Author Topic: Obama IS a communist  (Read 7627 times)

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Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #25 on: November 11, 2009, 03:51:33 PM »

Prove he is not a fascist.

That's not how it works. You made the accusation he's a fascist. What evidence do you have that he's any more of a slimy, "leftist" politician than the ones that came before him.

I already gave you proof from the list of his administration.  Now, you claim to be a conservative yet you are defending Obama who he is an out right socialist leftist himself.. Please you are a fraud. I want you to explain how someone who wants to appoint so many Czars is not a leftist. And I want you to prove that he is not a fascist.  Someone who wants to push for healthcare where I have to pay cause bums like yourself refuse to pay for themselves that is a leftist.. Did you vote for him or Ron Paul?

Offline Ulli

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #26 on: November 11, 2009, 04:24:11 PM »
Obama is obviously a Socialist/Communist. Look to Europe i.e. at the socialist German "Linkspartei". You will see, that Obama takes exactly the same stands on all issues like they do. They breath the same spirit.
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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #27 on: November 11, 2009, 05:11:11 PM »
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that this could be Johnson Brown. JB was pro-Romney on his splinter forum and he has a beef against JTF and Jews in general.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #28 on: November 11, 2009, 05:19:20 PM »
in the debates with Obama [Mccain] kept saying "Obama has ties to Bill Ayers"
    He did?

so that people would think he's a Communist.
   That's the only thing wrong with Ayers?

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #29 on: November 11, 2009, 05:21:41 PM »
ManKow; Obama is not a commie- he is a FASCIST.  WTF is up with people that they cant see this HORROR in our white house?!

Most people who claim to be commies are facists. Only a select few of them truly believe in real communism.
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Offline AsheDina

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #30 on: November 11, 2009, 05:24:19 PM »

Prove he is not a fascist.

That's not how it works. You made the accusation he's a fascist. What evidence do you have that he's any more of a slimy, "leftist" politician than the ones that came before him.
Prove he is not a fascist.
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Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2009, 05:24:43 PM »
Left, right who cares? The guy has ties to FARAKHAN, that's bad enough! That's bad enough. I mean, if Hitler wanted to create a health care system, trillions in debt, and f the economy, then fine, as long as he didn't murder Jews. The point is, nobody who is "right-wing" would do the things he's doing or say what he's saying. Nobody "right-wing" has ever done that. So he ain't "right-wing". He ain't "left" enough for YOU, but to us, he is.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #32 on: November 11, 2009, 05:25:23 PM »
I have to admit, it is ONLY because he is left HANDED that I hate him and all left-handers, for that matter. So you are correct. DOWN WITH SOUTHPAWS!!!!

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #33 on: November 11, 2009, 05:32:11 PM »
FASCISM: a governmental system led by a dictator having complete power, HELLO, CZARS, 42 in less than a YEAR, thats FASCISM forcibly suppressing opposition and criticism Obama cant STAND criticism, and passed the 'hate crime' bill, regimenting all industry, commerce, etc., HELLO ManKow: Car cos., BANKS, just like HITLER.  and emphasizing an aggressive nationalism and often racism <<Obama is a HUGE racist, look at his mentor, J.Wright

Prove me wrong ManKOW
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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #34 on: November 11, 2009, 07:50:12 PM »

Um you do realize, the left wing is the section of the Democratic party, his party.  Are you an ultra liberal??

No I'm a conservative. I just think that when conservatives say he's a communist it makes conservatives look crazy and lose credibility. Mccain lost the election because in the debates with Obama he kept saying "Obama has ties to Bill Ayers" so that people would think he's a Communist. I support Romney and he could have fixed the economy and defeated Obama. I know you guys watch Glenn Beck and he brainwashed you. Glenn Beck is crazy. He's always crying in the middle of his show. No one should follow that guy.

Saying Obama is a communist without proof is as insane as saying he's a leftist because he writes with his left hand.

