Author Topic: Bush: Syrian Behavior Is Unacceptable  (Read 1431 times)

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Bush: Syrian Behavior Is Unacceptable
« on: April 26, 2007, 07:56:54 PM »
President Bush said last Thursday: "We have made it very clear to President Assad that there are a series of gestures we'd like to see him make for the sake of peace. One such gesture is to leave Lebanon alone; let the Lebanese democracy flourish; stop interfering in this young democracy....We have said to the Syrians, stop harboring Hamas and Hizbullah - violent, radical organizations aimed at causing harm in the Middle East. And we have said to President Assad, stop allowing the flow of suicide bombers through your country into Iraq."

    "You know, some have suggested that the United States start diplomatic relations with Syria. My message is...the Syrian president must make the choice that will stop isolating his regime. And the United States will continue to make it clear to Syria, and work with other nations to make it clear to Syria, that their behavior is unacceptable if we want peace in the Middle East."

That last sentence... what a winner. So if Syria keeps muslim nazi terrorists in it, then Bush and other nations may just work together to talk about a meeting that will decide if they should have a meeting to write a paper that will basically say "We might hold sanctions on you if you don't show some kind of "gesture" or nice words on TV that kind of suggest you'd give up your evil regime which is basically the whole government. Further more, want some money? We'll give you more money if you do this for real this time... and we really mean it when we say OR ELSE we will be mad."

I mean does this or does this not accurately describe the "United Nations" and the US policy on the Middle East?

Here's another example...

Israel at the UN: There Is a Limit to Israel's Restraint
Yitzhak Benhorin

The world must not interpret Israel's restraint as an acceptance of the situation, Israel's Ambassador to the UN Dan Gillerman told the Security Council on Wednesday. Gillerman asked the Council to "return to reality. That harrowing reality was seen Tuesday when Hamas, by its own account, launched more than 28 Kassam rockets and 61 mortar shells at Israel. The rockets detonated across a large area of land, and as far north as the city of Ashkelon. These attacks, which came as Israelis woke up to celebrate Independence Day, were nothing short of an act of severe provocation."

    "Later in the day, we learned that Hamas' fierce rocket fire was just a front, to divert attention away from its truly evil plans, to kidnap an Israeli soldier. Thankfully, the IDF thwarted the kidnapping....Since the ceasefire began at the end of November 2006, Israel has continually exhibited restraint to the more than 200 rockets fired at it by PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi terrorists....Israel needs no further evidence to know that Hamas' ways are not the ways of peace. Hamas has shown it will not stop its campaign of terror until its unholy ambitions of destroying Israel are fulfilled. Nothing - no initiatives, summits, or declarations - can take the place of an end to PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi terror." (Ynet News)
« Last Edit: April 26, 2007, 08:07:47 PM by jeffguy »
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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Bush: Syrian Behavior Is Unacceptable
« Reply #1 on: April 26, 2007, 09:00:44 PM »
Re:  "...And the United States will continue to make it clear to Syria, and work with other nations to make it clear to Syria, that their behavior is unacceptable if we want peace in the Middle East."...from speech by President George W. Bush

This is all meaningless Orwellian "doublespeak"; spoken by the world's #1 Master of Lies.

If Bush was so concerned about terror in any way, shape, or form, then why, immediately following the events of 9/11, did Bush make a speech in which he declared Syria to be one of the U.S.'s primary "Allies in the War Against Terror".

Even further; why did Bush never once mention Israel as an American ally?

Worse still:  Exactly one week after 9/11, with Bush looking on, Colin Powell publicly stated that "Attacks by "Palestinians" against Israelis are not terror...they are "legitimate acts of resistance to Zionist Occupation"

Our military and CIA have been sending kidnapped terror suspects, as well as captured "enemy combatants", to Syria to be tortured ever since 9/11.

Allied with every terrorist group on the planet, Syria has actively engaged in every act defined as terror by the U.S. State Dept., yet Bush & company never once seemed to notice.

This so-called "special rendition" is the lie our officials stand on and behind, in order to face cameras and state "We do not torture people...the U.S. does not torture people"...spoken once again by former CIA director George Tenet just this week.

I'll personally go one better than Bush...

Here's my offer to Syria:

We don't really care about any other nations intervening for us...your behavior is unacceptable.  Period.  And we also don't care whether or not there is ever to be any so called "Middle East Peace" resulting either before, during, or after, we incinerate the outdoor latrine we call Syria!