Author Topic: I support Ron Paul  (Read 12474 times)

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Offline New Yorker

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #50 on: December 07, 2009, 01:42:25 PM »
Coulter could have been more bad a-- in speaking out against Obama, but she wasn't.  She also criticized the so-called birthers, which I thought was wrong. 

She's constantly hammering Obama and the Marxist enemies of America, check out her article list.
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #51 on: December 07, 2009, 02:08:13 PM »
The only perfect candidate would be Duncan Hunter, who has no chance at present. Hunter-Palin would be a dream ticket.

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #52 on: December 07, 2009, 02:16:03 PM »
The only perfect candidate would be Duncan Hunter, who has no chance at present. Hunter-Palin would be a dream ticket.

There I agree with you 100%
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #53 on: December 07, 2009, 03:14:12 PM »
I support Ron Paul, because he won't be bossing Israel around and telling them what land they can and cannot own.  Really, even if Ron Paul is a nazi, which he isn't really, although I doubt he loves Jews, he is really the best president Israel could hope for.  Without Ron Paul, Bibi will no longer get his special White House playboy status and will be stuck having to win the hearts of the Israeli people who he betrayed.  If Paul is in power, Israel can start kicking a-s-s and stop kissing a-s-s like it has done for the last 20 or 30 years.   
I can't believe you are saying this. If Ron Paul is in power, he will try to nuke Israel ASAP.

Even though I'm not defending him though I think you probably need to get your facts straight and making such comments and besides your smarter than that man.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Zelhar

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #54 on: December 07, 2009, 03:32:37 PM »
I think that Ronald Reagan deserves the title "Great" which doesn't equal "Righteous" ...

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #55 on: December 07, 2009, 03:34:24 PM »
Even though I'm not defending him though I think you probably need to get your facts straight and making such comments and besides your smarter than that man.
I didn't insult him or say anything that isn't common sense already.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #56 on: December 07, 2009, 04:23:02 PM »
I make good sense.  Ron Paul won't do jack to the JEwish community.  If any prez wanted to send JEws to the gas chambers, it would be Jeremiah Wright Jr (Aka Barack Hussein Obama).  If Barry Hussein has not achieved his goal of sending us to the chamber, neither will Ron Paul.   I know Ron Paul has lot of good ideas.  Yes, perhaps he hates Jews and Israel, but he is not a muslim lover,  by any means. He is a Texas yeehaw and wants to isolate USA from rest of world.  Perhaps the long-standing power of liberal self-hating Jews in our government may have given people like Paul the wrong understanding and perception of Jews, like it has to many in the world.

CMon, think about it!  If Ron Paul is elected, Jews will have full freedom.  I think Ron Paul is much less dangerous than Obama, George W or any of the other American presidents who have tried wholeheartedly to divide Israel and turn Jerusalem into the capital of "Paliswine".     Paul has said on many occasions he doesn't mind Israel using nuclear weapons to defend itself against arab nations, if that is what they have to do. 

Ron Paul is not Adolf Hitler.  Ron Paul may dislike Jews, but they are not a great priority.  What he wants is to stop being connected with Israel and that is the greatest medicine for Israel.

Ron Paul also wants to decrease the power of government, not increase the power of government.  He actually wants to do the exact opposite of what Hitler wanted.  Hitler wanted a bigger government, not smaller government.  Ron Paul wants to give individual states more governing power and let people have more freedom in their lives and to reduce the horrific and corrupt tax system.   I mean cmon in USA we are paying 35-45% taxes  even under the so-called tax cutter George W>

I say, Ron Paul gets in power, Israel will be able to conquer Jordan, Syria and Iran.  Israel can establish a great empire with a president like this in power.  As long as Israel doesn't mess with USA, I doubt Ron Paul would try to do anything in his power to send money or support to Arabs.  Ron Paul's whole purpose is to abolish foreign aid and support.  He will stop supporting the arabs.

