I fell over this site clicking the link of a link of a link!
http://www.gaypatriot.net/category/islamic-war-on-gays/Even the fags become bitchy of Obama and it seems they feel betrayed by him since many of them seem to have voted for him. However I thought reading through the comments I would find a lot of "Obama is great"comments. Nothing!
And there was one very important statement done which I even appreciated, though coming from a fag:
"He left out a lot of history in his “professorial” (according to the SRM) auto-fellatio. He could have made more of a message about women’s rights. He could have mentioned that Palestine has no claim to Israel. He could have mentioned a little bit o’ history of the Grand Mufti al-Husseini. He could have mentioned the millions of Muslims we’ve fed and freed from tyranny over the years.
There was a whole lot of history he could have spoken about. However, he chose to trash America and pander to the ME like a naive buffoon.
And the State Run Media swoons.
Comment by ThatGayConservative — June 5, 2009 @ 1:43 am - June 5, 2009"And it is true. Leftist media always bashes the West - as Obama does - and no one mentions how the West tried and IS STILL trying to help the miserable Muslims out of the sh*t they stick in!