Actually, I thought you considered me too young. I honestly didn’t believe there to be a broader meaning and if I was older, even when I am, I would marry you. Inadequate socially?! In fact, this post makes me want to marry you more but I understand what you mean about it being depressing.
My sister is already seeing people. She seems to have left JTF.
Of course she is.

Anyone who is normal, who goes to university, and is even only half-way successful, is going to date other people from university rather than meeting people online.
We cannot control the feelings we have at various times in our life. And everything you say here means a lot to me. But once you get to university you will realize that the internet is not the best way to meet people. Only one person I knew at university met people on the net. He was homosexual and found random sex partners off the local dating sites because it was easier than finding random men at the queer nightclubs.
Almost everyone else makes the people they meet at work and at university their best friends and lovers.
We don't control these feelings.