national media is obsessed with viciously attacking her and her family.  And whenever they interview a Republican, they demand that the person denounce what Palin said. 
Newt Gingrich agreed with her.  And surprisingly, McCain agreed with her in an interview he did with George Stephanopolous.  Stephanopolous kept demanding that McCain basically condemn her and Stephanopolous kept trying to call her a liar. 

   But the national media, members of congress who support the plan and the Obama admin are the ones who are spreading misinformation.

          Some people who've attended townhall meetings have actually read the proposed bill and understand it better than the members of congress.

          Barney Frank recently had a meltdown at his townhall meeting. People would expect that the majority of his district is radical leftists.  So he probably thought that most of the people who attended the meeting he held, would agree with him and cheer him on. But the majority of the people who attended his meeting disagreed with him.

       If Barney Frank's district now considers him to be too radical on issues, then the Democrat party should be exposed as radical. 

         The national media likes to claim that critics of the plan keep yelling and are preventing discussion from taking place.  People should look at Barney Frank's meeting.  He was the one who was doing all the yelling.  

               Nancy Pelosi accused the critics of the plan as being unamerican and Nazis.  Harry Reid called people who disagree with him evil.

             The national media would claim that people who supported Obama's campaign, were involved in the political process for the first time.  And the media kept saying that Obama was so inspirational to people.  Now the media is being a hypocrite.

            A lot of the people who've attended Townhall meetings are being involved in the political process for the first time.  And in contrast, the national media is condemning them.  The national media is mostly radical and it is a hypocrite.

          With the Democrat party being radical, more people are now being open to more conservative-type positions on issues.  Conservatives can't waste the chance to build a movement.

         You know how Obama did favors for Tony Rezko, read about an example of what Obama has done for George Soros:

          You should skim through the following:


           A famous basketball coach, Rick Pitino, had an affair on his wife several years ago (it's become a scandal because the woman has threatened him)  and she got pregnant.  I think it was reported that she wanted an aborted and he paid her to be able to afford health insurance.

          You don't need to spend time discussing the following, you could just give a yes or no answer if you'd like:

           Are you surprised that Edwards didn't try to get the woman he cheated with, to have an abortion?

          If you rather not mention about, you don't have to answer it.

        About the "peace now" attacks against you...

           They're copying Obama, Axelrod, Emanuel and the Democrat National Committee by using Alinsky tactics.

            Remember how the national media kepy smearing Joe the plumber?   He did nothing wrong.  Remember how they smeared a beauty pageant contestant who opposes gay marriage?  The national media stalked her grandmother, who is in her 90's.

Remember how they constantly smear Palin and her family?
Remember how they smeared people who attended "Tea Parties?"
Remember how they smeared people who attended Townhall meetings--most of whom oppose the Pelosi, Reid and Obama proposal?

      So "peace now" is probably using the same type of tactics that the radical-left in the US uses.

      They constantly attack people's character, make up lies about them and hope that people will be turned off toward the person that people would then dismiss anything that the person says.
So they think that if they keep smearing you, that people would be too turned off to want to listen to what you have to say.   

       Code Pink opposes an Israeli cosmetics company that has some of its business in a settlement. 

        So there's probably many similarities between "Peace Now" and the radical-left groups in the US.

         "Peace Now" and radical-left groups try to censor people and intimidate people.  They oppose "free speech."

          The progressive movement from the early 20th century admired the facism movements, socialism movements, etc. that took place in some European countries.  Radical-left groups refer to themselves as "progressives."

        It was reported that several weeks ago, there was a protest in Israel and people had signs that said: "No you can't." 

       It was a message opposing what Obama is trying to force Israel to do.

        It seems like George Mitchel will constantly put pressure on Israel's government.  People in Israel need to put pressure on the government to stop taking orders from George Mitchel and to instead, follow their campaign promises.

    About Palin, I don't think she should have resigned as a governor.
It would be understandable of course, if she felt that she was unable to make her schedule to be able to spend lots of time with her baby.

     Several months before McCain had selected her, Newt Gingrich had actually mentioned her as someone new in the GOP who could be a future leader of that party.  She should have waited until potentially entering the national stage.

     Despite the national media's continual bashing of her and her family after the election, she was still a popular governor in her state.

     But about the recent presidential election...
When there were protests held to oppose the visit of Iran's president to the UN, Obama's campaign opposed sending a representative to the event.  Palin was going to attend to speak there but Obama's campaign demanded that the people who organized the event prohibit her from speaking at it.

     On international issues, she was the one candidate in the general election who discussed the continual threat by those who want to commit a Holocaust against Israel.

       Shs probably didn't have specific policies in regard to international issues.  Anyway, she was forced to adopt the international policy positions of the McCain campaign.  She was forced to meet with Henry Kissinger and he was probably trying to brainwash her. 

