Author Topic: The Peanut [-Sized Brained] Farmer Has The Nerve To Say Israel Violates Judaism  (Read 4850 times)

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In a way though he is right because giving away land to Arabs violates Judaism (Which is really happening.) but he is claiming that taking away land from Arabs violates Judaism (Which is not happening.).

Carter: Israel's Policies Violate Judaism; Land is Arab

( Former American President Jimmy Carter said Thursday that Israeli polices toward the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi Authority (PA) violates the Jewish religion. Appearing at The George Washington University, he also repeated his charges of apartheid against Israel, re-defining the word to mean " forced segregation by one people of another on their own land."

Carter also claimed that the land in Judea and Samaria belongs to Arabs and that a "minority of Israelis...desire to confiscate and colonize Arab land." He added that Prof. Alan Dershowtiz "knows very little, if anything, about the present circumstances in the West Bank." Dershowitz has been one of the most vocal critics of Carter's recent book, Palestine: Peace, Not Apartheid.

Offline Maccabi

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yeah I just read this. I can't stand the peanut farmer.

Offline Sarah

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Wonder why the peanut sized brain farmer gets a say into whats "right" and "wrong" and Chaim ben pesach doesn't.

Offline cjd

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Carter's brain is indeed peanut sized and has also gone stale. This dumb animal should just stay in Plains Georgia and drink himself to death like the rest of his useless family did. Despite what most people always say about how religious and kind Carter is his actions show a different picture. This is a nasty evil liberal at work who uses the vestages of an expresident / peace maker to push forward his  destructive agenda against America and Israel. This was a president who literally brought America to its knees with just a four year presidency. His apologist and a-s kissing demeanor to all of America's enemies to this very day sickens me each time I think of him or see him in the news. People are starting to catch on to Carter's dog and pony show lately however and he doesn't seem to have the support for his crooked ideas he enjoyed a few years back. Even some liberal minded folks see him for the two faced lier he is. As I said before he should have kept up his work with Habitat for Humanity in that vain he would have been remembered for something positive.
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Offline Maccabi

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his stupidity inspires me to art:

May his death hasten

Offline Trumpeldor

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Jimmy Carter, who calls himself a Christian, is single-handedly responsible for plunging the Middle East into chaos. Helping Bin Laden defeat the Soviets? That was like when Israel gave weapons to Hamas in the 80's.

The enemy of your enemy is not your friend

Why 'divide and conquer' instead of simply conquering?

Allowing the Mullahs to take over Iran? Forcing Israel into handing over the Sinai?
« Last Edit: March 10, 2007, 06:05:28 PM by Jabo »

Offline Sarah

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When did Israel give weapons to Hamas? As far as I know, Israel only gave weapons to The PLO.

They have never given weapons to hamas, only to the PLO and Fatah.

Offline TheCoon

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Hopefully Satan sucks Jimmy Carter to hell very soon.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline mord

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When Hamas began Israel did assist them at the time they called themselfs the farmers group or spmething like that. Israel thought they would be a counter weight to nazi plo
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Offline androbot2084

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I sure don't see Jimmy Carter saying that we should give back all the land we stole from the Indians and that we should retreat to the borders of the original 13 colonies but he sure tells Israel what to do.

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Yes, but we Jews are the indigineous people being colonized by a foreign power, the Indians were colonized by the English and later the Americans.
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Offline Shlomo

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Jimmy Carter is a vile, disgusting, Jew hating piece of excrement. Tovia Singer did a pretty good radio program on him once that exposed him and a ton of stuff his immediate family was into as well.

That vicious anti-semite and failed excuse for a president is completely funded by a bunch of horrible nazi arab groups. Big surprise, right?

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