You know what? I'm glad those stinking ugly Muslims are covering theri ugly hairy bodies up so that none of us die from looking at them...
but kidding aside, let me take a position that many religious might take...and any Jew here who is religious, correct me if I'm inaccurate or dead wrong.
Technically, men and women should be covered up sufficiently so that the man or woman are not tempted by the other or think unholy sexual thoughts. In more secular societies, women wear bikinis and men also wear things that can attract the opposite sex...women to a lesser extent have these sexual thoughts so I'll speak for the men. Jewish women shoudl not uncover themselves to a certain extent to attract these religious men in a swimming pool. Either they go in separate pools or the religiosu woman goes essentially covered passed her elbows and her legs, and probably wearing a hair covering. A Burkini is essentially that. Actually not a bad idea for religious women who want to be modest...they aren't half naked which is what religiosu jewish men don't want to be around in a public beach and what not if it were religiosu women. One can say that it is even better and more kosher for a religiosu jewish woman to wear a burkini than a bikini..
but it's not that thing which pisses me off. It's how after the terrible events of 9/11 Muslims have gotten away without being embarrassed or sorry for what thye have done and that they continue to multiply and walk proudly without being ashamed or learning their lesson...that they can get away with these silly inventions of burkinis...ugh..the burka is so demeaning to women covered head to toe...i mean, it's not demeaning to Muslims women...since they are so ugly and hairy...their husbands should be so embarrassed to cover them...but really, I hate it how they rub it in our faces all proud of 9/11 and that nobody has stopped them at their tracks with ttheir satanic evil pdeophile loving religion.