Why are people her eso naive???  The USA government, even under conservatives, has given about 90% more foreign aid to our arab enemies than to the JEwish people.  The American government has not been our friend, its the American people .  Ron Paul will give more power  to the people of USA. 

Yes, he will toss out all the illegal mexicans (which is like 30-50% of their population ehre) and will probably toss all foreigners with criminal records from the country too.   That alone can help save america from lot of destruction.   

These are my resasons for supporting Paul.  The Republican party downright sucks and  I doubt Sarah Palin has the backbone or means to save Israel from the chaos it is facing.   American democrats and republicans have always been Israel's greatest obstacle to expansion and freedom.  But a good number of Ameicans support Israel to defend itself and expand its territory.

Just because David Trannie DUke support Ron Paul, doesn't mean it reflects Ron Pauls views towards Jews.  Duke supported him cause Paul will combat black welfare and put an end to the mexican dilemma.  Also DUke is naive and thinks by cutting aid off to Israel, Israel will suddenly croak and die.  Don't mind David Dukey.. HE also supported McCain and Palin too.  Does that mean Palin is a White nationalist? 

Heck ya Ron Paul 2012..   ANd, if Ron Paul decides to Nuke Israel or round up The Jews and put us in gas chambers.. Well , first of all, the country would erupt into civil war.  Second of all, Israel would nuke quite a few American cities and Ron Paul's popularity would be at quite a low.  If Ron Paul is responsible for massive amounts of American deaths and unrest, his days will be numbered very fast, that is, if people don't decide to punish him directly.   The only thing that will happen with Ron Paul presidency is that Israel kicks the sand N*ggers as-s-es and takes control of the Middle East.  Ron Paul would keep American bureaucracy to an all time low.

Also if Ron Paul becomes prez, I can legally own grenades,  fully auto weapons and all kind of other great toys to defend my jewish people.   I really wish we could have a president like Ron Paul, who didn't have the backward Judeophobic hillybilly views.   

Lets put it this way, Ron Paul is the best of the bunch.   Perhaps Sarah Palin would be the most pro-Israel and ethical , but even she has to kiss up to the politically correct neo-conservative party that has lost its backbone.   Ronald Reagan, Bush I & II and the rest of the bunch were not our friends.

We need more pro-Israel libertarians to take control of the USA.    Kick out the Mexicans and Arabs!!!!  Tell the blacks we are not going to pay their welfare checks anymore, your cotton pickin' pensions are over, go get a real job and stop sucking off of the hard working people in this country!
You make no sense. You'd vote for a prez who might try to put you in gas chambers ? I mean they said stuff like that on hitler pre WWI- "well he hates Jews but at least in his Germany the trains arrive on time". I don't know which on is worse- Hussein Osama or Ron Paul, but they are both completely unvoteable, especially for a Jew with a drop of self respect. 
« Last Edit: December 07, 2009, 04:30:46 PM by DeathToIslam »
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Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #57 on: December 07, 2009, 04:42:09 PM »
Another deception about Obama is that he supports a Jewish-Palestinian state.  The truth is he wants Israel to give up too much, while the Palestinians are let off the hook for terrorism.

I really think this country is ready for a Conservative woman like Palin, who has common sense, and knows what works.  She has already run Alaska with executive experience, and I think she would far surpass Barry's abilities! I think this administration would like to open the way for Hillarie's Presidency.  God forbid.

Coulter-Palin, Now wouldn't that be a feisty duo!  Michele Bachmann is very smart and capable too.  We will have to see who Palin would pick as a running mate.   Are there any good men candidates out there? Not as yet.

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #58 on: December 07, 2009, 04:47:06 PM »
Another deception about Obama is that he supports a Jewish-Palestinian state.  The truth is he wants Israel to give up too much, while the Palestinians are let off the hook for terrorism.

I really think this country is ready for a Conservative woman like Palin, who has common sense, and knows what works.  She has already run Alaska with executive experience, and I think she would far surpass Barry's abilities! I think this administration would like to open the way for Hillarie's Presidency.  G-d forbid.

