Author Topic: Leftist lover of terrorist Hasan, Dick Silverstein, doesn't like negro school  (Read 768 times)

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in his area the school    

His most recent complaint awhile back he complained a well 

Madrona K-8 Student Shank Assault
A little unintended irony as far as Madrona K-8 is concerned (Justin Baeder)

A little unintended irony as far as Madrona K-8 is concerned (Justin Baeder)

The Madison Park Times reports that a Madrona School 7th grader created a hand-made shank and assaulted an 8th grader in the cafeteria.  According to a police report (article available here and here):

    The victim reported that the suspect walked up to him which what was reported to be a shank.  He walked behind him and grabbed him by the head.  The suspect pulled the victim’s head back and pressed the scissor against the back of his neck, then pulled the scissor down and pressed the pointed end of the scissor against his spine.

Apparently, the suspect and an accomplice were expelled from the school.

This is my neighborhood school and it has a long history of internal discipline and academic problems and hostile relations with the surrounding community.  Madrona K-8 has fallen below the No Child Left Behind academic standards several years running and its parents are now allowed to transfer their children to other schools with more successful records.  Regarding school violence, I personally know of a fight between a large group of unsupervised students at a neighboring park frequented by them which endangered my then very young children.

The principal, Kaaren Andrews, touted by the district a one of its wunderkind academic leaders, reacted by indirectly accusing two women who were caring for our children of insulting the students and disparaging the principal’s commitment to them (which never happened).  The clear implication raised by Andrews and a district employee who spoke at a public community meeting was that the nannies harbored racist attitudes toward the children (which was preposterous since the rowdy group was racially–mixed and included Anglo children).

When I called Andrews to report that her students had been fighting and unsupervised she reacted defensively and dismissively.  A call to Andrews’ supervisor at district headquarters, Ruth Metzger, went unanswered until I sent an e-mail to the district superintendent.

Regarding the most recent violent incident, the reporter notes unsurprisingly that a call to Kaaren Andrews was unanswered.  You’d think that after an incident like this that any sensitive educator would wish to reassure the community about the safety of her school and the measures taken to ensure the safety of her charges.  You’d think she’d have some training in crisis management and the concept of getting out ahead of a story; of telling the public the unvarnished truth about what happened and what she’s doing to ensure it won’t happen again; of reassuring the public that her top concern is the safety of her students more than even her own reputation and the school’s.  Not surprisingly, we heard none of that from Andrews.  She relied on a District bureaucrat to deal with the press.  And what a ‘deal’ it was.  Here are some of the choice passages from the article quoting a District manager:

    “I have not seen any handmade shanks in one of our schools, so this was quite unusual for us, said Pegi McEvoy, manger of safety and security for the District.  “It certainly was an extreme case we hadn’t seen before.”

    As for the tension between [7th and 8th] grades, McEvoy said every school experiences the challenges of “kids sorting through the pecking order.”

Indeed they do, and every school population sorts through these developmental issues by pulling shanks on each other, right?  Hey, I might expect this in state prison, but I don’t expect it in a Seattle middle school.

McEvoy continued with her apologetics for teenage school violence:

    “This was more dramatic, absolutely…but we see it every place.  It’s something we’re attuned to…and we know every school year we have to work through this.  It’s part of the social structure of schools.

Consistency is not one of McEvoy’s strong suits.  The shank incident was “unusual” and “certainly an extreme case,” but something “we know every year we have to work through.”  Which one is it?

The District’s masterful performance continues:

    “What we’re hearing from SPD (Seattle Police Department) and kids report to us, that there is an increase of gang activity in the community, but it’s not transferring into school behavior.”

Which is precisely contradicted by the incident she’s reporting.  Of course, the article doesn’t make clear whether the suspect was a gang member.  But the fact that his behavior mirrored gang-type actions is completely contradicted by McEvoy’s obfuscation.

And who’s really at fault if not gangs?  Certainly not the School, oh no.  Hold onto your hat: its’ the media.

    According to McEvoy, outside media and environmental influences play a significant factor in an incident like this.

    “Students learn through the TV and things that happen in the community and about how to respond to conflict…and unfortunately there have been media out there talking about making shanks, so we have kids who have copycatted that.

    “We’re alway looking at media trends and alerting staff to say, ‘You may see this in the school,’” she added.

Well, now I feel so much better.  But this reassures me no end:

    Another aspect to prevention hinges on older students acting as positive role models…

    “Any time kids older behave well, that’s a role model, and when they don’t behave well, it’s still a role model.”

    And part of the prevention stems from the district’s anti-bullying curriculum…[which] focuses on anger management, understanding social cues, making friends and anti-bullying.

It worked like a charm here, didn’t it?

The problem with the Seattle Public School District is that its representatives are dysfunctional, defensive and borderline competent.  They are common-sense challenged and wrapped up in petty bureaucratic infighting and turf protection.  They follow when they should be leading and lead when they should be following.  They don’t care about things they should care about and see their natural constituency, parents and the general public as the enemy.  The District bureaucrats measure school performance solely based on test scores and they reward failing schools like Madrona K-8 by noting the improvement in their test scores (which were failing to begin with) and disparage schools with successful curriculum and test scores because their scores allegedly are not improving.

