Author Topic: How to get a gun?  (Read 6311 times)

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Offline Chaim5747

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How to get a gun?
« on: November 19, 2009, 09:52:37 PM »
I was just wondering if anyone could explain to me how to get a gun.  (I've been looking up what's legal and not in Connecticut...)

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: How to get a gun?
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2009, 09:53:15 PM »
I was just wondering if anyone could explain to me how to get a gun.  (I've been looking up what's legal and not in Connecticut...)
Join the army or become a cop.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: How to get a gun?
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2009, 07:51:46 AM »
Well I hear the mafia has guns? hmm.. al queda has guns..   Lot of those gangstas in the hood have em.. You try there?

 ;D ;D

I am just playing with you my friend..  If you need a gun.. ITs very simple..  Connecticut is a crappy state for gun owners, but you can certainly have guns there..  Perhaps you cannot have hi-cap mags or semi auto "assault"/black rifles, but ther should be nothing stopping you from possessing lots of firearms.

How old are you?  Federal law states you must be 18 to own rifle/shotgun and 21 to own a handgun.  To carry a handgun concealed you must get a permit issued from your sheriff department.  You may have to take a firearm training course to get the permit in your state.  In a liberal state like connecticut, getting a permit may be bit trickier, not sure.

Heres info on getting a Connecticut Conceal Carry Permit:

Here may be a great place to buy a gun online.. Make sure you find a reputable dealer:

Try checking out local gun shows, pawn shops, gun shops.. I am sure big cities like Hartford and New Haven would have large variety of gun stores.   Talk to local hunters too, they can have knowledge on good places to get deals on guns.  Check out a local shooting range ,many times they will have people who will let you test fire guns and help slowly introduce you to firearms and teach you proper safety.

Best of luck to you.
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Offline HiWarp

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Re: How to get a gun?
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2009, 08:52:48 AM »
I was just wondering if anyone could explain to me how to get a gun.  (I've been looking up what's legal and not in Connecticut...)

Move to New Hampshire.
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Offline SW

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Re: How to get a gun?
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2009, 03:03:08 PM »
Can't you buy everywhere in the USA guns?

In Germany it's much more difficult because of the laws.

Offline bobish

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Re: How to get a gun?
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2009, 03:43:16 AM »
You 1st stop should be a local gun store.

They will have up to date info for you.

A pistol might be a problem.
As well as some long arms.

Normally you can't get guns over the net.
You need to go through a local gun store.


Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: How to get a gun?
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2009, 03:59:30 AM »
Normally you can't get guns over the net.
You need to go through a local gun store.

You can buy guns over the net, you just have to have them transferred to a local in-state FFL dealer.  Its very simple actually.  I have bought many guns over the internet, both pistols and rifles.
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Offline futuramark

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Re: How to get a gun?
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2009, 12:56:44 AM »
interesting usa changing it's gun laws or something making it harder for people to own a gun?

I remember it was  on debate and they said..if you ban guns you only disarm the citizen ..the criminal will still buy it from the black market.

in Malta we have 20 guns per 100 persons including machine guns and sub machine rpg's or bazooka's hehe.

times of malta

Other countries in europe

Finland Guns Per 100: 56
Switzerland Guns Per 100: 46
Serbia Guns Per 100: 38
France Guns Per 100: 32
Canada Guns Per 100: 31
Sweden Guns Per 100: 31
Austria Guns Per 100: 31
Germany Guns Per 100: 30
Greece Guns Per 100: 23
Malta Guns Per 100: 20

there was a debate becuase we had 4 crimes with use of guns (unregistered guns)..mainly for professional style robberies gone wrong..but not such a high number ..let's compare to nigeria where it is volatile.

1 gun per 100 residents!

it's all about strict regulation and convicting harshly whoever is involved with unregistered guns. A knife can be used like a gun so we ban knifes? thats stupid. It all depends on the people holding the guns not the guns themselves.

cool subject. hope you dont mind i got a bit out of point.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: How to get a gun?
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2009, 04:14:43 AM »
You got it futuramark..  Exactly!!

I love my guns and freedom and I know that its better to die then let our commie prez take them for us so he can go and round us up and throw us in death camps.

Malta sounds like a nice place..  Can a foreigner possess a gun while visiting?   I would like to travel to EUrope soon and do some shooting, but I know EUrope has really bad gun laws compared to USA.  At least for now...   
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Offline futuramark

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Re: How to get a gun?
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2009, 06:45:10 AM »
well it's not like the us for sure..where you go on a field and open up fire with an ak47 haha
But we have a shooting range and if you have permit etc for the gun you can bring it over I guess. Sometimes people used to buy ww2 guns from east europe which are very cheap over there they never had any trouble with that.

Offline freedom_for_Serbia

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Re: How to get a gun?
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2010, 10:58:51 AM »
because of US "liberal" firearms law , shiptars (KLA terrorists) in Kosovo didnt have problems at all with arming themselves in their "holy" war for freedom of "their" ancient land  >:( there are video proofs of albanian mafia from USA bying weapons and shipping them by plane with no problems at all , with money "earned" from child prostitution , organized crime , narco cartels worldwide and at the end - human organs harvesting in Kosovo in past 20 years or more  :'(
sincerely yours - gratefull serbian people

Offline Oxygene

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Re: How to get a gun?
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2010, 03:40:12 AM »
I do not know the laws in the US, but as German Kahanist said, it is very difficult to get a gun in Germany.

Me, I am member in a shooting club, also I have my own guns, but I must not have them in the public.

The other way to get a gun or better have a permission (so called "Waffenschein") is to establish a security firm. A friend of mine has a security firm and he said so. :fist:
« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 11:04:51 AM by Oxygene »
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