Funny but the progressives in this country have not uttered the words "they do the jobs Americans won't do" since unemployment under the Obama regime has now reached 10%. The latest (and even dumber) whine of the left is that illegals are going home to their country of origin since the economy tanked in the US. The fact that they are leaving is the only upside to the recession, and the left is even too dumb to see that one! Wake up America - try to put as much pressure as you can on your local politicians. The problem is not that hard to solve. Stop outsourcing our jobs, start manufacturing here in the US again (steel, textiles, plastics, computers, etc.). Stop importing everything. When we were a strong nation we did things on our own. We didn't worry about the third world and if they liked us or not. We didn't give our hard earned tax dollars away in foreign aid to what the liberals now term the "developing world" - only problem with that one is that they never develop. We need to get that cowboy attitude again and stop being a nation of politically correct whiners and wimps. :USA: