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Ask JTF for Sunday, September 20, 2009
Shalom Chaim,
Thanks so much for going the extra mile last week and redoing your show. Professional that you are, one would never have guessed that you had been through all the questions once before. It was as fresh and fun as always. Thanks.
Here is this week’s Eric Hoffer quote:
“The sick in soul insist that it is humanity that is sick, and they are the surgeons to operate on it. They want to turn the world into a sickroom. And once they get humanity strapped to the operating table, they operate on it with an ax.”
—The Passionate State of Mind (1955)
Here are my questions for this week.
1) What countries, if any, do you think are Israel’s best allies? It seems that countries and governments aren’t always the same thing. (For example, the majority of American people is pro-Israel, but the government is not.) Similarly, it would seem that Israel should make efforts to increase ties with other countries that are despised by the UN like Taiwan, Honduras, Columbia, and India. What do you think?
2) I read that only about 10% of the so-called stimulus has been spent. What are they waiting for? Are Obama and the Democrats waiting so that they can use the money a few months before election time to give the false impression that the economy is turning around, as so save their skins for another term? Likewise, is that why they say that if passed, Obamacare wouldn’t go into effect until 2012?
3) If, chas v’chalila, you were stranded on an uninhabited, tropical island and you had to pick between being stranded with Michelle Obama, Ophra Winfrey, Whoopie Goldberg, or Venus and Serena Williams, who would you choose?
Thanks and Chazak v’emahtz!
Kahane-Was-Right BT:
Dear Chaim,
I was reading on ....
Dear Chaim,
first of all - thank you for your illuminating and provocative thoughts last week. A blast as always.
My question:
In your eyes, is there a meaningful distinction between "anti-Semite" and "Nazi"? I recently had an argument with a self hating, whining, Joe Lieberman piece of Drek, in which I contended that Jimmy Carter is an out and out Nazi who wants to see Israel destroyed and all Jews murdered. The piece of excrement with whom I argued said (in a nasal, whining kike voice) "Nooo! Carter's not a Naaaazi! How can you say thaaat!? He's not even an anti-Semite!" I told this jerk that he is a moron, and were it up to Jimmy Carter, he and his whole family would be showering with Zyklon-B.
What are your thoughts about these terms? I can't wait for Carter to croak so HaShem can send him to roast in Gehenom. Yemach Shemo ve Zichro.
Long live JTF and our valiant, heroic leader, Chaim ben Pesach. Ata behemet Gibor, Chaim. Ani omer todah l'Hashem she yesh lanu Manhig kamocha. Tiyeh Bari ve Shana Tova!
PS I was rear-ended yesterday on my way to work in Wellesley, Ma. I wonder if the fabulous members of our forum can guess the race of the driver?!
Dear Chaim, do you think there are anti obama members of the intelligence community in Washington D.C. that are watching him?
If he is being watched how can they prevent him from giving away top secret defense information to our enemies?
One other question if I may.... Chaim, do you think it is possible to deprogram leftist Jews that have been brainwashed by evil leftist propanganda?
Thank you and may G-d Bless you
Shalom Chaim.
I'm Jay-d (JewDefance!).
I was only a reader up until now, but after this, I HAD to register man.
have you SEEN this vile afro-beast called "kanye west"?
there's nothing western about this tar baby, let me tell you that.
First, if you don't know what I'm talking about, have a look at this:
this human excrement, this lousy excuse of a "performer",
went UP on stage, AS the lovely southern bell, taylor swift (who's still only a child)
and GRABBED the microphone from her hand, WHILE she was accepting an award, thus defiling her shining moment of joy,
only to shout (these jungle bunnies can't talk in a civil tone) something about
how his black big-donkey cow friend, beyonce's video, is really the best video out there.
the poor country girl was mortified by this hideous ape,
when I saw it on tv, I swear I was fantasizing about
what it would feel like, raining blows on this A-hole!
You see Chaim? he thinks that a bunch of black sluts shaking their fat cellulite donkeys in tights,
has much more quality, than a white wholesome music video like taylor's.
I would love to hear your opinion about this.
why are we allowing these black baboons destroy our culture time after time?
I envy you Chaim, you got to live in the 50's and 60's,
A time when those beasts knew their place, and white people were there to remind them.
this world is going to hell in a hand basket, if we don't start to weak up.
Hey! have a שנה טובה Chaim,
I'm hooked on your shows, keep up the good job.
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