It has happened - Al Queda has made good on it's plan to infiltrate the US armed forces - the name of the killer at Ft. Hood who murdered 12 and injured 31 is a recent convert to Islam (are we surprised??) named Malik Nadal Hasan. Of course, the news will do everything they can to link this to?

Post traumatic stress disorder - or battle fatigue. I'll bet anything, he was yelling Allah Akbar as he pulled the trigger. Wake up America - this story is still breaking, but what we know so far is horrifying. The name of the soldier has not even been mentioned on TV - the Associated Press and ABC news have identified him - there was already a comment from a reporter that the "name of the shooter may have some implications - and so they are being extra cautious." Let's see how Barack Hussein Obama handles this one. Who is he going to apologize to now?