Anyone who listened to today's (9/19) CBP Hebrew broadcast will know
what I'm talking about. Shlomo Amar---the Chief Sephardic "Rabbi" of
condemned the Pope for calling Islam an evil religion! What
a tragedy, what a disgrace, what a Chillul HaShem! On the rare occasion
when a gentile actually says the truth about an avowed enemy of the
Jewish people, a corrupt, self-hating Yehudon not only condemns that
gentile, but actually sides with the Arab Muslim Nazis, who murdered
savagely untold numbers of Jews over millennia.
Amar belongs to the corrupt Shas party---a party to which belonged the
Interior Minister that was personally responsible for the expulsion of
CBP from Israel.
If anyone finds a way to contact that corrupt and ugly Shas neanderthal
Chief "Rabbi" Amar, reply to this thread.