I'm a man and I cook, clean, do laundry, do the chores and I work long hour day job in IT field. Also, I decorate my home and many women have said they are jealous of my interior decorating skills..
But, on the other note, I built my own gym, gun shop and computer office in my home.. Nobody tells me I cannot have do this or that. I enjoy tea and cookies in my dining room and then aftewards a nice day at the range shooting guns.
Ah, the joys and pangs of bachelorhood. I have become indepedent, than many women get afraid when I act like the bossy housewife. They think I am stealing their pride and honor.

Personally, I think a man can do all the feminine deeds if he is forced, its just many of us don't want to. If you have someone, doing all that for you your wholfe life, then you figure why do you have to do it?
Also, I have met lot of women who like being like a man and doing things men do.. Most country girls where I live are real tomboys and don't know what a clean toilet looks like, but certainly know how to clean a gun. LOL