Coulter-Palin, Now wouldn't that be a feisty duo!  Michele Bachmann is very smart and capable too.  We will have to see who Palin would pick as a running mate.   Are there any good men candidates out there? Not as yet.

I hate to disagree with you though at this point in time I would rather have Romney if not Huckabee rather than palin.  She forfeited the governorship to go on a book tour.  That really says she cant handle being governor. 
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline FreedomFighter08

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #59 on: December 07, 2009, 04:57:56 PM »
I would never support Palin. She does not know how to run a country and she'd make our country look bad like Obama is making it look bad right now. I would rather see somebody who is an economic expert as well as a supporter of State's rights get elected.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #60 on: December 07, 2009, 05:14:19 PM »
I make good sense.  Ron Paul won't do jack to the JEwish community.  If any prez wanted to send JEws to the gas chambers, it would be Jeremiah Wright Jr (Aka Barack Hussein Obama).  If Barry Hussein has not achieved his goal of sending us to the chamber, neither will Ron Paul.   I know Ron Paul has lot of good ideas.  Yes, perhaps he hates Jews and Israel, but he is not a muslim lover,  by any means. He is a Texas yeehaw and wants to isolate USA from rest of world.  Perhaps the long-standing power of liberal self-hating Jews in our government may have given people like Paul the wrong understanding and perception of Jews, like it has to many in the world.

CMon, think about it!  If Ron Paul is elected, Jews will have full freedom.  I think Ron Paul is much less dangerous than Obama, George W or any of the other American presidents who have tried wholeheartedly to divide Israel and turn Jerusalem into the capital of "Paliswine".     Paul has said on many occasions he doesn't mind Israel using nuclear weapons to defend itself against arab nations, if that is what they have to do. 

Ron Paul is not Adolf Hitler.  Ron Paul may dislike Jews, but they are not a great priority.  What he wants is to stop being connected with Israel and that is the greatest medicine for Israel.

Ron Paul also wants to decrease the power of government, not increase the power of government.  He actually wants to do the exact opposite of what Hitler wanted.  Hitler wanted a bigger government, not smaller government.  Ron Paul wants to give individual states more governing power and let people have more freedom in their lives and to reduce the horrific and corrupt tax system.   I mean cmon in USA we are paying 35-45% taxes  even under the so-called tax cutter George W>

I say, Ron Paul gets in power, Israel will be able to conquer Jordan, Syria and Iran.  Israel can establish a great empire with a president like this in power.  As long as Israel doesn't mess with USA, I doubt Ron Paul would try to do anything in his power to send money or support to Arabs.  Ron Paul's whole purpose is to abolish foreign aid and support.  He will stop supporting the arabs.

Why are people her eso naive???  The USA government, even under conservatives, has given about 90% more foreign aid to our arab enemies than to the JEwish people.  The American government has not been our friend, its the American people .  Ron Paul will give more power  to the people of USA. 

Yes, he will toss out all the illegal mexicans (which is like 30-50% of their population ehre) and will probably toss all foreigners with criminal records from the country too.   That alone can help save america from lot of destruction.   

These are my resasons for supporting Paul.  The Republican party downright sucks and  I doubt Sarah Palin has the backbone or means to save Israel from the chaos it is facing.   American democrats and republicans have always been Israel's greatest obstacle to expansion and freedom.  But a good number of Ameicans support Israel to defend itself and expand its territory.

Just because David Trannie DUke support Ron Paul, doesn't mean it reflects Ron Pauls views towards Jews.  Duke supported him cause Paul will combat black welfare and put an end to the mexican dilemma.  Also DUke is naive and thinks by cutting aid off to Israel, Israel will suddenly croak and die.  Don't mind David Dukey.. HE also supported McCain and Palin too.  Does that mean Palin is a White nationalist? 

This is total and utter fantasy. And I really doubt that David Duke supported McCain/Palin. Source please?