The District superintendent is a petty tyrant who ignores School District policy when it suits.  She doesn’t consult with parents on decisions affecting their particular schools and acts in a totally peremptory way.  I’m guessing that because the District has had a bad history of choosing leaders since the last good one, John Stanford, passed away, that the Board of Education has declined to intercede as they should.  And the Board is a whole other kettle of fish responsible for a good part of the District’s problems as well.

And I say all these things not based on anecdotes but based on cold, hard personal experience.  I also say this as someone with a child in a Seattle public school (one of the good ones which is receiving little support from the District).

By the way, the Madison Park Times article is not on its website (it was the lead story in the print edition).  My e-mail to the reporter asking why the article isn’t online was unanswered.  Could it be that the District pressured the paper not to make it accessible?   

Funnier story of dickies dislike of negros who live near him the great anti zionist progressive :::D :::D   

Seattle Public Schools Honors Principal Who Disses Non-Minority Parents

You know something is very dysfunctional in the Seattle Public Schools when the District and a distinguished non-profit honor a local principal (Kaaren Andrews of Madrona School) whose school has a reputation for disrespecting a certain group of parents and essentially telling them to take their children out of the school if they’re unhappy with their treatment. And there’s much worse. I’ll give you the backstory later. But first this bit of news that shocked and enraged me both as a local Madrona resident and parent of a public school student:

    Seattle school district leaders, Madrona staff, friends and even Andrews’ parents gathered Wednesday morning in the school’s library to award Andrews the Thomas B. Foster Award for Excellence for outstanding leadership.

    …The Alliance for Education and Seattle Public Schools academic leaders choose an annual recipient for the $50,000 Foster award, named for Tom Foster, a founder of the Seattle law firm Foster Pepper and a Seattle civic leader.

    …Seattle Public Schools Chief Academic Officer Carla Santorno praised Andrews’ consistent work on student achievement.”Success with kids is not magic,” she said. “It’s about hard work.”

Madrona was historically an African-American, low-income neighborhood that has been changing over the last ten to twenty years. Madrona School has always had a high minority enrollment and a low academic achievement record. About six years ago, a group of local parents (mostly non-minority) decided they would enroll their children in the School and organize to raise funds to supplement what the District offered it and enrich the curriculum. Their motives were to turn the School into one that every resident and student could be proud of; an integrated school that had a good academic record with enriched offerings for any student who wished to partake. After beginning with high hopes and the support of the then principal (not Andrews), things turned sour. Minority parents and staff came to believe the parents wanted to “take the school over” from them. They resented the efforts to enrich the program.

The new parents in turn felt unwelcome and disrespected. For example, the group offered to raise money to fund a teaching position in a foreign language. Andrews told them the School didn’t want or need such a program. A foreign language was a “frill” the School and its students didn’t need and couldn’t afford. What the students needed was to pass standardized tests and offering a foreign language would be a distraction.

Now for a personal story that was very disturbing. A few years ago, my three children were picnicking at Madrona Playfield around 10:30 AM next to the basketball court with two adult friends accompanying them. All of a sudden a group of 50 or so Madrona middle school students ran toward the basketball court and a fight commenced between two children. Not only did the swirling mass of children frighten my children and endanger their safety, the students were screaming the foulest language imaginable.

One of our adult friends attempted to intervene (no supervisors or teachers were in the park at the time), but the fighting students ignored her. The adults decided to remove our children from the park and come home. On their way out of the park, they saw someone who seemed to be affiliated with the School go to the children congregated on the basketball court. The adults didn’t have any conversation with this person.

When they came home they alerted me to what happened. I immediately called the School to complain. I reached the principal who told me she had been the person going over to the group when my family left. I complained to her about the lack of supervision of the children and their endangering my own children. She replied that her students had every right to be in a public park and that they were unsupervised because that day was a “late start” day and there was no reason for the School to be expected to provide supervision since School hadn’t officially started when the incident occurred. She assured me the incident had been “taken care of” and there was nothing else that needed to be done. She made clear that she felt she had fulfilled her obligation to listen to me and that would be the last of it as far as she was concerned.

In short, I felt disrespected. Andrews didn’t get it. She discounted my concern over my children’s safety and discounted the need to supervise her own students outside of the School grounds. I decided to post about this at Madrona Moms, a local Yahoo! discussion group. While a number of parents thanked me for my courage and candor in reporting this incident, Madrona School parents posted to the group attacking me for “washing dirty linen” in public, for tearing down the School, for being racist, etc. It was most discouraging.

Then the Madrona Community Council president invited me to attend the monthly meeting of the group to discuss the incident. When I arrived, I was shocked to find the small group of local residents overwhelmed by the principal, assistant principal, the District’s race and equity coordinator, several School parents and a teacher from the School. After presenting what happened, Andrews in response had the chutzpah to say that my two adult friends had approached her in the park after the incident and berated her saying: “How can you waste your time on these kids? What do you see in them?” This of course was an outright lie as I mentioned that my friends had no conversation with Andrews whatsoever. It was an attempt to grandstand before the meeting and elicit racial sympathy for herself, her School and her students.

