Author Topic: Prayers and support  (Read 757 times)

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Offline catholicforisrael

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Prayers and support
« on: November 29, 2009, 10:28:15 AM »
Iran has announced their 10 new nuclear sites. 
A direct slap in the face of the world.
A slap at the antiquated sorry excuse for nations known as europe.
A slap in the face of the president of the United States, basically telling the world that Iran KNOWS he is a gutless worm, a pawn for all the gutless left in america, including the self hated jews . Jews who refuse to accept that Israel must stand up for itself REGARDLESS of world opinion.
A slap in the face of the Jewish people, telling them that they actually THINK they can EVER do what they want, which is to wipe Israel off the face of the map.

I just want to say that all my prayers and support goes out to the Jewish people and the state of Israel in ANY ACTIONS they choose to take. I'm afraid and ashamed to admit that I see little or no support coming from her "friend" the USA.  We exist today, castrated by socialist ideas and state media.

Iran would NEVER have announced these new sites if a strong confident president of the united states were in office.  Unfortunately, that is not the case.  You guys will be on your own.  And I KNOW God will bring you victory.  These guys are a bunch of morons, bombastic racist thugs who love talking.  They can ONLY be victorious if they are ALLOWED to be victorious because of empathy.

I know Israel will deal with this with the urgency it deserves.  They will act SWIFTLY AND WITH CONFIDENCE in the fact that GOODNESS and RIGHTEOUSNESS is on their side.

So again, my prayers go out to you......actually I also pray that people see what this administration is really all about and we can stand together with Israel, in the future, once again.