Author Topic: Jews Must Protect the Temple Mount! NOW!  (Read 524 times)

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Jews Must Protect the Temple Mount! NOW!
« on: October 09, 2009, 11:40:49 AM »
I have been worrying so much about the Temple Mount lately. Every day I read with morbid fascination the Arab riots which have prevented good religious Jews from ascending the most holy of Jewish sites. My anger flares against Muslim arabs in Israel so much that at times I could justify rounding all of them up and shipping them off to torture camps. Why are there such evil beings in this world, Oh L-rd! Why do you let these vile creations torment the children of Israel so? When will our eyes open again and our ears uncover to hear the command of our father? In my lifetime I have seen so much hope, the 1967 war was a miracle, and our eyes were closed and our ears shut. In my 40+ years I have witnessed the re-establishment of a Jewish state and then the decline. Are my people so pathetic that we cannot even stand against an enemy which uses its women and children as warriors? The once great IDF sits on its hands while Jews are expelled from their homes and their possessions destroyed? Where are the proud Jewish warriors of our history? Why is it becoming embarassing to be Jewish? I have developed much Jewish pride in my last six years but now I ask myself why my fellow Jew is such a wimp and coward.

Read this article and join in my lament!

Come, Protect the Temple Mount
Tishrei 20, 5770, 08 October 09 11:06
by Tzipora Pinner

( It's nothing new and has been going on for many years. Maybe that's how people got used to it and barely react any longer. Now, on Chol haMo'ed Sukkot, it just happened one more time. I'm new here, an olah chadashah, maybe that's why I sharply noticed it and felt ashamed; humiliated as a Jew.

An Arab mob suddenly started attacking and throwing rocks at a group of Hareidi Jews who were visiting the Mount of Olives, across the valley from the Temple Mount.

"They were lucky to escape with their lives," Israel Police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld told Israel National News. The "they" he referred to, of course, were the Jews, not to the Arabs. He then continued that the Temple Mount had been closed as a precaution, "due to the security risks involved."

In most parts of the world, the police keeps rioters out of sensitive areas in order to protect the public. The State of Israel sometimes resembles the city of Chelm, only it's far less funny because it's real. Here, the police locks out the victims of violence instead of the rioters. The Temple Mount was not closed to Arabs after the incident. It was closed, by police order, to Jews.

Yehuda Glick, a leading Temple Mount activist, noted regarding an earlier, similar event: "The police fulfilled the Arabs' desire to keep the Jews away. They learned that if they throw rocks, then the Jews are prevented from coming."

Arabs continued to stream to the mosques on the site after the incident, albeit restricted to men above the age of 50. Arab women of all ages and children were being allowed to enter in unlimited numbers. They all were eagerly following the call of Fatah-linked Islamic clerics to "come protect the Al-Aqsa," meaning to keep the Jews away from the Mount. And they were successful.

Whoever thought these troubles were limited to the Temple Mount alone should think twice. On the same morning, Islamic Movement deputy leader Sheikh Kamal Khatib said as an afterthought that the Al-Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount includes the Western Wall.

Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu canceled a reception for his staff near the Western Wall after rumors spread among the Arab community that the event was part of an alleged plot to weaken the Al-Aqsa Mosque by tunneling underneath it. At the Western Wall, inch by inch, slowly we are beginning to lose our sovereignty even there, after already de facto handing over the Temple Mount to Muslim control.

The Arabs understood one thing long ago: he who controls the Temple Mount will control Jerusalem. And he who controls Jerusalem will control the Holy Land. Spiritually, ideologically and, in the end, politically. They tirelessly work towards this goal. And Israel, always uselessly scrambling to look good in the eyes of the world, helps them unintentionally.

After the Six Day War in 1967, when the Temple Mount was "in our hands," Israel hurried to hand it over to the Muslim Waqf authority, thereby effectively undermining our claim to our own most sacred site. 2,000 years of yearning and prayer abandoned in the blink of an eye for short-term political considerations.