+1 for Glenn Beck.. You listen to too much Rosie O'donnel and Oprah Winfrey... Your the one who is brainwashed!   Go hide in your cave, troll!

I oppose gun control, third world immigration, big government, and abortion. I also oppose labeling Obama a communist when he is not.
Well, thats great you oppose the very things that Obama and his communist friends support.  You are either quite naive or just very close-minded and ignorant person.  Of course, maybe your just a bit of both?   It is recorded that Obama said that people should not own guns; you will not be able to deny this, although I know you will try!@  Obama is all about expanding the government and empowering the bureaucracy which is already overbloated and corrupt.  Obama has put every measure possible to increase the flow of third world immigration and wishes to spend more time for hard working white and other 1st world people to have to pay for the failures of the illegals who hide and live for free in our country.  Obama was the president who fought hard to keep post-birth abortion legal, even a boundary that some radical democrats would not venture.

Obama's pastor was a ultra-left wing black national socialst (yes, black nazi!)  He would preach venom against Jews, whites and anyone who stood in his way of his black supremacist ideologies.  This man also believe all the white people who worked hard their whole life should forfeit all their wealth to blacks because their great great grandfather was a slave owner.  THese whites had to slave away, working long hours, while blacks live on welfare and sit around all day drinking, doing drugs, screwing women and leaving them as single mothers.  Is this not the same theory Hitler had about redistrubting the wealth of JEws to the German people?   Yes, most blacks are too stupid to wear condoms, I seen it myself.  Wash DC has higher HIV rate than Africa. Of course, its the white man who was behind AIDS, not the fact blacks are too stupid to use condom or too immoral to keep sex within marriage.   Yes,  Obama kissed this man, Obama hugged this man.. Obama said, "He is like my Father, Uncle.."  Obama wrote a book dedicated to this man. 

Perhaps, your right in a way manKowitz, Obama is not a communist.  No, in fact he is a black nazi!  Nazis and communists were arch-rivals, yet they did share many beliefs and their ideologies coincided to a great degree.  Well, if you don't think Obama is a communist, you better wake up to his black nationalist ideas, since this is what he truly believes.

You do sound gullible manKowitz..  You want to believe all the accusations against Obama are fabricated and that you have a great leader who loves America.  Its a real shame.  The JEws were naive, they thought Idi Amin was a great friend to Israel, they even help train the tyrant and shared military secrets with him.   Look, what the President of Uganda did once he took hold of power?

« Last Edit: November 11, 2009, 08:02:23 PM by DeathToIslam »
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Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #35 on: November 12, 2009, 04:26:46 AM »
Um, which hand he uses to write is not going to make him a leftist,, how ever these issues does make him a leftist

What do you call someone who is trying to appoint all these Czars? A leftist.
When trying to monopolize the auto industry, the credit cards, newspapers, that is a leftist.

 "alarming number of far-left radicals the president is surrounded by" – referring to some of the president's special advisers and "czars." President Barack Obama, my friend tells me, is "a true left-winger."

$800 billion so-called "stimulus program." She didn't know after government takeovers/bailouts of banks, insurance companies and auto companies. A true left winger leftist.

Obama campaigned on government-run health care or after he said during the campaign that "if starting from scratch," he'd implement the Canadian single-payer system. That is pure Socialist leftist.

Obama stated his goal to impose job-killing and price-hiking "cap-and-trade" business taxes to fight "manmade global warming." More leftist agenda (which by the way shown to be a complete failure)

Obama's plans to "invest" to "create green jobs" of the future or after he moved oversight of the next census from the Department of Commerce to the White House (in order to increase the number of minorities so that government money can follow).  This is a leftist agenda all to get more government into peoples' lives

Obama sided with black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates and turned the professor's altercation with Cambridge police into a microcosm of the alleged widespread problem of unlawful "racial profiling" against blacks; after Obama spent 20 years in a church led by a smoke-coming-out-of-the-nose, America-bashing "spiritual adviser"; after Obama's selection of an attorney general who called America "cowardly" on matters of race; after the AG's refusal to indict members of the New Black Panther Party for seemingly clear voter intimidation; or after Obama's selection of a Supreme Court justice who many times claimed her gender and ethnicity make her superior to a "white male."

