Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles

What Do You Think Of Marrying Outside Your Ethnic Group?

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What was written earlier about converts being looked down upon was incorrect; in fact the opposite is true.  As R' Meir Kahane said "a convert is just as Jewish as Kahane."  The great Joshua's wife was a convert and an ex prostitute nonetheless, but she made a since conversion and repented sincerely.   

Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
the poster Askenazi is full of S**t. I dont believe what he has wrote. True converts are discouraged, but arent treated bad or looked down upon by orthodox Jews and even more soo Rabbis. Theirs a special Commandment to be extra careful (not to hurt them) with converts just like it is with Widows and Orphans. One is not even allowed to put down the nation of a convert in front of him - ex- If a Frenchman converts- you cant call frenchmen wossies- becuase even if you think it wont hurt him, deep down it still might becuase thats where he came from.

White Israelite:
you are free to do what you want, I promote being separate however.

Wayne Jude:
Yes! ;) :)

Again...the idiot that started this thread was a Nazi Stormfronter...


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