This is clearly a woman who, while clearly committed to her School and students, is so defensive and protective that the least criticism is viewed with tremendous hostility. Instead of engaging with reasonable and constructive criticism the response is to circle the wagons and cry racism. What kind of school is this and what kind of school district is this that rewards this type of mentality with a distinguished award?

The race and equity coordinator complained that my expression of concern for my own children’s safety was racist. Apparently, white parents who are nervous when fights break out in their neighborhood park are racists
. In truth, one of the fighting students was white and the other African-American. The group that congregated around them was also mixed. I didn’t view this fight as a racial incident in any way. Only one resident attending the meeting expressed any understanding or support for my point of view. Even the MCC vice-president chairing the meeting attacked my motives.

I was shocked. I felt ganged up on. I then vowed to complain to Andrews’ District supervisor. I called her twice and received no answer. I then called the Superintendent’s office. All of a sudden, Andrews’ supervisor called me. We had a long talk and she acknowledged many of my criticisms as legitimate and said the School would now supervise “late start” days in the park.

Regardless of any of this, the truth is that Kaaren Andrews doesn’t want white parents at this School who do anything other than accept the educational agenda offered by the School. Any white parents who seek to enrich the School or offer programs not deemed central to Andrews’ philosophy are implicitly invited to leave. No effort is made to make white parents or students feel welcome in a student body that is 77% minority. Hostility to white parents is palpable, which is a further reason why they take their students out of the School in droves. Only 9% of the student body is “Caucasian” as the District statistics note.

Besides which, Madrona failed the No Child Left Behind standards and was forced to allow any parent to remove their children and place them in another public school. The students who leave in turn place a great burden on neighboring public school like Stevens and McGilvra, expected to take on the departing students. So instead of embracing parents attempting to get the School to succeed academically, Andrews turns her back on them and turns her School into a racial enclave. This in turn drives non-minority students away.

My wife and I vowed that none of my children would ever attend Madrona School as long as Andrews was principal and this racial isolationist attitude prevailed. As a result, my son attends TOPS, an alternative public school dedicated to a social justice theme. TOPS is a far more diverse school than Madrona AND it is devoted to the concept of multiculturalism and respect for all ethnic groups. There my child is learning how to appreciate people of all ethnic groups and to be inclusive and respectful to everyone regardless of race, color or religion. I’m afraid this is not a lesson that he would learn at Madrona.  No wonder StørmFrønt reprints an article by dick and  David Duke admires little [censored] [who duke the dope  thinks sliverman lives in thew U.K] [censored] hates Israel, Zionists ,Zionist sympathizers and last but not least Negros
« Last Edit: November 13, 2009, 09:29:20 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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What a hypocrite!

Offline mord

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What a hypocrite!
The perfect typical communist hypocrite
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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dinsdag 10 november 2009
Silverstein invents Harvard student to Smear Dershowitz!!

Richard Silverstein, Seattle's worst anti-Semitic pro-terror web blogger, has a long history of inventing imaginary web "personas." He has been caught more than once inventing non-existent people who suddenly leave comments on his own pathetic little blog-for-the-Hamas,, invariably agreeing with Silverstein himself. Some of these have pathetically obvious clues in their names proving that [censored] is making them up: one is "Witty Richard," and one is "Hasbara Buster." We are waiting for him to post comments praising himself using the code name Ichard-Ray Ilverstein-Say. We are sure no one will figure out this is really our own [censored] himself in disguise.

But now [censored] goes well beyond his previous history of fraud and deception. Now he has invented a Harvard law student named "Andrea" who supposedly leaves a comment on [censored]'s own web page, and what a comment it is! "Andrea" claims that our own blog, the kapodickie blog you are now reading, is actually a web site run by none other than Prof. Alan Dershowitz himself!

Here is [censored]'s fabricated "Andrea comment":

    andrea says:
    November 9, 2009 at 9:52 AM
    I thought you would be interested in hearing this. I am a law student at Harvard and was passing by when Dershowitz was chatting in the hall with another faculty member and your name came up. It sounded like he himself runs the blog that makes fun of you. He was citing from it verbatim and made comments that seemed to imply he runs it and writes in it.

Silverstein has a long history not only of inventing imaginary groupies who post on his site but also of trashing Alan Dershowitz. He hates Dersh because Dersh thinks Israel has the right to defend itself and Herr von [censored] disagrees.

Now we here at the kapodickie blog have enormous admiration for Prof. Dershowitz and we wish we could share credit and blame with him and say that he runs our little blog, but alas we cannot because he does not.

But this is an all-time low for the lying scallywag Kapo [censored]!!
Geplaatst door KapoDickie op 10:04

Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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They are all this way.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Andrews is right; Silverstein is a RACIST!