Obama promised to sit down "without preconditions" with enemies like the president of Iran and the head of North Korea; after Obama slammed Israel for building or expanding settlements, with nary a word about the daily rockets landing in Israel from the Gaza Strip; after proposals to reduce spending on missile-shield defense; after the AG appointed a "special counsel" to determine whether workers at the CIA.  This is pure treason

Democratic Party – including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former presidential candidate John Kerry – for the reinstatement of the so-called "Fairness Doctrine" to provide ideological "balance" over the airwaves; or after Obama, while publicly opposing the reinstatement of the doctrine, appointed an FCC "diversity czar" to pursue the same objective: squelching conservative talk radio.

Stop making excuses for him, any further left he may as well put a mustach and call himself Stalin.

You know that Bush did all of these things too right? Why don't you all call Bush a leftist? This is what I mean. You either hate him because he's Black or because he's left handed or because you think he's a Muslim. All politicians have become rotten. Obama is just worst but he's not a communist or a fascist.

Um no he did not empose Czars, he did not in just one year drain the treasury to a 1.9 trillion dollars. You are a fake. Obama is a leftist fascist and his Manifesto is Marxism.  Why don't you show when did Bush get involved in local police issue like Your hero Bongo went about this pig Gates in Cambridge. NEVER,  when did Bush wanted a sit down talk with NK or Iran? NEVER. When did Bush empose a Cap n Trade?  NEVER.  You are a Dem Liberal stop lying or I swear on my dead grandmothers body, I will debate you to the point your head spins.  I know fully what the Bush adm did and it is nowhere near this.  Compared to this pig we have now, he is makign Bush looking like a Saint.  Maybe you can also explain,, when did Bush enforced the idea of Socialized healthcare?  NEVER.  AND I WANT YOU YOU LIBERAL MONGOLOID, TO SHOW EVIDENCE. That Bush did 1/10th in his 8 years compare to this beast we got now in the White House.  It is going to be a year.. 1 year and this is the Obama adm.

Since January.. 1.9 Trillion dollar deficit
Unemployment across the board at an over 10% ... Under the Bush Adm. it was 4.2%
A market lost of over 9000


Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #36 on: November 12, 2009, 04:31:39 AM »

Um you do realize, the left wing is the section of the Democratic party, his party.  Are you an ultra liberal??

No I'm a conservative. I just think that when conservatives say he's a communist it makes conservatives look crazy and lose credibility. Mccain lost the election because in the debates with Obama he kept saying "Obama has ties to Bill Ayers" so that people would think he's a Communist. I support Romney and he could have fixed the economy and defeated Obama. I know you guys watch Glenn Beck and he brainwashed you. Glenn Beck is crazy. He's always crying in the middle of his show. No one should follow that guy.

Saying Obama is a communist without proof is as insane as saying he's a leftist because he writes with his left hand.

+1 for Glenn Beck.. You listen to too much Rosie O'donnel and Oprah Winfrey... Your the one who is brainwashed!   Go hide in your cave, troll!

I oppose gun control, third world immigration, big government, and abortion. I also oppose labeling Obama a communist when he is not.
Well, thats great you oppose the very things that Obama and his communist friends support.  You are either quite naive or just very close-minded and ignorant person.  Of course, maybe your just a bit of both?   It is recorded that Obama said that people should not own guns; you will not be able to deny this, although I know you will try!@  Obama is all about expanding the government and empowering the bureaucracy which is already overbloated and corrupt.  Obama has put every measure possible to increase the flow of third world immigration and wishes to spend more time for hard working white and other 1st world people to have to pay for the failures of the illegals who hide and live for free in our country.  Obama was the president who fought hard to keep post-birth abortion legal, even a boundary that some radical democrats would not venture.

