It isn't always possible to devide the religious from political issues. If the one who kills you makes his politics based on religion, then HOW do you divide them?
This map of "State Religions" shows clearly WHERE religion and State are involved with each other!

And about the "moderate Muslims". I believe there are plenty of them. But the problem is that they'd hardly call a Muslim hardliner or terrorist a terrorist or a radical. They would feel like betraying Islam and thus they'll always side the fanatics rather than the non-Muslims in order to not be considered enemies by their own.
Look at the small number of Muslim authors who were critic about Islam. Even in Turkey there is a wide spread hatred and fear against Christians and Jews. And Turkey is one of the most secularized Muslim countries. Syria is not religious either but their politics ARE that of a typical Muslim state. They as a secular country support Iran and Hizbollah.
And as long as I do not see any mass demonstration of moderate Muslim immigrants in Western countries against terror, fanatism and sharia they are inexitent for me. A moderate who doesn't stand up against a fanatic is just as evil as the fanatics or even worse - because he/she KNOWS about the evil the others are doing and accepts it. It is just like the Germans who weren't Nazis themselves but shut up and didn't do anything against Hitler and the other evildoers - should we call them good people because they were only watching people being mass-murdered?