Offline briann

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #61 on: December 07, 2009, 05:46:39 PM »
I make good sense.  Ron Paul won't do jack to the JEwish community.  If any prez wanted to send JEws to the gas chambers, it would be Jeremiah Wright Jr (Aka Barack Hussein Obama).  If Barry Hussein has not achieved his goal of sending us to the chamber, neither will Ron Paul.   I know Ron Paul has lot of good ideas.  Yes, perhaps he hates Jews and Israel, but he is not a muslim lover,  by any means. He is a Texas yeehaw and wants to isolate USA from rest of world.  Perhaps the long-standing power of liberal self-hating Jews in our government may have given people like Paul the wrong understanding and perception of Jews, like it has to many in the world.

CMon, think about it!  If Ron Paul is elected, Jews will have full freedom.  I think Ron Paul is much less dangerous than Obama, George W or any of the other American presidents who have tried wholeheartedly to divide Israel and turn Jerusalem into the capital of "Paliswine".     Paul has said on many occasions he doesn't mind Israel using nuclear weapons to defend itself against arab nations, if that is what they have to do. 

Ron Paul is not Adolf Hitler.  Ron Paul may dislike Jews, but they are not a great priority.  What he wants is to stop being connected with Israel and that is the greatest medicine for Israel.

Ron Paul also wants to decrease the power of government, not increase the power of government.  He actually wants to do the exact opposite of what Hitler wanted.  Hitler wanted a bigger government, not smaller government.  Ron Paul wants to give individual states more governing power and let people have more freedom in their lives and to reduce the horrific and corrupt tax system.   I mean cmon in USA we are paying 35-45% taxes  even under the so-called tax cutter George W>

I say, Ron Paul gets in power, Israel will be able to conquer Jordan, Syria and Iran.  Israel can establish a great empire with a president like this in power.  As long as Israel doesn't mess with USA, I doubt Ron Paul would try to do anything in his power to send money or support to Arabs.  Ron Paul's whole purpose is to abolish foreign aid and support.  He will stop supporting the arabs.

Why are people her eso naive???  The USA government, even under conservatives, has given about 90% more foreign aid to our arab enemies than to the JEwish people.  The American government has not been our friend, its the American people .  Ron Paul will give more power  to the people of USA. 

Yes, he will toss out all the illegal mexicans (which is like 30-50% of their population ehre) and will probably toss all foreigners with criminal records from the country too.   That alone can help save america from lot of destruction.   

These are my resasons for supporting Paul.  The Republican party downright sucks and  I doubt Sarah Palin has the backbone or means to save Israel from the chaos it is facing.   American democrats and republicans have always been Israel's greatest obstacle to expansion and freedom.  But a good number of Ameicans support Israel to defend itself and expand its territory.

Just because David Trannie DUke support Ron Paul, doesn't mean it reflects Ron Pauls views towards Jews.  Duke supported him cause Paul will combat black welfare and put an end to the mexican dilemma.  Also DUke is naive and thinks by cutting aid off to Israel, Israel will suddenly croak and die.  Don't mind David Dukey.. HE also supported McCain and Palin too.  Does that mean Palin is a White nationalist? 

This is total and utter fantasy. And I really doubt that David Duke supported McCain/Palin. Source please?

David Duke HATES Mccain.  Im guessing Duke supported Barr, for the sole reason that Paul supported him.  Duke is obssesed what he sees as a zionist conspiracy that runs the GOP.   Nazis will support Black Muslims before they support zionists.  Again, Nazis didnt set out to exterminate non-whites, they set out to exterminate Jews.

Offline IsraeliGovtAreKapos

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #62 on: December 07, 2009, 08:17:51 PM »

Look at who we've had to choose from in all the elections since Ronald Reagan.

Bush Sr, Michael Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Bob Dole, George Bush Jr, Al Gore, John Kerry, John McCain, Huessein Obama.