Obama's pastor was a ultra-left wing black national socialst (yes, black nazi!)  He would preach venom against Jews, whites and anyone who stood in his way of his black supremacist ideologies.  This man also believe all the white people who worked hard their whole life should forfeit all their wealth to blacks because their great great grandfather was a slave owner.  THese whites had to slave away, working long hours, while blacks live on welfare and sit around all day drinking, doing drugs, screwing women and leaving them as single mothers.  Is this not the same theory Hitler had about redistrubting the wealth of JEws to the German people?   Yes, most blacks are too stupid to wear condoms, I seen it myself.  Wash DC has higher HIV rate than Africa. Of course, its the white man who was behind AIDS, not the fact blacks are too stupid to use condom or too immoral to keep sex within marriage.   Yes,  Obama kissed this man, Obama hugged this man.. Obama said, "He is like my Father, Uncle.."  Obama wrote a book dedicated to this man. 

Perhaps, your right in a way manKowitz, Obama is not a communist.  No, in fact he is a black nazi!  Nazis and communists were arch-rivals, yet they did share many beliefs and their ideologies coincided to a great degree.  Well, if you don't think Obama is a communist, you better wake up to his black nationalist ideas, since this is what he truly believes.

You do sound gullible manKowitz..  You want to believe all the accusations against Obama are fabricated and that you have a great leader who loves America.  Its a real shame.  The JEws were naive, they thought Idi Amin was a great friend to Israel, they even help train the tyrant and shared military secrets with him.   Look, what the President of Uganda did once he took hold of power?

I think he is a fake personally.. Just like Obama. Err, and if this guy is a leftist Jew in all fairness he should hang his head in shame OBAMA HATES HATES HATES the Jews and Israel.. His campaign and his time in the Oval Office has been focused on kissing Muzz butt who are hell bent on destroying the Jews and Israel.. One of Obama's main contributors during the race was HAMAS.. I truely believe who ever this markowitz is is either  liar, a fool, or one of these so brainwashed libs.  Cause only Libs would bring up anything about Bush, Bush is no longer and at least Bush and his wife went to visit the wounded soldiers from the Ft. Hood attack. Something the Kenyan fraud can't find the time cause he has turned the White House into his personal play ground.

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2009, 04:47:11 AM »
Ciao Masterwolf.. Well Said.. The Chicagoan monkey had to get to his basketball game , so the dead soldiers just would have to wait until the flowers grow , before he could pay tribute to them.   I think the last time Obama paid respect to dead soldiers I saw him yawning and dosing off during the funeral.  I guess the funeral procession was not too fun for mister Imbicile in Chief.

I like your icon.. Are you from Italia?  I always wanted to visit there , beautiful country. 

Sono felice di incontrare un sionista italiano!
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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #38 on: November 12, 2009, 05:18:32 AM »
What makes you call yourself a conservative??

I oppose gun control, third world immigration, big government, and abortion. I also oppose labeling Obama a communist when he is not. 

Stop lying you are a liberal leftist yourself

If I were a leftist I wouldn't have the above positions. It's time for you guys to wake up. Calling Obama a Communist or fascist is absurd and it will hurt your image more than his. We need to bring down Obama by exposing his relationship to Farrakhan and that he was raised a Muslim. Not this.
We need to bring down Obama by exposing his relationship to Farrakhan and that he was raised a Muslim. Not this.
   i have to agree with you here
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Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #39 on: November 12, 2009, 05:25:47 AM »
Ciao Masterwolf.. Well Said.. The Chicagoan monkey had to get to his basketball game , so the dead soldiers just would have to wait until the flowers grow , before he could pay tribute to them.   I think the last time Obama paid respect to dead soldiers I saw him yawning and dosing off during the funeral.  I guess the funeral procession was not too fun for mister Imbicile in Chief.