In the interview that the radical media kept bashing Palin on (the Couric one), Palin stated that the US shouldn't second-guess Israel.  She stated that Israel should be allowed to do what it feels it needs to do for its security.  She stated that the US government shouldn't second-guess Israel.

   Couric had a nasty expression on her face because she didn't like Palin's response. 
       If Palin knew what a "two-state solution" meant, I don't think she'd actually be a supporter of it. 

      That's why if she were to ever run, it would be important that she wouldn't get an elitist adviser who would try to brainwash her.

        I thought it was a bad idea from the beginning when she accepted McCain's invitation to be his running mate. 

       I think she should have continued doing her job as governor and then if she were interested in running for president or vice-president in the future, she could have then saw what the political climate would be in 2016 for example.

       The Republican Governor's Association should be ashamed of itself.  They showed Palin little support. And they had bureaucrats try and order her about how she should have been doing her job.

        Rush Limbaugh has trashed Huckabee.  Yet, he doesn't come up with a better alternative. He probably influenced some people to oppose Huckabee.  Yet, it wasn't as if he was a bigger supporter of McCain's. 
          Obviously, one of the weaknesses of conservatives on talk-radio is that many of them don't do a good job in helping people find a candidate to support.

        Limbaugh visited Bush at the White House before he left office.  Obviously, he wouldn't have been invited to the White House if he had been a tough critic of Bush's. 

            Glen Beck called out Limbaugh on that and Rush sort of admitted to Beck that the Bush White House (probably the press department) contacted him and asked him not to be to tough on Bush.

           I think that Romney will probably be supported by the Republican establishment in 2012.  It seems like he's been sucking up to people behind the scenes.

            Romney made one speech at CPAC in 08 (after he ended his campaign) and all of a sudden, a bunch of conservatives started to like him and they now think he's one of them.

          All of a sudden, Monica Crowley and a bunch of others seem to be a fan of Romney's.  I don't think they've endorsed him officially.  But it makes know sense why they all of a sudden like him. 

         When he announced his candidacy in 07, few conservatives considered him to share their views.








« Last Edit: August 23, 2009, 02:25:29 PM by RationalThought110 »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #33 on: August 23, 2009, 11:08:55 AM »
Shalom Chaim,

I was reading Caroline Glick's latest column, in which she listed all the many ways in which we should be disappointed in Nethanyahu (which takes some integrity as he was a guest at her wedding) and goes as far as saying he is endangering the survival of Israel, but then concludes the right wing should not turn against him because it will bring a left wing government as happened to Shamir and in Nethanyahu's first term.

I would normally be sympathetic to the argument that the perfect should not be the enemy of the good (or less bad).  Just as you supported McCain last year because you felt that he was imperfect but far less bad than Obama.  In the case of Shamir vs Rabin I would agree there was a major difference.  I thnk the right underrates Shamir and blames him for going to Madrid, but fails to note that he gave nothing away there.  However, the phony right in Israel has become so bad that it is not clear that it is superior to the left in Israel.  Today Lieberman announced he will not leave the government over the settlement freeze.  Yaalon (who I have some hope for) after apparently criticizing Bibi seems to have backed down.  The argument that supporting Feiglin, the NU or any of the honest right wing is going to bring Livni into office just seems like a weak argument when Nethanyahu is not showing himself to be any better.
We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #34 on: August 23, 2009, 06:54:48 PM »
Hello Brother Chaim,

As some of you know, if George Bush would do something I didn't agree on I would call him out and there are a lot of things he did that was important to call out.   But after 9 months of Obama, he made Bush look like a Saint.  He just announced that 2 trillion dollars has been lost.  Yet no one in our media or the elitest hold this man responsible?  I am a registered republican and if republican did something that is wrong I would be the first to hold him or her into contempt.  How come nobody is holding anything Obama is doing in contempt?  He is already on another vacation, that the media doesn't mind covering, him destroying our nation they fall asleep on.  And if he really went to Harvard, how come he never showed any proof of his college diploma records?  Most blacks, especially blacks would show off such an accomplishment. 

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #35 on: August 23, 2009, 07:38:32 PM »
Shalom Chaim

Can you give us your latest affirmative action encounter?

Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #36 on: August 23, 2009, 07:43:52 PM »
Hello Chaim what are view on radio talk show host Bob Grant? Thanks and GD bless

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday, August 23, 2009
« Reply #37 on: August 23, 2009, 10:03:21 PM »
Dear Chaim,

I know it's impossible to predict the future.  But how do you see things playing out with Netenyahu? 

1) Do you think there is a strong possibility within the next 2 years that Netenuyahu will deliver the Palestinians a State inside Israel? (God Forbid)   

2) Do you think either Israel or the United States will attack Iran?  America  will have  30,000 pound bunker busting bombs going into production for use against Iran.    But would Obama really  use them against fellow Iranian Muslims? 

My idea is that Netenyahu is naively banking everything on Obama to take out Iran, in exchange for a Palestinian State in Israel- (which i don't want to see!)