Is there one decent man worthy of being President of the United States of America in that whole bunch!? There was no winning, there isn't a winning choice in that pile.

America hasn't had a President since Ronald Reagan.
Reagan was not a great president. Look at his close friendship with the Saudi "royals", his amnesty of 3 million illegal aliens, and what he did to Jonathan Pollard.

Don't forget the "Mujahideen", they adore him too.

Offline Confederate Kahanist

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #63 on: December 07, 2009, 08:38:38 PM »
I make good sense.  Ron Paul won't do jack to the JEwish community.  If any prez wanted to send JEws to the gas chambers, it would be Jeremiah Wright Jr (Aka Barack Hussein Obama).  If Barry Hussein has not achieved his goal of sending us to the chamber, neither will Ron Paul.   I know Ron Paul has lot of good ideas.  Yes, perhaps he hates Jews and Israel, but he is not a muslim lover,  by any means. He is a Texas yeehaw and wants to isolate USA from rest of world.  Perhaps the long-standing power of liberal self-hating Jews in our government may have given people like Paul the wrong understanding and perception of Jews, like it has to many in the world.

CMon, think about it!  If Ron Paul is elected, Jews will have full freedom.  I think Ron Paul is much less dangerous than Obama, George W or any of the other American presidents who have tried wholeheartedly to divide Israel and turn Jerusalem into the capital of "Paliswine".     Paul has said on many occasions he doesn't mind Israel using nuclear weapons to defend itself against arab nations, if that is what they have to do. 

Ron Paul is not Adolf Hitler.  Ron Paul may dislike Jews, but they are not a great priority.  What he wants is to stop being connected with Israel and that is the greatest medicine for Israel.

Ron Paul also wants to decrease the power of government, not increase the power of government.  He actually wants to do the exact opposite of what Hitler wanted.  Hitler wanted a bigger government, not smaller government.  Ron Paul wants to give individual states more governing power and let people have more freedom in their lives and to reduce the horrific and corrupt tax system.   I mean cmon in USA we are paying 35-45% taxes  even under the so-called tax cutter George W>

I say, Ron Paul gets in power, Israel will be able to conquer Jordan, Syria and Iran.  Israel can establish a great empire with a president like this in power.  As long as Israel doesn't mess with USA, I doubt Ron Paul would try to do anything in his power to send money or support to Arabs.  Ron Paul's whole purpose is to abolish foreign aid and support.  He will stop supporting the arabs.

Why are people her eso naive???  The USA government, even under conservatives, has given about 90% more foreign aid to our arab enemies than to the JEwish people.  The American government has not been our friend, its the American people .  Ron Paul will give more power  to the people of USA. 

Yes, he will toss out all the illegal mexicans (which is like 30-50% of their population ehre) and will probably toss all foreigners with criminal records from the country too.   That alone can help save america from lot of destruction.   

These are my resasons for supporting Paul.  The Republican party downright sucks and  I doubt Sarah Palin has the backbone or means to save Israel from the chaos it is facing.   American democrats and republicans have always been Israel's greatest obstacle to expansion and freedom.  But a good number of Ameicans support Israel to defend itself and expand its territory.

Just because David Trannie DUke support Ron Paul, doesn't mean it reflects Ron Pauls views towards Jews.  Duke supported him cause Paul will combat black welfare and put an end to the mexican dilemma.  Also DUke is naive and thinks by cutting aid off to Israel, Israel will suddenly croak and die.  Don't mind David Dukey.. HE also supported McCain and Palin too.  Does that mean Palin is a White nationalist? 

This is total and utter fantasy. And I really doubt that David Duke supported McCain/Palin. Source please?

David Duke HATES Mccain.  Im guessing Duke supported Barr, for the sole reason that Paul supported him.  Duke is obssesed what he sees as a zionist conspiracy that runs the GOP.   Nazis will support Black Muslims before they support zionists.  Again, Nazis didnt set out to exterminate non-whites, they set out to exterminate Jews.