I like your icon.. Are you from Italia?  I always wanted to visit there , beautiful country. 

Sono felice di incontrare un sionista italiano!

I am an American born and raised, but my rooted ancestors came from Italy

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #40 on: November 12, 2009, 05:49:53 AM »
Ah ok.. American Italian.. My family came from Eastern Europe, I am an American Jew, you  can say.    But your ancestoral homeland is very nice.  Have you been to Italia before?  I have heard that many Italians support Israel.  I like Berlusconi, he seems very pro-Israel and is standing up to the Islamist mess that is plaguing the country.   My heart was very concerned for Italia when that guy Prodi was in power.  Italians seem a cut above the other Western Europeans. 

Even though I am Jewish, and I know Israel is my eternal home, I feel I have a second heart in Italia.  It seems to resemble Israel in some ways.  Mediterranean sea, beautiful rolling hillsides, sunny skies, cypress trees, olive and wine fields.  Both have a prolific ancient history.

What I don't get is why so many accuse me and my family of being Italians..  I was at an Siciliano restaurant  few weeks ago and the Sicilan lady asked me if I am going to Italia to visit my family there.  LOL..    Its funny, my bros can easily pass as Sicilians, I can pass as a Roman or Milanese , I think.  Anyone notice how Jews and Italians play one another in movies?

Anyway, I pray for our European brothers who love Israel, few and far between...

WHo knows, seeing the ways things are going with USA, EUrope may soon not be as bad as America..  Lets pray the communist dictator will be ousted from power and his regime of national black socialists tyrants!

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Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #41 on: November 12, 2009, 06:11:38 AM »
in the debates with Obama [Mccain] kept saying "Obama has ties to Bill Ayers"
    He did?

so that people would think he's a Communist.
   That's the only thing wrong with Ayers?

The assertion that McCain lost the election because he kept bringing up Obama's relationship with Ayers is completely false.

McCain never directly spoke about Obama's associations with Ayers, Wright, Farrakhan or Rezko during the debates. He rarely even alluded to them during the course of the campaign.

If anything, McCain went out of his way to avoid mentioning Obama's dubious associations, and avoided any attempts at character assassination.

This was unfortunate because the American people were entitled to know about the Black Muslim's crooked, racist, leftist, terrorist associates.

Had McCain been more aggressive about bringing these facts to the public's attention, the election result might very well have been different.

Elsewhere in this thread manKowitz states: "We need to bring down Obama by exposing his relationship to Farrakhan and that he was raised a Muslim."

This is a curious statement, in that the author claims that McCain lost the election by dwelling on Obama's ties to Ayers, yet now he thinks exposing Obama's relationship with Farrakhan and his Muslim background should be used to bring him down.

One wonders why manKowitz thinks it's OK to hammer Obama on his background and associations after he was elected, but it was counter-productive for McCain to do so during the campaign before he was elected.

Talk about illogical.

By the way, Mancow is a blowhard and his show sucks.

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2009, 06:58:57 AM »
To the Ninny who came on this forum and made a complete fool of himself.. YES YOU MANKOWITZ, EXPLAIN THIS!

WASHINGTON -- Well, that did not take long! Just weeks after initiating a war of words with Fox News and being exposed as an admirer of Chairman Mao, Anita Dunn, the White House Communications Director, is stepping down. I intimated as much a couple of weeks back, when I lumped her in with two other Obama Administration zanies who were forced to resign: environmental czar Van Jones and National Endowment for the Arts spokesman Yosi Sergant.

My point was that recent Democratic administrations always welcome to Washington a fleet of eccentrics that are not to be believed. Both the Carter and the Clinton administrations were abundant with such characters, a woman who talked to monuments late at night, a surgeon general who propounded the salubrious benefits of masturbation publicly -- by which I mean speaking of it in public, not actually performing in public. Those are just two of the many bizarre figures that come to mind. Now we have the Obama Administration, and I have prophesied that its zanies will outnumber those from both previous menageries combined.

