Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles

What Do You Think Of Marrying Outside Your Ethnic Group?

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Manhig Yisroel:
Excuse me, but I a Jewish Zionist. How dare anyone call me a StørmFrønt Propagandist.

If you have questions, as a result of your ignorance, feel free to ask them. I am a philosopher and a writer of immense learning. I am currently working on a history that defends the Jewish religion from anti-Semitic attacks. How dare you speak to me this way, and call for my banning, just because I believe that the Ashkenazim are descendants of the Khazars. If you have a problem with that, then it is you who are the anti-Semite, and it is you who should be banned from this forum.

The khazar thing is just the latest in a 2,000 year attack on Jewery.

First it was "G_D has replaced Jews"
Then was "Christ killers"
Then christian blood in the matzot
Then stabbing holes in the communal hosts..........

Religion goes off the boil

Then it was Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Then Jewish economic control
Then Jews are behind communism
Then Jews are capitalist exploiters

None of that worked either

Then it's Jews stole P*lestine
Then Jews in Israel cause wars
Then Jews in Gaza cause terror
Then Jews in 'West Bank' cause terror

Not working still?

Now it's "Jews aren't really Jews but some bunch of European imposters".

Nice try, but it AIN'T WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Manhig Yisroel:
Yes, I believe that all Ashkenazim are descended from Khazars. So what? If you would hate the Khazars who converted to Judaism, and if you would say that the Jews do not have a right to Israel because they are Khazarian converts, then that makes you anti-Semitic. Why so hateful of Khazarian Jews? Why not respect your Ashkenazi heritage as one of Khazarian descent?

I am a Khazarian, Ashkenazi Jewish Zionist, and I am proud of it!!! If you have a problem with the POSSIBILITY that the Ashkenazim are Khazars, then you are an anti-Semite, and you should be banned from this forum.

Manhig Yisroel:
I am not saying that the Jews aren't Jews you silly boy! The Jews are Jews are Jews are Jews! It's just that the Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of the Khazars! That does not make them any less Jewish! How dare you diminish the Khazarian Jews by saying that they are not real Jews! They are converts, and they absolutely, totally, 100% REAL JEWS! What part of this don't you understand?


--- Quote from: Manhig Yisroel on November 06, 2007, 02:43:17 AM ---Yes, I believe that all Ashkenazim are descended from Khazars. So what? If you would hate the Khazars who converted to Judaism, and if you would say that the Jews do not have a right to Israel because they are Khazarian converts, then that makes you anti-Semitic. Why so hateful of Khazarian Jews? Why not respect your Ashkenazi heritage as one of Khazarian descent?

I am a Khazarian, Ashkenazi Jewish Zionist, and I am proud of it!!! If you have a problem with the POSSIBILITY that the Ashkenazim are Khazars, then you are an anti-Semite, and you should be banned from this forum.

--- End quote ---

Don't put words in our mouths, troll.

Nobody hates Khazar decended Jews.

Our issue is with you spreading nazi propaganda that ALL (not a tiny few as is the case) Ashkenazim are Khazars as a cloaked attempt to delegitimise the historic Jewish rights to the Land of Israel.

We ain't dumb!!!!


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