What's wrong with Barr.  He used to be our representative here in Ga.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #64 on: December 07, 2009, 10:36:57 PM »
I make good sense.  Ron Paul won't do jack to the JEwish community.  If any prez wanted to send JEws to the gas chambers, it would be Jeremiah Wright Jr (Aka Barack Hussein Obama).  If Barry Hussein has not achieved his goal of sending us to the chamber, neither will Ron Paul.   I know Ron Paul has lot of good ideas.  Yes, perhaps he hates Jews and Israel, but he is not a muslim lover,  by any means. He is a Texas yeehaw and wants to isolate USA from rest of world.  Perhaps the long-standing power of liberal self-hating Jews in our government may have given people like Paul the wrong understanding and perception of Jews, like it has to many in the world.

CMon, think about it!  If Ron Paul is elected, Jews will have full freedom.  I think Ron Paul is much less dangerous than Obama, George W or any of the other American presidents who have tried wholeheartedly to divide Israel and turn Jerusalem into the capital of "Paliswine".     Paul has said on many occasions he doesn't mind Israel using nuclear weapons to defend itself against arab nations, if that is what they have to do. 

Ron Paul is not Adolf Hitler.  Ron Paul may dislike Jews, but they are not a great priority.  What he wants is to stop being connected with Israel and that is the greatest medicine for Israel.

Ron Paul also wants to decrease the power of government, not increase the power of government.  He actually wants to do the exact opposite of what Hitler wanted.  Hitler wanted a bigger government, not smaller government.  Ron Paul wants to give individual states more governing power and let people have more freedom in their lives and to reduce the horrific and corrupt tax system.   I mean cmon in USA we are paying 35-45% taxes  even under the so-called tax cutter George W>

I say, Ron Paul gets in power, Israel will be able to conquer Jordan, Syria and Iran.  Israel can establish a great empire with a president like this in power.  As long as Israel doesn't mess with USA, I doubt Ron Paul would try to do anything in his power to send money or support to Arabs.  Ron Paul's whole purpose is to abolish foreign aid and support.  He will stop supporting the arabs.

Why are people her eso naive???  The USA government, even under conservatives, has given about 90% more foreign aid to our arab enemies than to the JEwish people.  The American government has not been our friend, its the American people .  Ron Paul will give more power  to the people of USA. 

Yes, he will toss out all the illegal mexicans (which is like 30-50% of their population ehre) and will probably toss all foreigners with criminal records from the country too.   That alone can help save america from lot of destruction.   

These are my resasons for supporting Paul.  The Republican party downright sucks and  I doubt Sarah Palin has the backbone or means to save Israel from the chaos it is facing.   American democrats and republicans have always been Israel's greatest obstacle to expansion and freedom.  But a good number of Ameicans support Israel to defend itself and expand its territory.

Just because David Trannie DUke support Ron Paul, doesn't mean it reflects Ron Pauls views towards Jews.  Duke supported him cause Paul will combat black welfare and put an end to the mexican dilemma.  Also DUke is naive and thinks by cutting aid off to Israel, Israel will suddenly croak and die.  Don't mind David Dukey.. HE also supported McCain and Palin too.  Does that mean Palin is a White nationalist? 

What is it about these Ron Paul supporters ? They just won't go away.

I'm amazed that someone with the moniker 'death to islam' would endorse an isolationist like Ron Paul. As if moRON PAUListinian would take a pro-active stance against Islam. Puhleeeze.

Look, it's fine to agree with Paul's libertarian domestic social and economic policies - but if you think even for a moment that Paul's neutral isolationist foreign policy vis a vis the struggle against Islamic totalitarianism and imperialism will benefit America - then you are out of your mind.

Even if you want to disregard Paul's well documented anti-semitic, anti-Israel statements -- how can any self-avowed opponent of Islamic hegemony lend any support to Ron Paul ?

