Author Topic: Sexist? There's an App for That!  (Read 573 times)

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Sexist? There's an App for That!
« on: December 23, 2009, 07:07:07 PM »

 Millions of Iphones have been sold, and a billion apps have been downloaded.  But, as Christian Science Monitor asks, how many are actually worth it?

As of April, "Applications such as Flick Fishing, BubbleWrap (yes, you can actually pop bubbles with your fingers on the phone), and flatulence games have helped push Apple’s App Store to the brink of the billion-mark in just nine months," they declare.

And the aps aren't always just juvenile or mundane,  Instead, some are blatantly sexist.

Via Feministing's Weekly Feminist Reader, Salon's Broadsheet introduces the Five Most Sexist Iphone Apps.

It's hard to chose the worst when it comes to choices like a virtual remote with buttons to make her "Stop Whining," "Clean" or "Give Me Beer," or the different "shake her booty", "watch her pole dance" categories.  But a clear winner is the tracking system that "'allows you to quickly track the approximate time each woman in your life has PMS' using a color-coded method that functions much like the U.S. government's terror alert system -- only it's red alert, severe chance of PMS attack!"

Most of the apps have the same thread in common - a desire to control a woman's every move via virtual reality.  Which makes a great deal of sense, since, for a majority of the men who would want these apps, this is the only way they will have a women in the palm of their hand.

Read more: womens rights
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