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Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« on: June 08, 2009, 06:11:27 AM »
By Nadav Shragai
Ha'aretz Correspondent

The Islamic Movement in Israel has a master plan to build a fourth mosque on the eastern side of the Temple Mount, according to a detailed report prepared by security officials concerning how the Waqf (Islamic religious trust) and the Islamic Movement envision the holy site. The construction of the mosque is a long-term plan which is currently only in the discussion stage, unlike the other plans outlined in the report.

Raid Salah, one of the heads of the Islamic Movement, told Ha'aretz that the entire area of the Temple Mount is an inseparable and integral part of the Al Aqsa Mosque. Salah denied the movement's intentions to build a fourth mosque on the site.

The plans of the Waqf and the Islamic Movement for the Temple Mount include replacing the door of the Mugrabi gate with an iron gate and digging in the area nearby; digging in an extensive area along the eastern wall of the Temple Mount, digging in the area above the hand-washing facility in the area of Bab Al Houta; digging on the slope leading to the new gates constructed in Solomon's Stables to prevent the seepage of rainwater into the mosque; and replacing the old entrance into Solomon's Stables, from the direction of the Al Aqsa mosque, turning it into an emergency exit, after the new gate has been turned into the main entrance.

The Committee for the Prevention of Damage to Antiquities on the Temple Mount - a non-partisan body comprised of members representing a range of political views - is calling on the prime minister to order the Waqf and heads of the Muslim community to declare a freeze on the current situation of the Temple Mount and define a new status quo.

In a statement published Friday by the group, the organization said that if the Waqf carries out all its plans for the holy site, the face of the mount will be completely altered, let alone the damage caused to antiquities at the site.

The body wants a permanent inspector from the Antiquities Authority stationed at the site and an end to building materials being brought onto the mount and soil being dug out of it. In addition, the organization demands that the site be opened and freely available to the Israeli and international media so as to "prevent the Waqf from hiding information on the going-ons at the site."

Jerusalem police commander Yair Yitzhaki told the Knesset Education Committee a few months back that the Waqf has six separate building plans prepared for the Temple Mount, but refused to go into details.

An appeal to the District Court by Yehuda Etzion of the Hai Vekayam movement that demanded the Waqf reveal their plans for the site on the basis of the Freedom of Information Act met with the state's refusal since the information was considered secret. The court is yet to decide whether to force the government to publish the Waqf's blueprints.   >:(

Offline Hyades

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 06:20:55 AM »
I found this here:
Arabs Building a 5th Mosque on the Temple Mount
As a continuation to the information which we have already supplied about the destruction being caused by the Arabs on the Temple Mount, we can now inform you that, according to the security authorities who informed the government of Israel, the Arabs on the Temple Mount, together with the Islamic Movement in Israel, are now busy, not only with destroying the remains of the First and Second Temples, but also with the building a new mosque on the Temple Mount along the eastern wall. (2 other mosques were built on the southern side of the Temple Mount over the last 2 years.) According to these sources, the Waqf also have further plans to make changes on the Temple Mount such as removing the western gate and replacing it with an iron gate and adding roofs in many places. All these activities show very clearly that their plan is to make most of the Temple Mount into an area of one great mosque.

This is a part of their intensive destruction and building plan to remove the Jewish identity of the Temple Mount and make the holy site of G-d a place of foreign, pagan, Islamic worship. As we have said, through these activities they are trying to stop the plans of the G-d of Israel and His followers in Israel to rebuild the temple as a practical part of the life of this generation. This is the most terrible destruction that has occurred on the holy hill of G-d in Jerusalem since the destruction of the Second Temple. It is a shame for the authorities in Israel and all over the world that they have not done everything to immediately stop it.

As we said in our last update, The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement is acting intensively and doing everything to immediately stop this destruction. Yesterday (21.06.00) the Movement made an urgent petition to the Supreme Court of Israel. In the petition the Movement asked the Supreme Court to order the Government of Israel to immediately stop this anti-godly and illegal destruction and building which is a terrible desecration of the most holy place of the Jewish people and all the earth; the place which is the heart and soul and the focus of the Jewish people and all the world. The petition also asked that those who are responsible for the activities be urgently arrested and immediately institute legal proceedings against them. The petition states that this barbaric destruction is a shame for everyone in Israel and all the world.

As a result of the campaign by the Temple Mount Faithful, Knesset members visited the Temple Mount yesterday to see what was being done there and how to react to it. The Arabs on the Temple Mount did not allow them to see some of the areas of the Temple Mount because they wanted to hide what they had done over the last 2 years and what they are now doing. After the visit, the members of Knesset stated that they were deeply shocked to see the terrible destruction and illegal building operations and that they could not even have imagined how terrible the situation actually is. They also warned of the weakness and fear of the Israeli Authorities to do anything to stop the situation and that they felt great shame and deep sadness. The head of the Antiquities Authority of Israel, Amir Drory, also stated his shock and that of his department and voiced a severe warning with regard to this destruction and building. He stated that his department, and nobody else, can control what is being done on the Temple Mount and that the destruction has destroyed important remains from the temple. He also said that these activities have also damaged an important wall on the south-eastern part of the Temple Mount which remained from the temple times and no one can even ascertain the extent of the damage and whether they are continuing to damage it as they do not allow anyone to see what they are doing there.

Nobody can understand the weakness and fear of the Israeli Authorities of Arab and international anti-Israeli reaction if they do what they have to do to stop this work and not allow them to continue this barbaric destruction and enforce Israel law which absolutely forbids any activities like this and any changes on the Temple Mount. This weakness and inability of the Israeli Government to act against the Arab Islamic enemies of Israel on the Temple Mount and against her enemies which surround her in the Middle East and their international allies is causing concern amongst the Israeli population. This weakness encourages Israel's enemies to continue these activities on the Temple Mount.