Surely, no one here wants America to attempt to dictate policy to Israel, and we can all agree that American foreign aid to Israel is often counter-productive to the Jewish State's best interests. But that doesn't mean that America should be neutral or non-supportive of Israel - and that's precisely the direction a Ron Paul administration would take. In fact, it's fairly obvious to anyone with a salient mind that Paul would be a do nothing lap dog, cloaked in an isolationist robe, soon to be subservient to his Islamic masters.

Ron Paulian isolationism is exactly what any proponent of an active war against Islamic imperialism should least want to see come to fruition. Use your brain.

If you're interested in supporting a politician that's anti-Islam, pro-Israel, and for smaller government, lower taxes, eliminating the IRS, and has a tough immigration policy - then take a look at Allen West. He's running for congress in Florida.

But please don't insult JTF by supporting a scumbag like Ron Paul.


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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #65 on: December 07, 2009, 10:45:12 PM »
I agree. Supporting Ron Paul now would be like supporting Charles Lindbergh or Father Coughlin if they were running for president in the late 30s.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #66 on: December 08, 2009, 12:12:54 AM »
I agree. Supporting Ron Paul now would be like supporting Charles Lindbergh or Father Coughlin if they were running for president in the late 30s.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #67 on: December 08, 2009, 12:36:38 AM »

What is it about these Ron Paul supporters ? They just won't go away.

I'm amazed that someone with the moniker 'death to islam' would endorse an isolationist like Ron Paul. As if moRON PAUListinian would take a pro-active stance against Islam. Puhleeeze.

Look, it's fine to agree with Paul's libertarian domestic social and economic policies - but if you think even for a moment that Paul's neutral isolationist foreign policy vis a vis the struggle against Islamic totalitarianism and imperialism will benefit America - then you are out of your mind.

Even if you want to disregard Paul's well documented anti-semitic, anti-Israel statements -- how can any self-avowed opponent of Islamic hegemony lend any support to Ron Paul ?

Surely, no one here wants America to attempt to dictate policy to Israel, and we can all agree that American foreign aid to Israel is often counter-productive to the Jewish State's best interests. But that doesn't mean that America should be neutral or non-supportive of Israel - and that's precisely the direction a Ron Paul administration would take. In fact, it's fairly obvious to anyone with a salient mind that Paul would be a do nothing lap dog, cloaked in an isolationist robe, soon to be subservient to his Islamic masters.

Ron Paulian isolationism is exactly what any proponent of an active war against Islamic imperialism should least want to see come to fruition. Use your brain.

If you're interested in supporting a politician that's anti-Islam, pro-Israel, and for smaller government, lower taxes, eliminating the IRS, and has a tough immigration policy - then take a look at Allen West. He's running for congress in Florida.

But please don't insult JTF by supporting a scumbag like Ron Paul.

Oh geez.. ITs not that I support Ron Paul, as in I believe in him.  He is a two, bit, lying cheating politician like the rest.  What I like about him is he will decrease the power of the government and stop pouring billions of dollars to the Sand N*gger nazis like our beloved Republican oil-donkey-kissing party has done.

Why don't you just back off..   >:(     When the muzzies come your a-s-s might be hiding and waiting for your Republican government to save you, I will be out killing islamo-zombies..  I think Republicans and Democrats suck..   Go do some research before you start spewing insults at me.

I am 100% Jewish and 100% Zionist and I know that Republican party will drive Israel into the ground.  Even if  Ron Paul is a JEw hater, his isolating America will save Israel from utter destruction Wake the he-l-l up! OK!

I am not insulting JTF.. I have the right to my opinion.  You think Palin/Coultier and the oil a-s-s kissers she will put in the government will be any better for JTF or Israel? 

Ron Paul is the only politician who said he would not interfere with Israel nuking Iran.

I don't give a sh*t if Don Black donated $500 to his party.  Nazis always support LIbertarians anyway.  What is sad is that us Jews dont support Pro-Israel Zionist Libertarians.  We are so naive .. We either support ZIonist hating Liberal Democrats or kiss the a-s-s of Two faced Jew hating republicans.

