So when you say "Christian identity" do you mean fools who are loud mouth morons who although claim to be a "Christian" never have read the Torah or Gospels of Jesus Christ? Because ANYONE who is antisemitic and claims to be a "Christian" is either illiterate or hasn't the slightest idea of what Christianity is.
What is so funny is how "Christianity" has become so distinct from Judaism; it really is Judaism except for one fact and one alone--Christians believe Jesus was/is the Messiah from the Torah. But ignorant Christians don't understand that and think well if the Jews killed Jesus (a Jew) then they must be bad!
When you see Jews who say they have converted from Judaism to Christianity and stop observing what Jews are suppose to observe, that is incorrect. Jesus, Paul, Matthew, and Mark were observant Jews. I know Chaim said they "left Judaism" and were assimilated but in my opinion it was only Matthew that was self-hating before he met Jesus. Although Jesus once was doing work on the Sabbath He made it very clear, He did not come to change the law and even criticized the Pharisees for not executing certain people for beating their parents while on the other hand stoning people who broke from the required dietary laws. He was not saying don't have dietary laws just don't be extreme hypocrites about important matters and not fulfill the Law (executing people who beat their parents with a blunt object) while at the same time being extremely strict concerning other issues.
Most Christians try and convert Jews or think Jesus is the only way for ALL people. The one group of people Christians should not proselytize to in my opinion and who, according to the New Testament and all the past covenants with God, do not need to believe in Jesus are observant Jews. In fact, I personally think trying to convert a Jew to Christianity is like playing with fire. They have already "broken break" with God many a times. Gentiles on the other hand do need a savior.