Norris: Keep America free – or else
Nation's favorite 'Tough Guy' presents plan to renew founders' vision
Posted: December 11, 2009
12:10 am Eastern
© 2009 WorldNetDaily
Action star and WND columnist Chuck Norris is set to release an expanded edition of his New York Times best-selling book, "Black Belt Patriotism," complete with a new 64-page commentary.
Norris tackles America's biggest national issues by applying the principles of America's Founding Fathers. Every chapter will be expanded to cover the national debt, the Fed, border security issues, America's Judeo-Christian heritage, abortion, education, traditional family topics, health care and how President Obama has trampled the Constitution and the founders' vision.
"We seem to have lost a sense of ourselves and our place in the world. As a people we seem more divided than ever," he said. "I've outlined the major problems I think our country faces ... and what seem to me to be practical, real-world solutions we can either do ourselves or pressure our politicians into doing."
Norris addresses the nation's troubles, discussing what's missing: 1) national legacy, 2) spending-control, 3) border control, 4) moral compass, 5) enough value for human life, 6) future for the children, 7) traditional family values,

might to fight.
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He also references a 2007 study commissioned by the U.S. Mint, in which a mere 30 percent of Americans knew Thomas Jefferson was the nation's third president and only 7 percent were able to name the first four presidents in order.
"Most Americans have no clue why our founders created this country, what principles motivated them, or why they framed our Constitution as they did," Norris said.
The "Black Belt Patriotism" appendix features complete copies of the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the Ten Commandments.
Norris, an Air Force veteran, star of 23 films and the hit TV series "Walker, Texas Ranger," admits he's a celebrity crusading through politics for national change.
His book provides genuine solutions for solving America's problems, moving the country forward and changing the nation's course for the better. The expanded paperback edition is set to be released on Jan. 1, 2010.