Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles

What Do You Think Of Marrying Outside Your Ethnic Group?

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--- Quote from: kane123123 on July 07, 2007, 02:33:25 PM ---The child will grow up with identity issues.  Its bad to mix people who are so genetically different from each other.

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I know a few mixed race people and they never had any identity issues. When asked what race/ethnic background they were, their reply always was, i.e:    half (enter race here) & half (enter race here). I think you are freaking out here a bit.

Greetings to you all,

I would like to respond to "Should Gentile races stay pure? I believe that God made white, black, yellow, red, and brown. God also shows the variety in the animal, bird, fish, and insect kindom as well as trees, ect. God is a God of variety and likes it that way, but when He made all this, He meant it to stay that way, otherwise it's a pervertion just like when He made a man and a woman to be together, Satan had to come around and pervert it and make queers and so on. You see Satan is a perverter and cannot create. He can only pervert what God has made. What is a lie? It's the truth perverted. What is  homosexuality? It's normal perverted. So now that I've said all of that, I can now go back to Should Gentile races stay pure? I believe so. God made us what we are and we should be proud of that and stay that way. This is just my opinion.

Of course, I feel Gentile or Jew of any race can respect who they are whether they be Asian, Black, Arab, White or whatever.  Any person who values their heritage, culture, ethnicity and entire being would want, logically, to be with their likeness.  All of this "Utopian" love everyone, everyone/thing is equal garbage is the ineptitude of the Socialist rhetoric which the vast majority of its elitist proponents emphatically do not support......  my two cents.....

I agree fully. It's pure communist inspired and thank God we can see it. It's good to have our eyes open to this Godless system we live in.


--- Quote from: JeffIsrael on July 07, 2007, 09:17:36 PM ---I agree fully. It's pure communist inspired and thank G-d we can see it. It's good to have our eyes open to this Godless system we live in.

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Agreed brother.... ;)


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