Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles
What Do You Think Of Marrying Outside Your Ethnic Group?
MarZutra, you make very good points.
Thanks Jeffguy. I remember these debates from the 1970's and 80's. Whever a pro-black activist group, like the Black Panthers or Black leaders like Jessi Jackson or even Michael King Jr. all of these stupid white liberals (dumb pseudo-Jews included) hopped on the band wagen to protest for "Racial" pride, purity, rights etc. for the blacks. The minute any question is/was raised for whites those same idiots couldn't understand that their former logic was exactly applicable to themselves but somehow, Liberalism, didn't allow them to hold pride within their own being....but always portrayed themselves in their distorted logic and re-written history.
Actually, in the book "Modern Times" by Paul Johnson there is a chapter on the 1960's that produced this hate whitey attitude as better Louis Bodenz' book "The Techniques of Communism" exemplifies this movement as being infiltrated, controlled, financed by the Communist Party and its international aids using the Blacks, like King, to "progress" their ultra-leftist agenda by creating strife and confusion. As one can see plainly today and even moreso in the past....it worked.
In addition to this, I'd argue, as does Dr. Paul Johnson, that the Black population had much better relations with whites, better/higher overall education performance, higher literacy, better social moral/values, better family conditions etc. etc. before Trueman-Eisenhower-Kennedy forced desegragational agenda. Actually, the result for which was the burning of nearly every major city center in the US by disgruntled blacks and their communist white supporters.
I'd argue this too the situation for South Africa. When Apartheid was forcefully dismantled by the "international community": Communists/Socialist block as with Congo and many other examples, the over all standards, relationships, civility, social norms collapsed and the Blacks are worse off today than when they had their own communities and own social/cultural institutions assisted managed by whites.
This is such a molested topic to be quite honest by "Progressive" Educational System, plagairized (spelling) books like Roots, contortions of the so-called civil rights movement, the entire perception of Michael King Jr., Jessi jackoff and the rest into being perceived buy the dumbed down masses as something that they are not. Take the Black Panther Party for example or Lois Farrakhan no one very hears their anti-White racial diatribes nor their goal of making a separate, yes separate, black nation "whitenrein" inside America..... One only hears of the KKK or the "white nationalists".... Again, hate whitey.... sorry to digress....
Let me ask you MarZurta, would you like jews to only marry jews? simple question.
That's a silly question. Jews can ONLY marry Jews under Jewish law.
And this doesn't sound like a nationalistic ideology? Whats the difference between that and WN? Because one law is written in a book and the other is not?
I'm not a WN or Jew, so I don't have those laws in my book.
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