You're right, so why did you say I'm Black or a Muslim after I told you I wasn't? And why do you desperately call me leftist? Why can you not disprove the fact that Whites burned their scientists at the stake and committed more genocides than any other race in history? All I've done is expose the filth of the White race and you're to cowardly to take that.
not play dumb with me. Your tactics REAK of Left-wing tactics. I've seen it a hundred times. You set up a strawman argument, to control the language of the debate. You call us names, hoping to keep us on the defensive. These are the ways of a left-wing, not a right-winger.
Whites race? You use that term, but you haven't referred to Babylonians or Egyptians or Assyrians as the dark-skinned race. You're practicing one-sided collective punishment on the basis that the perpetrators of evil acts of the past are white-skinned. But Babylon practiced deportation to prevent rebellions. Egypt enslaved peoples, like my own, for their empire. To this day, SLAVERY exists in Africa and Arabia, but you don't condemn them, because it isn't a part of your corrupt narrative.
You categorize people who committed genocide by race, but their race had nothing to do with their reasons for genocide. Stalin? He wanted collected power and crushed people regardless of their race. Mao? Killed his own countrymen for communism. Islam? Killed for forcibly converted untold numbers of peoples in the name of their G-d.