Dear Chaim,
Met some interesting people. One is a dati guy in the army currently. He said about 50% of combat soldiers are dati, which I have also read this fact being cited in different places. On the other hand, his older sister (also young, not very old), who also had served in the past (maybe in "national service" I didn't ask) but who has knowledge of the army, said that this was not true. She said it's mostly chilonim. And that if they disallow the datim into the combat units because they fear they cannot force them to carry out evil decrees (that is, if the religious zionist soldiers show a willingness to refuse illegal anti-Torah orders and refuse to expel Jews), that there are many thousands of chilonim waiting to sign up for these combat roles and positions of higher authority in the army. She suggests that people are afraid that the IDF will no longer let religious Jews into positions as they have been gaining in lately, if they refuse orders in a massive wave against the expulsion of Jews, and that they will lose their "influence" currently enjoyed where they interact with non religious soldiers and show chilonim that religious Jews are humans, good people, pious, zionist, and also show them many good aspects of Judaism they are otherwise ignorant about until they meet some religious Jews in army service. On tv, all people see in Israel is that religious Jews are portrayed as crazy and inhuman. And many chilonim know literally nothing about Judaism.
I personally think that this kind of "kiruv" is not an excuse and not worth it to disobey the Torah and carry out evil orders. Even if they literally banned all religious Jews from the army, it would be worth it to do mass refusal of such orders.
But there are also secular Israelis who are against expulsion of Jews, and I was under the impression that the army needs these religious Jews in combat units and needs the devotion to the army that is built in the culture of religious zionists. That they cannot afford to block this sector from the army. Am I wrong?