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Political Correctness gone mad
Apparently, Christianity is as much a threat to society as islam...
from the article:
Internet chat forums erupted.
"Please tell me why Rosie O'overrated Donnell is on TV at all," said kathleenirish. "
Because, in the immortal words of Ralph Kramden, she's got a BIIIGGGG MOOOUUTHHH!!!!!!!!!
Christian Zionist:
Don't they abort 4,000 babies every day in America?
In the late nineties millions of Iraqies died because of UN/US sanctions (with Clinton's approval). Now the death rate in Iraq is much lower.
What about Kosovo. When innocent Serbs were killed the liberals were silent.
--- Quote from: christianzionist on September 14, 2006, 08:53:53 PM ---Don't they abort 4,000 babies every day in America?
--- End quote ---
Abortion has in effect destroyed Western Civilization...third-worlders don't have abortions.
The root of abortion is feminism. Children GET IN THE WAY of a woman's career and her selfish aspirations to do whatever a man can do. ???
God made women to bear and raise children, not to be firemen, soldiers etc.
Is there something demeaning about being a good mother?
Don't get me have LOTS of problems. I'm just sick of the constant male-bashing that saturates every facet of the media.
Chaim speaks of TV commercials making blacks into geniuses, and He's right...there IS a lot of that. There is however, an even LARGER amount of feminist propaganda on television.
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