Author Topic: This is what we are getting??  (Read 4952 times)

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Offline MasterWolf1

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This is what we are getting??
« on: September 14, 2006, 08:18:29 PM »
I read in the Post today something that made my stomach just churned.

We are going to get the bunch of bananas to pick from in the 08 elections and we are in deep deep doodoo if this is what we are getting.

Voters across the nation are prepared to embrace an independent presidential candidate in 2008 — and Mayor Bloomberg is perfectly positioned for a White House run, according to a New York Post/Fox News Channel poll.

The survey of 800 registered voters conducted by Luntz Maslansky Strategic Research of Alexandria, Va., found that 81 percent of Americans would consider voting for a qualified White House contender who isn't a Republican or Democrat.

And the more voters know about Bloomberg, the more they like him, the poll found.

"A credible independent candidate in 2008 will be someone who can point to a record of results and not someone tied to the Washington political establishment," said pollster Frank Luntz.

"Both of those attributes describe Bloomberg."

Forty-one percent of those questioned said they'd consider supporting a White House bid by the mayor.

"That's enough to be a viable candidate," Luntz said.

After being read a short bio that included a description of the mayor as a "successful, self-made businessman" who has gotten high grades for his stewardship of the city, the percentage of voters who said they might take a shot on him soared to 61 percent.

In hypothetical matchups, Bloomberg showed surprising strength.

Going up against powerhouses Rudy Giuliani and Hillary Rodham Clinton in a possible three-way race, Bloomberg grabbed 17 percent to Giuliani's 39 and Clinton's 35.

The mayor fared even better in a showdown against Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Clinton, ratcheting up to 21 percent versus McCain's 37 and Clinton's 32.

That's before the billionaire mayor - who tore through $170 million in two municipal races - has spent a penny to boost his national profile.

"He can be competitive," argued Joe Mercurio, a veteran political consultant. "The poll doesn't take into account that we don't do national elections. We do state-by-state elections."

Mercurio said Bloomberg has the advantage of not having to compete in party primaries and could focus his considerable resources on such voter-rich states as New York, Florida, Texas and Illinois.

Mercurio noted that Bloomberg could easily spend $300 million out of his own pocket.

Analyst Dick Morris agreed, suggesting Bloomberg wait to see who emerges as the major-party nominees.

"The rocket fuel that powers third-party candidates has to be frustration with the other two," he said.

Of course, there's one enormous problem with those scenarios: Bloomberg insists he's going to end his political career where it began - City Hall - and then become a full-time philanthropist.

Stu Loeser, the mayor's spokesman, reiterated that yesterday when asked for reaction to the poll.

"It's gratifying that people appreciate his approach, but he's not running for president," Loeser said.

But Mercurio wasn't convinced that the presidential bug has been expunged from the mayor's system, especially since some of Bloomberg's own advisers are pushing him to go for it.

"If it was within the possibility to be elected, as opposed to being a spoiler, he might do it," said Mercurio.

Jerry Skurnik, a veteran consultant who's been skeptical of Bloomberg's chances on the national stage, said the poll doesn't change anything.

"All independents do better in polls than they do in elections because in polls everyone's equal," he said. "On the ballot, they're not."

Skurnik also said that he takes the mayor at his word that the White House isn't in his sights.

"If he wanted to run, why would he keep saying no?" Skurnik asked.

For a self-proclaimed non-candidate, the mayor has staked out positions on several high-profile issues - from gun control to stem-cell research - that have thrust him onto the national stage.

The mayor has spoken out forcefully about the need to reform the electoral system and do away with corrosive partisanship, perfectly in tune with the electorate.

"I remain firm in my belief that when you have partisan elections you are disenfranchising the vast majority of the voters," Bloomberg said yesterday, speaking of the low turnout in Tuesday's local primaries.

"That's just not democracy the way I think it should be."

So it maybe a 3 way dog fight but look at the mutts we are getting.

It may boil to the 3 of Hitlery, John McCoocarchia and Mike Bloomberg.  Is this what the U.S. has got left to mustar up for leadership?  I mean seriously this can't be it.