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Ask JTF For September 17 Broadcast

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Shalom Chaim,

This question pertains to saving America. Have you heard about the Senate race in Maryland? Two candidates are running for an open seat (no incumbent) and it could get interesting. The election features a conservative Republican versus a liberal Democrat.

Let me explain why JTF should articulate its position on this or devote a future 'Save America' broadcast to it.

The Republican is the current Governor, a black man named Michael Steele. JTF has a well-known history of supporting minority candidates, provided they are decent people, like Alan Keyes. Furthermore, Steele is running against long-time U.S. Representative Ben Cardin, who is a self-hating Jew. Steele overwhelmingly won his primary, while Cardin barely squeeked by his closest contender, a black NAACP [insert comment here].

Cardin is a self-hating Jew whose family-name was shortened from Kardonsky by his father, who did this to serve his own political career. The Cardin family is composed of prominent judges and politicians, who undoubtedly are greedy opportunists, as are most self-hating Jews. As an aside, Cardin's comments on his family's political dynasty are in direct contrast to what the founding fathers had in mind.

His political views can be found at this website:
In short, Cardin is far left of center. Here are some of his views on the major issues

He strongly favors:
abortion (wikipedia is wrong, like usual)
affirmative action
gay marriage
higher taxes
amnesty for illegals

He strongly opposes:
prayer/religion in public schools
mandatory minimums
the Patriot Act
criminalizing drug possession
allowing churches to provide welfare services (instead of the federal government)

Basically, Cardin is a horrendous danger to this country, and he MUST be defeated. I'm not even from Maryland or DC and the prospect of him serving in the Senate frightens me. We need more people like Vito, who posts here.

Now, Steele is no Kahanist, but he's better than Cardin.

He is pro-life
Against civil rights for homosexuals
Favors lower taxes
Strongly opposes amnesty for illegals!!!
Favors alternative sources of energy!!!

There are some hiccups along the way, such as his support for affirmative action, his opposition to the death penalty and the Patriot Act. Still, the bolshevik media hates this man because of his other views and is trying desperately to smear him. Thus far they have been unsuccessful. Ironically, Cardin's campaign has endured some controversy for the publicly expressed racism and anti-Semitism on the part of a staffer, which not surprisingly has been swept under the rug by the news media. 

Steele is somewhat of a free-thinker whose positions are in line with JTF on the most important issues, whereas his opponent, Cardin, is completely off the wall in terms of his liberalism and self-hating qualities. Ultimately, JTF should support candidates like Steele or else we are being unrealistic in our desire to save America.

This is one honest Jew's opinion and feel free to disagree,

India was okay until it abolished the caste system.  You cannot civilize Dravidians.

   Some of the stuff that Craig Win says are kind of bizzare. I like his prophetofDoom site but his other site "Yada Hashem" has quotes like "May God damn all religions before religion damns all men" and it also says that God "revealed" things to him (Craig) which sounds kind of mad in my opinion. Please comment on this. Thanks

I happen to like Craig Winn. I think he's a righteous person. It's okay to disagree with the content of his other books, but for the most part he has his head on straight. I visited Yada Ha'Shem and his central thesis is that G-d prefers a relationship over religion. Okay, whatever. He doesn't compel anyone to believe in what he believes in. And as a Christian fundamentalist, he sincerely loves the Jewish people and Israel. I find nothing wrong with him. I would hope that Chaim agrees.

Christian Zionist:
We had already discussed about India in detail in the following thread:


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