Author Topic: HR Scam Helped Illegal Aliens Take Jobs from American Workers  (Read 1377 times)

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Offline Confederate Kahanist

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HR Scam Helped Illegal Aliens Take Jobs from American Workers
« on: December 12, 2009, 11:24:08 PM »\&lid=9&rid=2820&tid=538663\

Arkansas-based poultry processor George's, Inc. recently broke up a scam within its human resources department at one of its plants in Columbia Furnace, Va. Plant employees were using documents submitted by legal applicants to help illegal aliens get jobs at the plant.

Three employees from within the plant's human resources department copied documents from applicants who were told that there were no jobs at the plant. The employees then sold the documents to illegal workers who were required to forfeit up to $100 per pay period to the human resource employees.

The human resource employees were fired along with the illegal workers, but police were not involved. The break-up was handled by George's, Inc. The scheme likely violated federal labor laws, but without the company's cooperation, federal investigators are at a dead end.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline pennyjangle

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Re: HR Scam Helped Illegal Aliens Take Jobs from American Workers
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2009, 06:32:53 PM »
Well we all knew this was going to happen with the borders down.........trickle up poverty!!!  :'(
Hasta La Vista Baby!

Offline stevefromqueens

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Re: HR Scam Helped Illegal Aliens Take Jobs from American Workers
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2009, 06:50:14 PM »
this does not surprise me a bit. during my daily travels, i see "day laborers" lined up waiting to be picked up by contactors looking to save a buck. the police never enforce the law (whatever happened to loitering?). these dirtbags in your post over at H.R. probably figured if you can't beat them join them lets make a buck or two. like i always say-we are going to polliticaly correct ourselves into the ground i pray for this country every night awhile back iwrote an american nightmare-America 2025, i hope it never comes true.

Offline pennyjangle

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Re: HR Scam Helped Illegal Aliens Take Jobs from American Workers
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2009, 07:46:06 AM »
Unless America repents and turns back to God...............we don't have a chance.  :'(
Hasta La Vista Baby!