« Last Edit: December 08, 2009, 12:44:24 AM by DeathToIslam »
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #68 on: December 08, 2009, 12:39:47 AM »
Oh geez.. ITs not that I support Ron Paul, as in I believe in him.  He is a two, bit, lying cheating politician like the rest.  What I like about him is he will decrease the power of the government and stop pouring billions of dollars to the Sand N*gger nazis like our beloved Republican oil-donkey-kissing party has done.

Why don't you just back the F**K off..   >:(     When the muzzies come your a-s-s might be hiding and waiting for your Republican government to save you, I will be out killing islamo-zombies..  I think Republicans and Democrats suck..   Go do some research before you start spewing insults at me.

I am 100% Jewish and 100% Zionist and I know that Republican party will drive Israel into the ground.  Even if  Ron Paul is a JEw hater, his isolating America will save Israel from utter destruction Wake the he-l-l up! OK!
I am starting to think you are a troll.

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #69 on: December 08, 2009, 12:42:00 AM »
Ok call me a troll.. Are you a Jew or a goy?  I am grandson of HOlocaust survivors..  Call me what you want.  I am ready to fight and defend the Jewish people. Waht are you ready to do, Dr. Brennan Fan?

ANyone who disagrees with you is a troll, no offense but you're pathetic for saying that .

Go read my 100+ posts and tell me why I am a troll??

Pardon my harsh rhetoric and foul languages ,its been a bad day for me..  Guess I am getting a bit too worked up. I apologize.
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #70 on: December 08, 2009, 12:45:01 AM »
I know who you are, you know who you are (St. Shitler), give us a break. I guess being unemployed is a good thing. ROFTLMAO.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #71 on: December 08, 2009, 12:46:36 AM »
I know who you are, you know who you are (St. Shitler), give us a break. I guess being unemployed is a good thing. ROFTLMAO.

You matched the IP's?

Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #72 on: December 08, 2009, 12:47:22 AM »
Man F**K U I am an Ashkenazi Jew.. I am not St. SHitler..

You want to talk face to face and tell me I am Hitler, I am welcomgin you..  You want to come and meet me?  I am not afraid .. I am not a pathetic coward who hides on the net and insults people.. YOu name time and place.. I saw mR. shitler he came and hid..

I am 100% Ashkenazi Jew.. I am most pure bred person here.  My grandmother/grandfather come from Ukraine, Russia..  My other grandfther on mothers side is Polish JEw.  

I am ready to fight and I am ready to defend the JEwish people. I  want to die with a gun in my hand.  I will not die like my ancestors did in EUrope..

IF you want to come and call me Hitler, I welcome you..  

If you're aa goy.. You got a lot of chutzpah for [censored] on a Jewish man calling him  Hitler..
Please keep the Kahanist movement strong and free of internal strife and drama.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #73 on: December 08, 2009, 12:47:44 AM »

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: I support Ron Paul
« Reply #74 on: December 08, 2009, 12:48:46 AM »
Man F**K U I am an Ashkenazi Jew.. I am not St. SHitler..

You want to talk face to face and tell me I am Hitler, I am welcomgin you..  You want to come and meet me?  I am not afraid .. I am not a pathetic coward who hides on the net and insults people.. YOu name time and place.. I saw mR. shitler he came and hid..

I am 100% Ashkenazi Jew.. I am most pure bred person here.  My grandmother/grandfather come from Ukraine, Russia..  My other grandfther on mothers side is Polish JEw.  

I am ready to fight and I am ready to defend the JEwish people. I  want to die with a gun in my hand.  I will not die like my ancestors did in EUrope..

IF you want to come and call me Hitler, I welcome you..  

If you're aa goy.. You got a lot of chutzpah for [censored] on a Jewish man calling him  Hitler..
An interesting "Jew" you are, to spam the forum with dead Jew pictures.