The question for the moment is which indiscretion weighed most heavily against Dunn's tenure, the war with Fox or the praise of Mao? During her assaults on Fox she denounced the cable-news network as "a wing of the Republican Party," and "opinion journalism masquerading as news." In an extended shriek she said last month, "The reality of it is that Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party." Is that sulfur I smell?

Actually, I doubt it was her war on Fox that caused the White House Communications Director to bail. After all she is not the only White House operative to assail Fox. There have been others. Chief of staff Rahm Emanuel has claimed that Fox is not a "legitimate news organization." White House senior advisor David Axelrod has said that Fox is "not really a news organization." The President himself has gotten in on the act.

My guess is that Dunn's expressed admiration for Mao is the cause of her departure. For this revelation I suppose we have to thank Fox's Glenn Beck. He aired a tape of Dunn notifying an audience of students at St. Andrew's Episcopal School near Washington that this cuddly little butterball of a tyrant -- who oversaw the murder of some 70 million people -- is one of her "favorite philosophers." The other one, she said, is Mother Teresa, who killed no one so far as we know. Dunn adduced both as moral exemplars for the assembled youths. Her point was something about setting out to do things you really want to do regardless of criticism. If I followed her, she saw both Mao and Mother Teresa as variations on the old Sinatra standard "My Way." In moral and practical terms, Dunn's advice to the students was confused.

What is more she stretched the truth when asked to defend her speech. On CNN she attempted to explain that when she spoke of Mao as one of her "favorite political philosophers" she was speaking ironically. The phrase was, she claimed, "intended as irony, but clearly the effort fell flat -- at least with a certain Fox commentator whose sense of irony may be missing." Ah, Dunn's war with Fox continues.

Yet by now many have viewed the tape that Beck aired and I doubt they perceived any irony. Was she being ironic about Mother Teresa too -- if so, why? To be blunt, Dunn's explanation is a lie. She is one of those ritualistic liberals who specialize in putting people on, in disturbing the peace. Disturbing the peace is a timeless liberal value, but sometimes the liberal misdemeanant goes too far. You cannot have a White House Communications Director advocating Mao as a role model for America's youth. Thus she is going, going, gone. I cannot wait for the next White House zany.

You really have no idea what you are talking about.   

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2009, 08:30:54 AM »
 :'( :'( :'( I so FEEEEEELLLLLLLLL for Obama. Whaahhhhhhhhhh, hes not a commie, hes not a fascist.  :'( :'( :'(

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Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #44 on: November 12, 2009, 09:21:07 AM »
:'( :'( :'( I so FEEEEEELLLLLLLLL for Obama. Whaahhhhhhhhhh, hes not a commie, hes not a fascist.  :'( :'( :'(

cute pic

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #45 on: November 12, 2009, 09:27:51 AM »
:'( :'( :'( I so FEEEEEELLLLLLLLL for Obama. Whaahhhhhhhhhh, hes not a commie, hes not a fascist.  :'( :'( :'(

cute pic

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #46 on: November 12, 2009, 09:29:12 AM »
:'( :'( :'( I so FEEEEEELLLLLLLLL for Obama. Whaahhhhhhhhhh, hes not a commie, hes not a fascist.  :'( :'( :'(

cute pic


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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #47 on: November 12, 2009, 10:35:09 AM »
Many leftists are not communists. Obama writes with his left hand but that doesn't prove he's a leftist let alone a communist.

Obama specifically said he was a Marxist when he was a professor. He said that he only hung around with other Marxist Professors.

Obama has a disproportionately high percentage of his cabinet that have proclaimed themselves Marxists. 

Dont beleive his teleprompter.

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #48 on: November 12, 2009, 10:43:26 AM »

Obama is, read my lips, a MUSILM.

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Re: Obama is not a communist
« Reply #49 on: November 12, 2009, 04:50:22 PM »

Obama is, read my lips, a MUSILM.

you meant Muslim, right?