I'm not Black, you hideous, hook nosed, inbred kike. I post Nazi images because although although the holohoax is a lie Hitler was justified in exterminate all of you. The Bolshevik kikes were planning to do to Germany what they did to Russia. His valiant crusade against the serpent's seeds stands eternal."
How to Choose a Mental InstitutionChoosing a mental institution for yourself or a loved one is an important yet intimidating decision to make. There is a variety of environments available for those needing special help or attention. Below are some important things to consider when choosing a mental institution.
Instructions:1. Determine the level of security necessary. Different mental institutions offer varying levels of control over their patients' lives. Some have closed wards with high staff-to-patient ratios. Others offer little supervision and have open-door policies.
2. Call your insurance provider. Some providers have stipulations on mental health coverage. Talk to yours, and decide which institutions you can afford.
3. Evaluate
what kind of help you or your loved one needs. Some institutions offer safe places for those that are dangers to themselves. Others offer serene environments for those in need of peace and quiet.
4. Talk to the doctors and specialists. Talking to knowledgeable professionals about your needs will help to determine even the most minor of aspects of the care provided that may or may not match.
5. Tour the facility. Things can sound better—or worse—on paper than they do in person.

Chaim has experience in putting rabid apes into mental institutions. Go on!