Obama is not a naturally born american Hitler was not a naturally born german
He was born in Kenya He was born in Austria
Obama came to power in an economic Hitler came to power in an economic
Crisis by democratic elections crisis by democratic elections
Obama was funded to a large extent by Hitler was funded to a large extent by foreigners
foreigners ( arabians) ( anglo-americans)
Obama told the Americans to solve all Hitler told the germans to solve all their problems
their problems
Obama installed a central-planning Hitler installed a central-planning
socialist economy socialist economy
Obama believes in black supremacy Hitler believed in aryan supremacy
Obama is a muslimlover Hitler was a muslimlover
Obama promotes the slaughtering Hitler promoted the slaughtering
of unborn babys of jews and opponents
Obama is a liar and betrays the Hitler was a liar and betrayed
american people the german people
Obama will ruin America Hitler ruined Germany