The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement is now undertaking an intensive public campaign and demonstrations against these terrible activities and the weakness of the Israeli Authorities. We are doing everything by all the legal means at our disposal to immediately stop these activities and to remove the Arab presence and their vandalism from the Temple Mount and to transfer the responsibility, management and total control of the Temple Mount to the Israeli Government which has sovereignty over the Temple Mount but until has not had the strength to enforce it on the most holy place of Israel and all the world. All these activities are undertaken by the Movement as messengers of the Israeli people and many others all over the world who have G-d in their hearts and to whom the holy site of G-d is dear. We know very clearly that throughout the history of the Temple Mount and the land of Israel the enemies of Israel, including the biggest powers in the world who destroyed the temple, built their pagan shrines on the Temple Mount and thought that they could fight against the G-d of Israel and His prophetic plans for the people and land of Israel. They were severely judged by G-d and completely disappeared from the world stage. The same will be the fate of the Islamic Arab enemies of the G-d and people of Israel. Soon all their illusions will be shattered when G-d comes to judge and punish them. They have no chance to stop the prophetic end-time plans of G-d for Israel, on the Temple Mount , Jerusalem and all the land of Israel.

At the same time, all of us have a deep responsibility to do everything to stop and prevent these anti-godly activities on the Temple Mount. G-d and the history which He leads expects us to do this immediately.

So explain me one thing: If they always say they believed in the same G-d as we do, so why do they remove anything that remains his temple!? Shouldn't they preserve it and keep it as a sanctuary since it is part of HIS house and dwelling?! Just see - another prove for them to wipe out the light of G-d and to make the Temple Mount more and more a place of the dev*l!  >:(

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2009, 01:16:02 AM »
What a horrible outrage! Evil has taken root in Israel for sure....the muslims are taking it apart bit by bit and the worst part is no one is stopping them.

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2009, 06:21:09 PM »
These Muslims are nuts.
How many mosques do they really need at the Temple Mount?

It's their primitive mentality that by building bigger more imposing mosques they are somehow overpowering their enemies.

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2009, 09:44:59 PM »
This is VERY wrong! All religions need to UNITE and put a stop and end to this! I don't understand HOW they are able to get away with this, where is the outrage from ALL non muzzies? >:(
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Offline Hyades

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2009, 03:08:53 AM »
I think that in their opinion every single mosque on the TM makes it more difficult to re-erect the old Temple. And this is true. If we knocked down ONE mosque, there would be protests, with 2 mosques, there would be worldwide protests, with 3 mosques being knocked down, there would be terror attacks and with every single mosque more than that the risk of even WAR would increase! But WE do not need to wipe them from the TM. When the time comes they will be wiped away by a devine power that will unite all believers and fidels on TM and wipe the enemies of the believers out of the region and the world! The very first will be the camel sons, sorry I mean Arabs. Poor camels are much too useful to compare them with Arabs.

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2009, 08:30:41 AM »
When I see mosque for me it is symbol of genocide against my Serb people.
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2009, 10:22:05 AM »
They want to show their evil power with building mosques. They want to show who the cheff in Israel is. If no one will do something against it then Israel will see who the real cheff is, Islam!

Offline Yaacov Ben Yehuda

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #8 on: August 20, 2009, 08:23:51 PM »
i'd like to see them try...the [censored] will hit the fan

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2009, 10:38:51 AM »
Israel needs to be a Jewish state not a state of Jews. This is just sickning I guess that the Israeli govt will give building premets to the muslims but not to Jews in Beit El who want to build a Kindergarden. Just makes you sick. Israel needs to be saved.
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2009, 11:49:55 AM »
Great because we need another toilet.

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2009, 08:38:33 PM »
Great because we need another toilet.
Great idea :::D
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #12 on: September 24, 2009, 06:30:53 PM »
The muslim world is exhilarated by Obama's Presidency.  They feel they are getting closer to global domination, I'm sure of this. If they build this close to the temple Mount, there will be more violence!!!!!! I was amazed Sunday at my church that the guest speaker was Fouad Masri who is a Christian minister.

He has formed the Crescent Project.  Hope worth sharing.      He spoke to us on the teachings of Jesus and the bible, and that Jesus is the true Messiah, there is no other.  He is trying to reach out to Muslims, who have been lied too.    He told all Americans to wake up and quit drinking cool-aid and listening to Rock and roll and living in a fog, because he says Islam wants to kill you.  You could have heard a pin drop it was so quiet.  There are muslims out there who know the truth and are telling others.  He totally supports Israel too.  I tell you it was a real eye-opener.  He was handing out the New Testament in Arabic, and English.  The front says Is the Injeel Corrupted.  My search for the Truth about the New Testament.  Please pass this on to Chaim.

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2009, 08:07:58 AM »
 :dance: YAY another Mosque. I'm so happy I can puke!  :dance:

Offline Hyades

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Re: Islamic Movement planning 4th mosque for Temple Mount
« Reply #14 on: September 27, 2009, 02:43:22 PM »
No matter how many giant zits they put on the Temple Mount, they can't erase the historic Jewish tie to Israel or remove the fact that the Temple was there first.  The more they put up, the more will come down.
Islamic tactics has always been the same: Wiping out what was there before Islam so that people forget about the past and they only have Islam left to lean on!
Why are Turks, Iranians or Pakis nothing more but cheap clones of Arabs? Because their initial cultures were wiped out and Islam dominates in a way that people blindly follow the worst style of Islamic fanatism there!!! Why does Iran allow to kill Baha'i or Zoroastrians without being punished? Because it is the only threat for islam. Once people start to go back to their root, Islam would vanish rapidly from all these countries!