Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles
What Do You Think Of Marrying Outside Your Ethnic Group?
Well now I reported you to a mod. I just checked your introduction post (i replied to it earlier btw) and you go and on about how blacks are good people. Its lies. The blacks in america love Islam and the christian ones hate all non-blacks.
--- Quote ---no. just because I said so.
--- End quote ---
Re: "...I am of mostly German descent, should I breed?..."
The time to ask, is when you're ready to ask it this way...
"Should we breed?"
And the answer is YES.
You too deserve a telephone call at 3:30am from your teenage son, slurring these words "Heey, Dad!...I wrecked your car really bad...and I'm in jail...come get me...now!"
When it comes to love and relationships. There can be no control or limits. When a person loves someone from another race, they will consider it their rights and choice. You can't exactly create 100ft Iron casted gates to seperate different races and even if you did, when people are limited by rules. They like to rebel purposefully. More harm would come then good.
At this point in the world, there is hardly anybody thats 100% pure. I would reckon its too late now.
You may be of German descent, but noahidegentile you are still human?
And breed if you so wish to!
--- Quote ---no, you should not breed under any circumstances.
--- End quote ---
All humans are NOT equal, YOU ARE LISTENING TO TOO MUCH LIBERAL PROPAGANDA. read my other post in this forum, about the jews being the master race.
Sarah, how about you go to Al Sharpton's forum and beign posting there about the blacks being superior above all else. hell, you can take Mack-Satanist-B with you. But as for us, we will stay on JTF and fight the descendents of Ham and we shall win!
However, you two seem to want to get on your knees whenever you are in a dark room and see floating teeth and eyes around. You are a disgrace to this website, I should say.
Nic Brookes:
--- Quote from: NoahideGentile on April 14, 2007, 09:01:59 AM ---You are a disgrace to this website, I should say.
--- End quote ---
Says the person who will give JTF a bad name by not encouraging people to sympathise with our views, but instead proclaiming them. We WILL get classed as racists and extremists with that attitude.
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