Author Topic: Women who saved Israel  (Read 2779 times)

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Women who saved Israel
« on: April 23, 2007, 08:51:29 PM »
What follow are liner notes from an old out-of-print LP record album entitled
Sarah Hershberg -- Women of the Tanach LP (F.E.L. 1968)

"...Woman of Valor, based on Proverbs 31. Sarah and her hipster band gives us the lowdown on the "Scripture's view of the ideal woman." Notice one of the most important traits is that she can fight!"...
"Then there is Deborah. She sat around for twenty years watching her people bow to the Canaanites, until one day God told her to lead her people into kicking Sisera and his henchmen's asses."...
"... we have the story of Judith. Judith was pissed off at her town leaders for being major pussies when faced with assault by the Assyrians. So she had the Assyrian general Holofernes throw a party for her and when he was good and drunk and thinking he was gonna lay some pipe with Judith, she pulled out his sword - steel not flesh - and slew him with it....".

And just think...all of this long before the invention of credit cards!