If the Temple Mount is really ours, really Jewish, then Israel should have declared so immediately after the June 1967 war. Had the leadership done so then, the world would not have opened its mouth to protest. A man who has regained possession of something that he lost leaps on it and shouts, "This is mine!" One who does not do so brings into question his own legitimacy. This is how Rabbi Meir Kahane, H.y.d., put it many years ago; and it describes exactly the problem we have today.

Every time Israel gives in to Arab threats and violence and bars Jews from the Temple Mount, we lose a bit of our legitimacy and credibility. Because if it is really our most sacred site, then wouldn't we be expected to protect our own rights and interests there, instead of those of the Muslims?

No, I am not blaming the Israeli police force. I'm not even blaming our government any more, because nothing better can be expected from them. The ruling elites in Israel, for the most part, are secular and alienated from Jewish values and pride. They are alienated from religious feelings. Because of this, they are incapable of understanding the importance of the Temple Mount for Judaism and the Jewish religious claim to all of Eretz Israel. Ironically, for the same reasons, they are also incapable of understanding the motivation behind the Arabs' struggle for the Temple Mount and the mosques on top of it.

Aside from alienation and ignorance, there may be an additional reason for the government's desire to muffle the Jewish claim to the Temple Mount and prevent religious Jews from going there.

Even during permitted visits, Jews are forbidden to pray or bring along religious items such as prayer books - a bizarre case of discrimination against its own citizens in a state that otherwise boasts of guaranteeing freedom of worship to all faiths at their holy sites. The secular Israeli government fears and loathes the religious-nationalist public with their Torah-based claim to Eretz Israel and the Temple Mount. The Torah, as understood by this part of the population, in its complete form, is the blueprint of an ideal, religious society in the Land of Israel. It is the constitution of a potential Torah state - diametrically opposed to the secular State of Israel today. So this may be one of the reasons why the Israeli government secretly prefers Arab control of the Temple Mount and keeps cracking down on the religious-nationalist settlement movement in other parts of the country.

For all of these reasons, one cannot expect any spontaneous change in Israel's pro-Arab, anti-Jewish Temple Mount policy. For that, considerable public pressure is needed. It is up to religious Jews with a national conscience to stand up against the anti-Jewish discrimination at Judaism's holiest site.

We need a clearly voiced demand for an end to the discriminatory prohibition of Jewish prayer.

Those who understand the significance of the Temple Mount are the ones who have to step into the fray and secure the Jewish claim to it; and thereby, the Jewish, Torah-based claim to the Land of Israel.

If we don't do it, who will? Thank G-d, the number of Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount has increased steadily in recent years. Everyone who is able to, should go, with guidance regarding the necessary halachic precautions.
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline muman613

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Re: Jews Must Protect the Temple Mount! NOW!
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2009, 03:37:14 PM »
Where is the outrage? Or is there none?

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Madmarv

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Re: Jews Must Protect the Temple Mount! NOW!
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2009, 03:52:29 PM »
This is madness! THIS IS SPARTA!

nah seriously now, the temple-mount/aqsa problem is a big problem. In my opinion, the problem lies in the muslims. I mean, today, and every friday, some [censored] muslim preacher takes on the microphone, and starts YELLING and screaming and saying stuff like this (this was today btw): And fight them ... fight the people ... fight the women ... fight their children... until they all become muslims ... I mean, wtf is that suppose to mean? why is our village putting up to these duchbags retards?! and when they call against Israel in support for hamas and other terrorists organizations, and that is in friday, friday for them is like saturday for jews and sunday for christians, where they go pray and stuff ... after they finish praying, they go out and start screaming so the whole village can hear them ... its really disgusting, I was so pissed off today, how can a country let a small group of fanatics to call on a war against it and antagonize it? its not even legally allowed to do such a thing, so why do they allow it? I have no idea ... I hope they take them to jail where they belong.