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Iran is going to nuke Israel before anything is done about it. That's just how things are... :(


--- Quote from: Rhuan on September 14, 2006, 05:17:37 PM ---Iran is going to nuke Israel before anything is done about it. That's just how things are... :(

--- End quote ---
Yes...people will not wake up until there's a TREMENDOUS trajedy. 

The problem is that Iran has bunkers buried hundreds of feet underground which are beyound the reach of conventional weapons.  Only the nuclear bunker buster can destroy Irans weapons of mass destruction. 

yephora, I didn't check this, but I assume you're right---Mike Evans is a Meshumad
(convert from Judaism).  This is a loss, but at least he's pro Israel.  It's not really his
fault, I almost fell for the missionary [censored], too, at some point.  This phenomenon
is something against which Rabbi Kahane has fought furiously, with some degree of

I don't like in general the attitude of forgiveness, whether espoused by a gentile
or by a Jew, toward people who deserve the harshest criticism.  This same Mike
Evans, for example, who clearly doesn't want to come across as contentious, and
potentially lose support among evangelicals who blindly support Bush, for example,
treads softly and asks his supporters to pray that God give Bush and the Israeli
leaders wisdom, courage, etc.  Personally, I would pray that there be more people
like Yig'al Amir who put a bullet in the head of those who deserve death, like Rabin,
like Olmert, like Peretz, like Sarid, like Aloni, like Peres, and the rest of the leftist
ruling clique.


--- Quote ---Iran is going to nuke Israel before anything is done about it. That's just how things are...
--- End quote ---

Once Iran possesses a nuclear weapon, it won't have to do anything.  It will simply give this weapon
to Al Qaeda or Hizbollah, who will sneak such a weapon into Israel and the U.S.  A Nuclear Iran spells
tragedy not only for Israel, but definitely for the U.S. as well.  As this epic conflict, as this Gog and
Magog world war, undfolds, Israel serves merely the proverbial canary in the coal mine.  The entire
civilized world will share Israel's fate.


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