Author Topic: Obama to have economic summit-here is the 10 cent solution.  (Read 1202 times)

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Offline stevefromqueens

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Obama to have economic summit-here is the 10 cent solution.
« on: December 03, 2009, 04:52:37 PM »
Pres. Obama is going to have an economic summit at the white house, to meet with "top dogs" the know hows of the 21st century the movers and shakers so to speak.The problem is these are the genuises that put us in this predicament. This is how you pull us out of the doldrums:1) Start manufacturing products again. How tired have you been  of seeing "made in India",Japan etc. on simple products?2)Charge the big CEO'S with economic treason-anyone who outsources jobs for the sake of bigger profits at the expense of Amirican jobs should be charged with treason UNCONDITIONALLY.3)Deport ALL illegals-funny but I have not heard since the economy tanked"they do the jobs americans won't do".4)Stop all foreign aid-how many trillions of tax dollars heve we given to third world crap holes who have never done anything or just simply hate us?Its sad that the state of Pennsylvania has no more steel mills,that the deep south has fewer textile mills,that we now import WHEAT!Whatever happened to the breadbasket of america?5)We are the SAUDIA ARABIA of natural gas stop our dependancy on foreign oil.Give tax breaks to small businesses.PUT US FIRST its the old kiss system:KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID!